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Go on weeklong study trips to Europe

Do you want to study in other countries but don't have the opportunity to travel for a whole semester? FORTHEM's offer of summer and winter schools may be for you.

Bildet viser et stilisert europakart med markerte lokasjoner hvor medlemmene i universitetsalliansen FORTHEM holder til.
FORTHEM offers short-term exchange in Italy, Romania, Finland, Spain, France, Germany, Poland and at UiA. Photo: FORTHEM

“This type of exchange is for those seeking shorter study courses in a different country. The FORTHEM University Alliance offers many of these, and I encourage all interested individuals to apply,” says Clare Jortveit, senior adviser for internationalisation at the University of Agder (UiA).

UiA joined FORTHEM in 2022. The alliance consists of nine different European universities. All are involved in organising various summer and winter schools. Students from all universities can apply, and teachers from all the institutions can contribute.

Here, you can learn about a subject area, such as chemistry or sport, alongside students from other countries and disciplines. The duration is typically one week. Participants receive a scholarship from the EU to facilitate their travel.

UiA contributes 

Last year, UiA organised its very first FORTHEM Summer School in entrepreneurship. This year, it is held at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland. The application deadline is 8 April.

For more information about this summer school, follow this link.

“I will personally teach two of the lectures at the summer school in Finland. Students from all kinds of programmes will attend, so it will be a unique opportunity,” says Assistant Professor Prince Baah-Peprah from UiA.

He recommends that anyone interested in entrepreneurship apply to the summer school. It is open to all students at UiA, at both bachelor's and master's levels.

“It will be an intensive week, with plenty of teaching and group work. But there will also be ample time to explore the city, participate in social activities, and get to know people from many different countries,” says Baah-Peprah.

Many opportunities 

The FORTHEM University Alliance offers summer and winter schools throughout the year, on various topics. Below, we have compiled the ones that are currently open for applications.

“We will be organising a new summer school at UiA this year on digital health, and one on democracy and education. There is almost always some form of summer school being organised through FORTHEM, so just apply,” says Clare Jortveit.

These summer and winter schools are open for applications now:

Entrepreneurship Summer School Lean Startups
University of Jyväskylä, Finland
2 - 6 September 2024
Application deadline: 8 April 

Civic Engagement Summer School  
Lucian Blaga University Sibiu, Romania
9 -13 September 2024
Application deadline: 8 April

Summer School on Chemistry for sustainable development  
University of Palermo, Italy
23 -26 September 2024
Application deadline: 8 April

Building bridges between music teacher training programmes to enhance the future roads of music education  
University of Jyväskylä, Finland
30 September - 4 October 2024
Application deadline: 8 April

International Winter School in Responsible Sport Management - Special Focus on Exercise in Medicine   
University of Jyväskylä, Finland
7 - 17 January 2025
Application deadline: 8 April