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Tor Geir Kvinen

Associate Professor

Associate Professor

9I170 ( Universitetsveien 19, Kristiansand )

Tor Geir Kvinen is associate professor and study program manager for the Leadership Program at the Executive Unit of the UiA School of Business and Law. He has a PhD from Aalborg University, a master's in management from the BI Center for Management Education, and a cand.mag. from the University of Stavanger. The PhD thesis was on co-creation in adventure parks with the subtitle how can human resources be used in co-creation of experiences.

Kvinen has been a senior researcher at Agderforskning, as well as a college lecturer for over 15 years at BI Business School, where he has lectured in over 25 subjects from foundation level to master's level. He has also been associated with the University of Tromsø and NTNU.

Kvinen has received BI's national lecturer award. In the justification for the lecturer's award, it is written: "Tor Geir has a fresh and involving way of lecturing. He manages to combine theory and practice in an excellent way."

Kvinen has over 25 years' experience as a course leader and consultant within organization and leadership development for the private and public sector through her own company Kvinen Consult AS. He practices trilingualism through a combination of practically oriented theory rooted in research.

Kvinen has experience from a number of board positions from private companies, public companies as well as voluntary teams and associations. He is an associate partner in Storform, which develops better leaders.

Courses and teaching

ORG109 Organizational theory

ORG969 HR in Organizations, Executive MBA

ORG976 Change management and organizational change

ORG977 The leadership role in theory and practice

ORG978 Project Management

ORG979 Self-management and coaching

ORG989 Digitization, change management and organizational development

ORG993 Change Agent - a practical leadership program in change management

ORG999 Co-creative organizations

Supervision bachelor and master students

Courses lectured at other universities and colleges: HR, change management, project management, coaching, co-creation / co-creation, experience economics and several subjects within strategy, organization and management

Academic interests

HR, change management, project management, coaching, co-creation / co-creation, experience economics as well as in strategy, organization and management.

Scientific publications

  • Wang, Linzhuo; Kvinen, Tor Geir; Karlsen, Jan Terje (2024). Right product, wrong time? Temporal legitimacy of New Product Development in projects.
  • Wallevik, Kristin; Nyhus, Ellen K.; Kvinen, Tor Geir (2017). Sørlandet eier en hemmelighet.

Last changed: 7.12.2023 12:12