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Per Sigurd Hundeland

Associate Professor

JU019 ( Universitetsveien 25, Kristiansand )


2004-2009       PhD Mathematics education (2010), University of Agder

1994 – 1996     Master Mathematics education, Agder University College.

1993 – 1995     Mathematics, Agder University College.

1987 – 1990     Teacher education in mathematics and Science, Telemark University College.


Work experience

2010 – dd.       Associate Professor in mathematics education, University of Agder. Research and teaching position.

2007-2010.      Researcher and coordinator position in TBM (Teaching better mathematics – a NRC-project in mathematics education)

2004-2008       PhD-study and research in KUL-LCM-project (Learning Communities in Mathematics, a NRC-project in mathematics education). Project coordinator position in 2004.

2001 – 2004     Assistant professor, Agder University College.Teaching in teacher education.

1996 – 2001     Teacher, Møglestu videregående skole (Upper secondary).

1990 – 1993     Teacher, Tinnes videregående skole (Upper secondary).

1997 – 1998 Assistant professor correspondance  teacher, part time, Telemark University College.


Academic interests

Mathematics education

Mathematics in Kindergarten

Statistics and probailities in teacher education 

Mathematics in teacher education 


MERGA - mathematics education research group in Agder 

Scientific publications

  • Rege, Mari; Størksen, Ingunn; Solli, Ingeborg Caroline Foldøy; Kalil, Ariel; McClelland, Megan; ten Braak, Dieuwer; Lenes, Ragnhild; Lunde, Svanaug; Breive, Svanhild; Carlsen, Martin; Erfjord, Ingvald; Hundeland, Per Sigurd (2021). The Effects of a Structured Curriculum on Preschool effectiveness - A Field Experiment. The Journal of human resources. ISSN: 0022-166X. 59 (2). s 576 - 603. doi:10.3368/jhr.0220-10749R3.
  • Carlsen, Martin; Erfjord, Ingvald; Hundeland, Per Sigurd (2024). The Knowledge Quartet as a Theoretical Lens to Explore Kindergarten Teachers’ Teaching of Mathematics. Teaching Mathematics as to be meaningful – Foregrounding play and children’s perspectives: Results from the POEM5 Conference, 2022. ISBN: 9783031376634. Springer Nature. Chapter 10. s 131 - 144.
  • Erfjord, Ingvald; Hundeland, Per Sigurd; Carlsen, Martin (2022). An analysis of a kindergarten teacher’s choices and justifications regarding teaching of a mathematical activity. Proceedings of the Twelfth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME12). ISBN: 979-1-22-102537-8. European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. s 2168 - 2175.
  • Hundeland, Per Sigurd; Pettersen, Petter (2021). A comparative study of supplemental instruction and small group teaching. Supplemental Instruction Volume 2: Student Learning Processes. ISBN: 978‑3-8309-4325-9. Waxmann Verlag. 4. s 65 - 82.
  • Rege, Mari; Størksen, Ingunn; Solli, Ingeborg Caroline Foldøy; Kalil, Ariel; Megan M., McClelland; Ten Braak, Dieuwer; Lenes, Ragnhild; Lunde, Svanaug; Breive, Svanhild; Carlsen, Martin; Erfjord, Ingvald; Hundeland, Per Sigurd (2021). The Effects of a Structured Curriculum on Preschool Effectiveness A Field Experiment. The Journal of human resources. ISSN: 0022-166X. 59 (2). s 576 - 603. doi:10.3368/jhr.0220-10749R3.
  • Hundeland, Per Sigurd; Carlsen, Martin; Erfjord, Ingvald (2020). Qualities in mathematical discourses in kindergartens. ZDM: Mathematics Education. ISSN: 1863-9690. 52 (4). s 691 - 702. doi:10.1007/s11858-020-01146-w.
  • Bruns, Julia; Carlsen, Martin; Eichen, Lars; Erfjord, Ingvald; Hundeland, Per Sigurd (2020). Situational perception in mathematics (SPiM) – Results of a cross-country study in Austria and Norway. Mathematics education in the early years : Results from the POEM4 conference, 2018. ISBN: 9783030347758. Springer Nature. Chapter 19. s 317 - 332.
  • Erfjord, Ingvald; Carlsen, Martin; Hundeland, Per Sigurd (2019). Characterising the mathematical discourse in a kindergarten. Proceedings of the Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. ISBN: 978-90-73346-75-8. European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. TWG13: Early Years Mathematics. s 2257 - 2264.
  • Breive, Svanhild; Carlsen, Martin; Erfjord, Ingvald; Hundeland, Per Sigurd (2018). Designing playful inquiry-based mathematical learning activities for kindergarten. Mathematics education in the early years. Results from the POEM3 conference 2016. ISBN: 978-3-319-78220-1. Springer Publishing Company. Chapter 10. s 181 - 205.
