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Learn more about teaching maths

In this continuing education programme for teacher educators, you will be able to explore and gain insight into different approaches to mathematics teaching. 

This article is more than two years old, and may contain outdated information.

The University of Agder now offers a new study programme, mathematics didactics for teacher educators, which you can take to learn more about teaching maths.
The University of Agder now offers a new study programme, mathematics didactics for teacher educators, which you can take to learn more about teaching maths.

“This is a unique opportunity for those who train teachers. They will get to improve their skills in educating mathematics teachers. The programme is in collaboration with colleagues from all over Norway”, says Linda Gurvin Opheim, assistant professor at the University of Agder (UiA), Department of Mathematical Sciences. 

Mathematics didactics for teacher educators is a part time study programme. You can combine it with a job as teacher educator. Mathematics didactics is a discipline where you learn how to teach mathematics in different ways. 

MatRIC: Centre for Research, Innovation and Coordination of Mathematics Teaching at the University of Agder, and the Norwegian Centre for Mathematics Education at NTNU have developed the continuing education programme. The part-time programme will be completed over two years and starts for the first time this autumn. 

Linda Gurvin Opheim, universitetslektor ved Universitetet i Agder, Institutt for matematiske fag.

Linda Gurvin Opheim, assistant professor at the University of Agder, Department of Mathematical Sciences.

Getting the best researchers  

“For this programme, we bring in some of the world's best researchers in the field. Using a collaborative and research-based approach, we take advantage of the varied skills teacher educators already possess to improve even more. There is currently no similar offer for teacher educators in mathematics, so we are proud to be able to offer this in the autumn”, says Gurvin Opheim. 

The goal of the part-time programme is to learn how to connect the fields of science, school teaching and research in mathematics more closely together. The teacher educator will get to explore different teaching practices. These practices are meant to engage the students and support them in their development as future mathematics teachers. 

Research project and article writing 

The participants in the part-time programme will explore and develop their teaching practices as teacher educators. 

In addition, they will carry out their own research project. The goal is to write a publishable article. The programme also aims to contribute to developing the supervision practice of the participants. 

“Mathematical proficiency is more than finding the right answer, and it is complex to facilitate teaching where teacher students can develop this proficiency during their studies”, says Linda Gurvin Opheim. 

The programme is suitable for people who are: 

  • Teacher educators with a strong mathematical background 
  • Teacher educators who want to become associate professor.
  • Teacher educators who would like to improve their teaching and supervisory skills 
  • New employees in teacher education