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Modeling, Simulation and Prediction of Vehicle Crashworthiness in Full Frontal Impact

Defence Image bilde of Gulshan

The candidate has also developed a novel model for vehicles that have not been repaired according to regulations. Vehicle repaired after major structural damage, e.g., a front end of a vehicle (part 1) is joined to a rear end of another (part 2), can be simulated using a double pendulum.

Gulshan Noorsumar

Ph-D. candidate

Gulshan Noorsumar of the Faculty of and Sciences at the University of Agder has submitted her thesis entitled "Modeling, Simulation and Prediction of Vehicle Crashworthiness in Full Frontal Impact" and will defend the thesis for the PhD degree 23 March 2023.

Noorsumar has followed the PhD programme in Engineering and Science at UiA, with with Specialisation in Engineering Sciences, scientific field Mechatronics.

Here is Noorsumar's summary of the thesis:

A vehicle's crashworthiness is crucial to reducing the number of fatal traffic accidents. To evaluate the vehicle's structural integrity, the element method is often used. This is a numerical non-linear method for modeling and simulation. The advantage is that parameter studies can be carried out on the model, however it requires a detailed CAD model of the vehicle, necessary expertise, and high software costs. An alternative is to carry out a destructive full-scale crash test, but here several competent engineers are required to conduct the test. It is therefore desirable to investigate different modeling strategies that are both easy to use for researchers, public bodies, small universities, and engineering firms and that are affordable in both procurement and operation.

In this thesis, the candidate has developed mathematical models to predict damage to people and vehicles in collisions by replicating the sequence of events in collisions. The developed methods are based on LPM (Lumped Parameter Models) where the structure of the vehicle (e.g., the front) is simulated using springs and dampers set up in a given system. The governing equations are based on the Lagrangian formulation, and the models are verified using the finite element method. The simulations show satisfactory results.

The candidate has also developed a novel model for vehicles that have not been repaired according to regulations. Vehicle repaired after major structural damage, e.g., a front end of a vehicle (part 1) is joined to a rear end of another (part 2), can be simulated using a double pendulum. However, there is little information about repaired vehicles in the literature, therefore both component tests (regarding material properties) and a full-scale crash test of a repaired vehicle have been carried out to support the work. The proposed LPM for a 'modified' vehicle is based on a double pendulum where a torsion spring represents the repair on the vehicle. The model has also been verified against the finite element method and has achieved satisfactory results.


Disputation facts:

Time and place: March 23, Campus Grimstad / room C2 040 / Zoom

Trial lecture starts at 10:15 hours.

Public defence starts at 12:15 hours.

Given topic for trial lecture: "Composite materials in automotive applications, pros and cons"

Read the thesis here.

Supervisors in the doctoral work were associate professor Svitlana Rogovchenko (main supervisor) and professor Kjell Gunnar Robbersmyr and associate professor Dmitry Vysochinski (assistant supervisors). 

Assessment committee:

First opponent: Associate professor Dr Christophe Bastien, Coventry University

Second opponent: Associate professor Bjørn Haugen, NTNU

Head of committee: Associate professor Margrethe Wold, UiA

Disputation leader: Paul Ragnar Svennevig, Head of Department, Department of Engineering Sciences

Click here for more information and instrutcions for following the disputation online.