  • Hundeland, Per Sigurd; Erfjord, Ingvald; Carlsen, Martin (2017). A kindergarten teacher’s revealed knowledge in orchestration of mathematical activities.. Proceedings of the Tenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 10). ISBN: 978-1-873769-73-7. European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. TWG13: Early years mathematics. s 1853 - 1860.
  • Carlsen, Martin; Erfjord, Ingvald; Hundeland, Per Sigurd; Monaghan, John David (2016). Kindergarten teachers’ orchestration of mathematical activities afforded by technology: agency and mediation. Educational Studies in Mathematics. ISSN: 0013-1954. 93 (1). s 1 - 17. doi:10.1007/s10649-016-9692-9.
  • Erfjord, Ingvald; Carlsen, Martin; Hundeland, Per Sigurd (2015). Distributed authority and opportunities for children’s agency in mathematical activities in kindergarten. Proceedings of the Ninth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. ISBN: 978-80-7290-844-8. European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. Conference paper. s 1918 - 1924.
  • Hundeland, Per Sigurd; Carlsen, Martin; Erfjord, Ingvald (2014). Children’s engagement with mathematics in kindergarten mediated by the use of digital tools. Early mathematics learning. Selected papers of the POEM 2012 conference. ISBN: 978-1-4614-4677-4. Springer Science+Business Media B.V.. 13. s 207 - 221.
  • Hundeland, Per Sigurd (2013). Teachers' competence from their perspectives and their own language. Nordic research in didactics of mathematics: Past, present and future. ISBN: 978-82-02-39348-9. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. Vitenskapelig artikkel. s 253 - 265.
  • Hundeland, Per Sigurd; Erfjord, Ingvald; Carlsen, Martin (2013). Use of digital tools in mathematical learning activities in the kindergarten: Teachers’ approaches. Proceedings of the Eighth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. ISBN: 978-975-429-315-9. European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. Working group 13 Early Years Mathematics. s 2108 - 2117.
  • Erfjord, Ingvald; Hundeland, Per Sigurd; Carlsen, Martin (2012). Kindergarten teachers’ accounts of their developing mathematical practice. ZDM: Mathematics Education. ISSN: 1863-9690. 44 (5). s 653 - 664. doi:10.1007/s11858-012-0422-1.
  • Hundeland, Per Sigurd (2012). Teachers arguing for their teaching approaches. Proceedings of NORMA 11 The Sixth Nordic Conference on Mathematics Education. ISBN: 978-9979-54-965-9. University of Iceland Press. section 2. s 331 - 338.
  • Hundeland, Per Sigurd; Carlsen, Martin; Erfjord, Ingvald (2011). Changing mathematical practice of kindergarten teachers. Co-learning in a developmental research project. CERME 7: Proceedings of the Seventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. ISBN: 978-83-7338-683-9. European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. WORKING GROUP 13. s 1872 - 1881.
  • Carlsen, Martin; Hundeland, Per Sigurd; Erfjord, Ingvald (2010). Orchestration of mathematical activities in the kindergarten: The role of questions. Proceedings of CERME 6. Proceedings of the Sixth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. January 28th - February 1st 2009, Lyon (France). ISBN: 978-2-7342-1190-7. Institut National de Recherche Pedagogique. kapittel. s 2567 - 2576.
  • Hundeland, Per Sigurd (2007). Hvordan tenker lærere om matematikkundervisning?. Læringsfellesskap i matematikk Learning Communities in Mathematics. Caspar Forlag. s 205 - 214.
  • Hundeland, Per Sigurd; Erfjord, Ingvald; Grevholm, Barbro; Breiteig, Trygve (2007). Teachers and researchers inquiring into mathematics teaching and learning: A case of linear functions. Relating Practice and Research in Mathematics education. Proceedings of NORMA05, Fourthe Nordic Conference on Mathematics Education. Tapir Akademisk Forlag. s 299 - 310.
  • Erfjord, Ingvald; Hundeland, Per Sigurd (2007). Teachers' reflections on the use of ICT tools in mathematics: Insights from a plilot study. Relating Practice and Research in Mathematics education. Proceedings of NORMA05, Fourthe Nordic Conference on Mathematics Education. Tapir Akademisk Forlag. s 217 - 230.
