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Measuring mathematical identity

Eivind Kaspersen disputerer for ph.d.-graden med avhandlingen «On measuring and theorising mathematical identity» torsdag 7. juni 2018.

In his thesis he researched how people perceive their own mathematical knowledge in relation to others, and whether this self-perception corresponds with measurable insight

Eivind Kaspersen

PhD Candidate / høgskolelektor

Eivind Skoland Kaspersen defends his PhD thesis ‘On measuring and theorising mathematical identity’ on Thursday 7 June 2018. In his thesis he researched how people perceive their own mathematical knowledge in relation to others, and whether this self-perception corresponds with measurable insight.

Kaspersen concludes that mathematical identity is dependent on the social structure in which the person moves. Thus, mathematical identity becomes fluid as it changes in relation to the social context in which the person is situated.

Eivind Kaspersen has followed the PhD programme at the Faculty of Engineering and Science with specialisation in Mathematics Education and is the twenty-first candidate in this specialisation.

Summary of the thesis by Eivind Kaspersen:

Measuring mathematical identity

In his thesis ‘On measuring and theorising mathematical identity’, Eivind Kaspersen studies the measurement of mathematical identity:

In three articles Kaspersen examines:

(1)   methodological aspects concerning the measurement of mathematical identity, especially the use of Rasch Measurement Theory,

(2)   theoretical principles of mathematical identity, principles closely related to principles of measurement in general, and

(3)   empirical/practical elements in the measurement of mathematical identity.

The thesis shows how mathematical identity consists of relations in person-independent structures, and that these relations can be measured.


Disputation facts:

The candidate: Eivind Skoland Kaspersen is associate professor at the Department of Teacher Education at NTNU – Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

The trial lecture and public defence will take place in Arne Garborgs Auditorium – B1-006, Campus Kristiansand, Thursday 7 June 2018.

Head of Department of Mathematical Sciences Elna Svege will chair the disputation. 

Trial lecture at 10:30

Public defence at 12:30

Given topic for trial lecture: ‘A Critical Analysis of Measurement in Educational Research

Thesis title: ‘On measuring and theorising mathematical identity

Search for the thesis in AURA - Agder University Research Archive, a digital archive of scientific papers, theses and dissertations from the academic staff and students at the University of Agder. The thesis will also be available at the University Library, and some copies will also be available for loan at the auditorium where the disputation takes place. 


First opponent: Senior Lecturer Dr Laura Black, University of Manchester, UK  

Second opponent: Professor Dr.phil. Uwe Gellert, Free University of Berlin, Germany

Professor Said Hadjerrouit, University of Agder, is appointed as the administrator for the assessment committee.

Supervisors were Professor Pauline Vos, University of Agder (main supervisor); and Professor Birgit Pepin, NTNU, and Associate Professor Svein Arne Sikko, NTNU (co-supervisors).