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Optimization of Multivariate Hawkes Processes via Decentralized Learning Automata

Ahmed Abdulrahem Othman Abouzeid (photo)

Going beyond existing research, this study delves into new inquiries and collects crucial data to deepen our understanding of misinformation.

Ahmed Abdulrahem Othman Abouzeid

PhD Candidate

Ahmed Abdulrahem Othman Abouzeid will defend his PhD thesis Optimization of Multivariate Hawkes Processes via Decentralized Learning Automata 5 December 2023.

Summary of the thesis:

This PhD dissertation proposes innovative Artificial Intelligence algorithms aimed at enhancing the accuracy of information on social media platforms. The research focuses on motivating individual users to share alternative viewpoints that counteract misleading content. By integrating theories from both Artificial Intelligence and Social Science, the study develops algorithms that outperform traditional methods, addressing the issue from both technical and societal perspectives. Going beyond existing research, this study delves into new inquiries and collects crucial data to deepen our understanding of misinformation. The objective is to bridge the gap between Artificial Intelligence and Social Science, addressing the challenge of misinformation on social media without compromising free speech and while acknowledging the diversity and polarization in our social experiences.

More information about the time and place for the doctoral defense.