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The research group explores everyday life in kindergartens as well as the circumstances surrounding kindergarten and kindergarten teacher education.

The group is engaged in investigating the role of the kindergarten in society, how the institution works in everyday life; the perceptions of children and their learning and development; how children thrive and develop within the institution's framework and how education for kindergarten teachers works in relation to the conditions and opportunities of the practice field.

Focus areas:

  • Democracy and participation
  • Children's social relations
  • Significance of structure, rules and materiality
  • Professional identity and professional knowledge
  • Education's interaction with practice

Most of the projects explore the role of the kindergarten in a Norwegian context, often using a comparative perspective to challenge established understandings.


  • Children and space, E. Cathrine Melhuus, Lisbeth Ljosdal Skreland, Eva Gulløv
  • Participation and democracy in kindergartens, E. Cathrine Melhuus, Lisbeth Ljosdal Skreland, Eva Gulløv
  • Rules in kindergartens, Lisbeth Ljosdal Skreland
  • Interaction between children, Dag Øystein Nome (PhD project)
  • Educational development in child welfare institutions in the Western Balkans, Anne Tove Fennefoss
  • Language forms and inclusion processes, Hæge Johannesen
  • Monthly letters as parent communication, Grethe Steen Rønning
  • Assistants' competence, Marianne Sigurdson Lyngvi
  • Professional identity among students, Anne Karin Vikstøl Olsen
  • How does subject divided teaching work?, Randi Engtrø
  • From asylum centers to kindergartens, project manager Cathrine Melhuus
  • A cultural sociological study of the framework plan for the Norwegian kindergarten 2017, Ingunn Kvamme (PhD project)
  • Digital communication and parent co-operation in kindergarten, Svein T. Heddeland (PhD project)

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