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Torunn Skåltveit Olsen

Associate Professor

Excellent Teaching Practitioner

A164 ( Jon Lilletuns vei 3, Grimstad )
Office hours:
8 am - 3.30 pm

Torunn Skåltveit Olsen is an Associate Professor at the Department of Working Life and Innovation at the School of Business and Law at the University of Agder. She holds a Bachelor's and Master’s degree in Economics, specializing in Industrial Relations, from the London School of Economics and Political Science.

Olsen's past research has spanned from Corporate Social Responsibility, sick leave and the healthy workplace, part-time employment, and young disabled. Currently Olsen is primarily doing research on teaching in higher education. 

In her career, Olsen has led and participated in more than 40 research projects, including several international projects. Her research is published in a number of national and international journals, such as International Review of Psychiatry, Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning, Søkelys på arbeidslivet, Tidsskrift for forskning i sygdom & samfund, Qualitative Social Work, and Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education. 

Olsen heads the study program for HR in Norwegian working life. Prior to joining the university, Olsen was a long-standing researcher for Agder Research and The Fafo Institute for Labour and Social Research. Olsen has participated in several international networks for work-related research, and she has taken the initiative and led regional academic working life forums in the region. 

Olsen has been a widely used speaker at conferences and seminars at home and abroad, and a contributor of popular articles and op-eds.

In 2018 Olsen received the teaching award at UiA and in 2022 she was awarded the title Excellent Teacher Practioner. 

Scientific publications

  • Hunnes, John Arngrim; Olsen, Torunn Skåltveit (2023). Ethics and Sustainability in Undergraduate Business Studies. Practicing responsibility in business schools : Implications for teaching, research, and innovation. ISBN: 9781035313167. Edward Elgar Publishing. Kapittel 12. s 239 - 260.
  • Olsen, Torunn Skåltveit; Hunnes, John Arngrim (2023). Improving students’ learning—the role of formative feedback: experiences from a crash course for business students in academic writing. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education. ISSN: 0260-2938. doi:10.1080/02602938.2023.2187744.
  • Jaganjac, Berina; Abrahamsen, Line M.; Olsen, Torunn Skåltveit; Hunnes, John Arngrim (2023). Is It Time to Reclaim the ‘Ethics’ in Business Ethics Education?. Journal of Business Ethics. ISSN: 0167-4544. 190s 1 - 22. doi:10.1007/s10551-023-05400-5.
  • Hunnes, John A.; Olsen, Torunn Skåltveit (2019). Five Years Into Blended Learning: What Have We Learned? A Retrospective Look. ICERI Proceedings. ISSN: 2340-1095. s 1018 - 1026. doi:10.21125/iceri.2019.0316.
  • Hunnes, John A.; Olsen, Torunn Skåltveit (2019). Verdier og økonomi. Universitetskamp. ISBN: 978-82-304-0247-4. Scandinavian Academic Press. 17. s 384 - 413.
  • Hunnes, Arngrim; Olsen, Torunn Skåltveit (2018). How to engage students in ethics and CSR? Evidence from blended learning. INTED Proceedings. ISSN: 2340-1079. s 4885 - 4894. doi:10.21125/inted.2018.0954.
  • Ask, Torunn Alise; Olsen, Torunn Skåltveit (2018). Utsatte Barn. Barnevernets begreper - i bevegelse. ISBN: 9788205503915. Gyldendal Akademisk. Kapittel 1. s 22 - 44.
  • Jentoft, Nina; Olsen, Torunn Skåltveit (2017). Against the flow in data collection: How data triangulation combined with a "slow" interview technique enriches data.. Qualitative Social Work. ISSN: 1473-3250. 18 (2). s 179 - 193. doi:10.1177/1473325017712581.
  • Amundsen, Ivar; Kalsaas, Bo Terje; Knudsen, Jon Paschen; Olsen, Torunn Skåltveit (2014). Lean og den norske modellen - møte eller konflikt?. Forskning møter praksis. ISBN: 978-82-8314-015-6. Portal forlag. Kapittel 1. s 27 - 43.
  • Olsen, Torunn Skåltveit; Amble, Nina; Magnussen, May-Linda (2013). Kvinners deltid og likestilling på Agder. Likestilling 2013. Kunnskap og innovasjon på Agder. ISBN: 978-82-92712-77-1. Portal forlag. Del 2 Likestilling på Agder: forskning og utvikling. s 73 - 92.
  • Olsen, Torunn Skåltveit; Jentoft, Nina (2013). Skal legen eller jeg bestemme? Utvidet rett til egenmelding i 365 dager. Søkelys på arbeidslivet. ISSN: 1504-8004. 30 (1-2). s 91 - 106.
  • Olsen, Torunn Skåltveit; Fleten, Nils (2012). Må sykefravær legitimeres med legemelding?. Tidsskrift for forskning i sygdom og samfund. ISSN: 1604-3405. (16). s 105 - 126. doi:10.7146/tfss.v9i16.7001.
  • Olsen, Torunn S; Jentoft, Nina (2010). Et liv jeg ikke valgte :. Søkelys på arbeidslivet. ISSN: 1504-8004. 27 (3). s 206 - 216.
  • Olsen, Torunn Skåltveit (2010). Unge uføre - ofte utsatt for omsorgssvikt som barn. Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning. ISSN: 0809-2052. 3 (4).
  • Olsen, Torunn S; Jentoft, Nina; Kvåle, Gro (2006). Mange veier tilbake til arbeid Reaktivisering av varig uføretrygdede. Arbeid, velferd og samfunn. Arbeids- og velferdsdirektoratet. faglig_bok_institusjon. s 34 - 43.
  • Olsen, Torunn S; Svendal, Atle; Amundsen, Ivar (2005). More inclusive workplaces: Fact or fiction? The case of Norway. International Review of Psychiatry. ISSN: 0954-0261. 17 (5). s 375 - 384.
  • Hunnes, John Arngrim; Olsen, Torunn Skåltveit (2022). Ethics and Sustainability in Undergraduate Business Studies.
  • Hunnes, John A.; Olsen, Torunn Skåltveit (2020). Etikk – fra periferien til kjernen i økonomiutdanningen?.
  • Hunnes, John A.; Olsen, Torunn Skåltveit (2019). Five Years Into Blended Learning: What Have We Learned? A Retrospective Look.
  • Hunnes, John A.; Olsen, Torunn Skåltveit (2019). Akademisk skriving i økonomiutdanningen.
  • Hunnes, John A.; Olsen, Torunn Skåltveit (2019). Erfaring med pedagogisk utviklingsarbeid i store studentkull.

Last changed: 13.03.2023 08:03