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Helping businesses to get value from IT investments

Luay Ahmad Mohd Anaya

The insights from the doctoral research have been synthesized into a new model called BRES – Benefits Realization from Enterprise Systems.

Luay Ahmad Mohd Anaya

Assistant Professor

Luay Ahmad Mohd Anaya disputerer for ph.d-graden med avhandlingen «Realizing Benefits from Enterprise Systems» tirsdag 10. mai. Han har fulgt doktorgradsprogrammet ved Fakultet for samfunnsvitenskap med spesialisering i informasjonssystemer.

I avhandlingen har Luay Ahmad Mohd Anaya studert hvordan bedriftsorganisasjoner bedre kan utnytte kunnskap som hentes ut ved bruk av ES (Enterprise systems - An enterprise system is a packaged application that supports and automates business processes and manages business data - se Jon Atle Gulla, NTNU). I avhandlingen har han utviklet en flerstegs-oppskrift som systematiserer hvordan bedrifter kan utnytte kunnskap fra datafangsten i ES.

The candidate’s own description of the thesis’ essence:

Helping businesses to get value from IT investments

Recent innovations in information systems have brought ground-breaking ideas that can lead organizations towards greater successes in their business operations, and in their positions in the market.

Increasingly, organizations are investing huge amounts of money to gain significant advantages from state-of-the-art technologies that help them perform business operations effectively.

ES are more than IT-solutions

One of these central technologies is Enterprise Systems (ES). Enterprise systems are crucial solutions for decision making, business development and growth.

Many organisations consider ES more than just IT solutions to facilitate and automate existing work as such systems have comprehensive implications for organisational practices regarding how they organise, regulate, control, develop, grow and innovate in the business processes.

Research and industry reports have found that identifying and realizing business benefits from information systems in general, and from ES considered a challenging that is still facing organizations. Therefore, this research is conducted to help organizations to effectively deploy ES after the physical implementation, and also improve their use of the system and realize further benefits.

BRES - a new model

This thesis integrates the findings from a set of published articles and provides a number of important contributions. Primarily, it provides an improved understanding of the process that enables organizations to realize benefits from ES. Further, the insights from the doctoral research have been synthesized into a new model called BRES – Benefits Realization from Enterprise Systems.  The BRES model is a multi-stage process model that provides guidance to help organizations realize benefits from ES.

Disputation facts:

Candidate: Luay Ahmad Mohd Anaya 1974, Palestine, Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems from Applied Science University in Jordan, Master of Science in IT Management from The British University in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 2011. Doctoral research fellow at UiA from 2012. Currently working as a researcher and assistant professor at UiA.

Trial lecture and public defense will take place in Arne Garborg’s auditorium, B1-006, Campus Kristiansand.

The disputation is led by Dean Anne Halvorsen.

Trial lecture on Tuesday, 10 May 2016, 10:15

Stated topic for trial lecture: "Use of the Sociomaterial Perspective in Information Systems Research"

Public defense on Tuesday, 10 May 2016, 12:00 

Title of thesis: "Realizing Benefits from Enterprise Systems"

Search for the thesis in AURA – AgderUniversity Research Archive – a digital archive for academic articles, theses and master’s dissertations by employees and students at the University of Agder. AURA is updated regularly. 


First opponent: Professor Elizabeth Daniel, The Open University, UK

Second opponent: Professor Matti Rossi, Aalto University, Finland

The Evaluation Committee is headed by Associate Professor Eli Hustad, UiA

Supervisors for the doctoral work were Professor Leif Skiftenes Flak, UiA and Professor Dag Håkon Olsen, UiA.