  • Hundeland, Per Sigurd; Grevholm, Barbro; Breiteig, Trygve (2005). Læreres oppfattninger om matematikkundervisning. Vurdering i matmeatikk - Hvorfor og hvordan? Fra småskole til voksenoplæring. Nasjonalt Senter for matematikk i opplæringen. faglig_bok_institusjon. s 59 - 69.
  • Størksen, Ingunn; ten Braak, Dieuwer; Breive, Svanhild; Lenes, Ragnhild; Lunde, Svanaug; Carlsen, Martin; Erfjord, Ingvald; Hundeland, Per Sigurd; Rege, Mari (2024). Lekbasert læring - ressursbok for barnehage, skole og SFO. ISBN: 978-82-02-83376-3. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. s 223.
  • Størksen, Ingunn; ten Braak, Dieuwer; Breive, Svanhild; Lenes, Ragnhild; Lunde, Svanaug; Carlsen, Martin; Erfjord, Ingvald; Hundeland, Per Sigurd; Rege, Mari (2020). Legebaseret læring: et forskningsbaseret førskoleoplæg. ISBN: 9788723541338. Akademisk Forlag, Danmark. s 232.
  • Carlsen, Martin; Erfjord, Ingvald; Hundeland, Per Sigurd (2020). Mathematics education in the early years : Results from the POEM4 conference, 2018. ISBN: 9783030347758. Springer Nature. s 448.
  • Størksen, Ingunn; ten Braak, Dieuwer; Breive, Svanhild; Lenes, Ragnhild; Lunde, Svanaug; Carlsen, Martin; Erfjord, Ingvald; Hundeland, Per Sigurd; Rege, Mari (2019). Lekbaserat Lärande. ISBN: 9789178230594. Bonnierförlagen Lära. s 208.
  • Størksen, Ingunn; ten Braak, Dieuwer; Breive, Svanhild; Lenes, Ragnhild; Lunde, Svanaug; Carlsen, Martin; Erfjord, Ingvald; Hundeland, Per Sigurd; Rege, Mari (2018). Lekbasert læring - et forskningsbasert førskoleopplegg fra Agderprosjektet. ISBN: 978-82-492-1963-6. GAN Aschehoug. s 231.
  • Størksen, Ingunn; Ten Braak, Dieuwer; Breive, Svanhild; Lenes, Ragnhild; Lunde, Svanaug; Carlsen, Martin; Erfjord, Ingvald; Hundeland, Per Sigurd; Rege, Mari (2016). Lekbasert læring i barnehagen - Et forskningsbasert førskoleopplegg fra Agderprosjektet. ISBN: 9788249218523. GAN Aschehoug. s 227.
  • Erfjord, Ingvald; Hundeland, Per Sigurd; Kaufmann, Odd Tore; Onsrud, Gina (2013). Matte overalt - Lærerveiledning 5A. ISBN: 9788211016768. Fagbokforlaget. s 249.
  • Erfjord, Ingvald; Hundeland, Per Sigurd; Kaufmann, Odd Tore; Onsrud, Gina (2013). Matte overalt - Oppgavebok 5A. ISBN: 978-82-11-01791-8. Fagbokforlaget. s 80.
  • Erfjord, Ingvald; Hundeland, Per Sigurd; Kaufmann, Odd Tore; Onsrud, Gina (2013). Matte overalt - Grunnbok 5A. ISBN: 978-82-11-01671-3. Fagbokforlaget. s 144.
  • Erfjord, Ingvald; Hundeland, Per Sigurd; Kaufmann, Odd Tore; Onsrud, Gina (2013). Matte overalt - Grunnbok 5A. ISBN: 9788211016720. Fagbokforlaget. s 144.
  • Grevholm, Barbro; Hundeland, Per Sigurd; Juter, Kristina; Kislenko, Kirsti; Persson, Per-Eskil (2013). Nordic research in didactics of mathematics: Past, present and future. ISBN: 978-82-02-39348-9. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. s 545.
  • Hundeland, Per Sigurd (2011). Lærerens motiver og valg - En studie av matematikkklærere på videregående skole. ISBN: 978-82-92712-47-4. Portal forlag. s 254.
  • Nygaard, Olav; Nygaard, Olav; Pettersen, Petter; Hundeland, Per Sigurd (1999). AHA Matematikk og Matematikkdidaktikk Fasit til 2. utgave. ISBN: 82-7634-265-5. HøyskoleForlaget. s 72.
  • Nygaard, Olav; Nygaard, Olav; Hundeland, Per Sigurd; Pettersen, Petter (1999). AHA Matematikk og matematikkdidaktikk. ISBN: 8276342639. Cappelen Damm Høyskoleforlaget. s 719.
  • Hundeland, Per Sigurd; Nygaard, Olav Kristian; Nygaard, Olav Kristian; Pettersen, Petter (2001). Matematikk for økonomi og samfunnsfag - aktuelle eksamensoppgaver med løsninger. ISBN: 8276343457. Cappelen Damm Høyskoleforlaget. s 195.
  • Nygaard, Olav; Nygaard, Olav; Hundeland, Per Sigurd; Pettersen, Petter (1998). AHA Matematikk og matematikkdidaktikk. ISBN: 8276341438. HøyskoleForlaget. s 714.
  • Carlsen, Martin; Erfjord, Ingvald; Hundeland, Per Sigurd (2022). The Knowledge Quartet as a theoretical lens to explore kindergarten teachers’ teaching of mathematics.
  • Erfjord, Ingvald; Hundeland, Per Sigurd; Carlsen, Martin (2022). An analysis of a kindergarten teacher’s choices and justifications regarding teaching of a mathematical activity.
  • Larson, Niclas; Fidje, Anders Støle; Hundeland, Per Sigurd; Hansen, Michael Rygaard; Ovedal-Hakestad, Siri; Erfjord, Ingvald; Munthe, Morten; Fyhn, Anne Birgitte; Wang, Oskar Jensen; Siri, May-Torill; Herset, Maria Klaussen (2022). Spøkelser etter avdøde størrelser hjemsøker KLæM 22.

Last changed: 24.08.2021 14:08