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Tor Sigvald Johansen

Project Manager

Geologist, curator

1 ( Gimleveien 23, Kristiansand )

I was born and raised in Lødingen, Nordland. I studied geology at the University of Oslo and completed my Masters Degree in 1996. My thesis is titled "Composition and Evolution under São Miguel, the Azores: Evidence from Ultramafic Xenoliths". I have previously worked on volcanism and melt processes under Iceland and the Canary Islands. I've been employed at the Nature Museum in Kristiansand since 2010.

Academic interests

Minerals and rocks, mineral and rock forming processes, geochemistry, volcanism, plate tectonics


My main task is to curate the geological collections at NBH. We have six collections of minerals, rocks and fossils, and a data base for each of these. In addition we have a photo collection with slides and digital images.

Scientific publications

  • Turner, Simon; Kokfelt, Thomas Find; Hoernle, Kaj; Johansen, Tor Sigvald; Hauff, Folkmar; Lundstrom, Craig; van den Bogaard, Paul; Klügel, Andreas (2017). Contrasting magmatic cannibalism forms evolved phonolitic magmas in the Canary Islands. Geology. ISSN: 0091-7613. 45 (2). s 147 - 150. doi:10.1130/G38566.1.
  • Turner, Simon; Hoernle, Kaj; Hauff, Folkmar; Johansen, Tor Sigvald; Klügel, Andreas; Kokfelt, Thomas Find; Lundstrom, Craig (2015). 238U-230Th-226Ra Disequilibria Constraints on the Magmatic Evolution of the Cumbre Vieja Volcanics on La Palma, Canary Islands. Journal of Petrology. ISSN: 0022-3530. 56 (10). s 1999 - 2024. doi:10.1093/petrology/egv061.
  • Johansen, Tor Sigvald; Hauff, Folkmar; Hoernle, Kaj; Klügel, Andreas; Kokfelt, Thomas Find (2005). Basanite to phonolite differentiation within 1550-1750 yr: U-Th-Ra isotopic evidence from the A.D. 1585 eruption on La Palma, Canary Islands. Geology. ISSN: 0091-7613. 33 (11). s 897 - 900. doi:10.1130/G21663.1.
  • Müller, Axel Bernd; Husdal, T.; Sunde, Øyvind; Friis, Henrik; Andersen, Tom; Johansen, Tor Sigvald; Werner, Ronald; Thoresen, Øivind; Olerud, Svein (2017). Norwegian Pegmatites I: Tysfjord-Hamarøy, Evje-Iveland, Langesundsfjord. ISBN: 978-82-8347-020-8. Norsk Geologisk Forening. s 122.
  • Johansen, Tor Sigvald (2023). Vulkaner på Island.
  • Johansen, Tor Sigvald (2023). Vulkanutbrudd på Island.
  • Johansen, Tor Sigvald (2022). Vulkaner og hav.
  • Johansen, Tor Sigvald (2022). Vulkaner og hav.
  • Johansen, Tor Sigvald (2022). Mineraler fra Agder og nærliggende områder.

Last changed: 26.08.2020 12:08