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Academic interests

  • Third Reich history
  • National Socialism
  • memory and the politics of memory
  • gender and masculinity
  • film and cinema history
  • Holocaust education and Human Rights education
  • propaganda
  • history didactics and the use of history

Scientific publications

  • Bjerkås, Trond; Hagen, Thomas Vidnes Hansen; Aaby, Gunhild (2021). Innledning. Tid for anerkjennelse. Andre verdenskrig i fortid og nåtid.. ISBN: 978-82-02-74817-3. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. Innledning. s 9 - 12.
  • Bjerkås, Trond; Hagen, Thomas Vidnes Hansen; Aaby, Gunhild (2021). Tid for anerkjennelse. Andre verdenskrig i fortid og nåtid.. ISBN: 978-82-02-74817-3. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. s 201.

Last changed: 9.12.2020 09:12