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Morrow establishes battery centre on campus and enters agreement with UiA

Morrow Batteries AS is planning a large battery factory in Arendal. Their innovation centre will be UiA’s nearest neighbour in Grimstad.

This article is more than two years old, and may contain outdated information.

The innovation centre to be built at UiA Campus Grimstad. (Illustration: ENO Arkitekter/Morrow Batteries)
The innovation centre to be built at UiA Campus Grimstad. (Illustration: ENO Arkitekter/Morrow Batteries)

Morrow is planning to build its Battery Innovation Centre on Campus Grimstad. This will be a resource and development centre for the main factory which will be located in the neighbouring municipality of Arendal.

“We think this news is especially great for our students who get an exciting, future-oriented environment on campus. It provides good conditions for education that is relevant to labour market needs”, says Rector Sunniva Whittaker.

Construction of the innovation centre is planned to begin in the third quarter this year.

“This is a clear sign that the vision of the ‘battery coast’ is about to be realised”, says Whittaker.

World-leading technology

Rektor Sunniva Whittaker (Foto: Jon Petter Thorsen / Aptum)

Rector Sunniva Whittaker (Photo: Jon Petter Thorsen/Aptum)

According to Morrow, this is the first facility in Norway where it will be possible to carry out customer qualification for car manufacturers. It will be a 2,000 square metre building with lab facilities and offices over three floors. The company is also building a pilot plant in Arendal.

“The facilities will have world-leading technology, which makes it possible to carry out test production of battery cells for qualification in the European automotive industry while giving us the opportunity to accelerate the development and commercialisation of new battery technologies. With this, we embrace the entire value chain from research and design to mass production of battery cells”, said Terje Andersen, CEO at Morrow Batteries, in a press release. 

UiA to enter agreement with Morrow

Two of the faculties at UiA, the Faculty of Engineering and the School of Business and Law at UiA, also enter into a collaboration agreement with Morrow Batteries. This will include cooperation on research projects, bachelor’s and master’s theses for our students, guest lectures, and shared research positions. The agreement is initially for two years.

UiA has relevant academic programmes and research, especially within

  • battery technology
  • production of batteries
  • circular economy
  • political processes related to the green shift

Important in the recruitment battle

UiA is starting a five-year co-creation project to build up expertise in the field of battery technology. Among other things, they are looking to hire the best researchers.

“Having the infrastructure the innovation centre brings to campus, will be a strength in the battle for the best minds in this field”, says Dean Michael Rygaard Hansen at the Faculty of Engineering and Science.