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  • Journalism
  • Digitalization
  • Visual communication
  • Popular science communication
  • Data visualization
  • Mediated discourse studies
  • International media studies

The research group is working on a number of projects in the field of communication and media. Some projects are related to specific fields of practice, such as journalism or strategic communication. Others examine more extensive trends over time, such as digitalization or applications of data visualization. A main focus in the group is to investigate how developments in media technology affect the ways in which communication unfolds within different genres and on different arenas and platforms.

In recent years, the group's members have been responsible for two major international projects. The project Innovative Data Visualization and Visual-Numeric Literacy (INDVIL), funded by the Norwegian Research Council, has been led by Professor Martin Engebretsen from 2016-2020, while Professor Kenneth Andresen has led the Norwegian part of the EU-funded Horizon 2020 project Revisiting the Past , Anticipating the Future (RePast). More information concerning these projects can be found below.

The group's latest joint project concerns popular science communication in the digital public.   Through a series of sub-projects, the group wants to focus on the opportunities and challenges the digitalization of society represents in relation to the development of a knowledge-based public conversation about current issues and challenges.


Peer-reviewed publications last 5 years

  • Engebretsen, Martin; Kennedy, Helen (2020) (Red.). Data Visualization in Society. ISBN: 978-90-4854-313-7. Amsterdam University Press. s 464.
  • Engebretsen, Martin (2020). From decoding a graph to processing a multimodal message: Interacting with data visualization in the news media. Nordicom Review. ISSN: 1403-1108. 41 (1). s 33 - 50. doi:https://doi.org/10.2478/nor-2020-0004.
  • Engebretsen, Martin; Kennedy, Helen (2020). Introduction: The relationships between graphs, charts,maps and meanings, feelings, engagements. Data Visualization in Society. ISBN: 978-90-4854-313-7. Amsterdam University Press. Chpt.1. s 19 - 34
  • Kennedy, Helen; Weber, Wibke; Engebretsen, Martin (2020). Data visualization and transparency in the news. Data Visualization in Society. ISBN: 978-90-4854-313-7. Amsterdam University Press. Chpt. 11. s 169 - 188.
  • Engebretsen, Martin (2020). Putting the Data Center Stage. Graphs, charts and maps in the news media. Shifts towards Image-centricity in Contemporary Multimodal Practices. ISBN: 9780429487965. Routledge. Chpt. 12.
  • Weber, Wibke; Engebretsen, Martin; Kennedy, Helen (2018). Data stories. Rethinking journalistic storytelling in the context of data journalism. Studies in Communication Sciences (SComS). ISSN: 1424-4896. 18 (1). s 191 - 206.
  • Engebretsen, Martin; Weber, Wibke; Kennedy, Helen (2018). Data visualization in Scandinavian newsrooms: Emerging trends in journalistic visualization practices. Nordicom Review. ISSN: 1403-1108. 39 (2). s 3 - 18. doi:10.2478/nor-2018-0007.
  • Engebretsen, Martin; Weber, Wibke (2017). Graphic modes. The Routledge Handbook of Language and Media. ISBN: 9781138014176. Routledge. Chapter 17. s 208 - 220.  
  • Engebretsen, Martin (2017). Levende diagrammer og zoombare kart. Datavisualisering som nyskapende fortellerform i journalistikken. Norsk Medietidsskrift. ISSN: 0804-8452. 24 (2). s 1 - 27. doi:10.18261/issn.0805-9535-2017-02-02.
  • Engebretsen, Martin (2015). Grenseoverskridende formidling på Youtube. Digital historiefortelling som interkulturell kommunikasjon. I Engebretsen, M. (red.) Det tredje språket: Multimodale studier av interkulturell kommunikasjon i kunst, skole og samfunnsliv. ISBN: 9788283140361. Portal forlag. Kapittel 3. s 49 - 63.
  • Engebretsen, Martin (2015). Et multimodalt perspektiv på kulturmøter. I Engebretsen, M. (red.) Det tredje språket: Multimodale studier av interkulturell kommunikasjon i kunst, skole og samfunnsliv. ISBN: 9788283140361. Portal forlag. Kapittel 1. s 11 - 30.
  • Engebretsen, Martin (2015). Transkulturelle erfaringer i sosiale medier : en studie av diskursive strategier hos norske innvandrere på nett. Norsk Medietidsskrift. ISSN: 0804-8452. 22 (4). s 1 - 22.
  • Kvåle, Gunhild (2020). «Er det riktige det viktige? Literacy-syn og kvalitetstrekk i kommersielle abc-apper for norskspråklige førskolebarn.» I Nordic Journal of Literacy Research, 6(1).
  • Kvåle, Gunhild & Poulsen, Søren Vigild (2019). The templatized aesthetics of Wix. A social semiotic technology approach to web design. I E. S. Tønnessen & F. Forsgren (red.), Multimodality and Aesthetics. (s. 211–225). New York: Routledge. 
  • Kvåle, Gunhild (2018). Bloggmaler som semiotisk teknologi og multimodalt halvfabrikat. En sosialsemiotisk analyse av stilrepertoaret til blogg.no. I M. Rogne & L.R. Waage (red.), Multimodalitet i skole- og fritidstekstar – ein vitskapleg antologi. (s. 159–180). Bergen: Fagbokforlaget/LNU. 
  • Poulsen, Søren Vigild & Kvåle, Gunhild (2018). Studying Social Media as Semiotic Technology: A Social Semiotic Multimodal Framework. I Social Semiotics 28 (5) – Special Issue: Social Media as Semiotic Technology, s. 700–717.
  • Kvåle, Gunhild (2018). Kartlegging, kos og kontroll. En kritisk analyse av TRAS-skjemaet som multimodal tekst. I Sakprosa 10 (2).  
  • Kvåle Gunhild (2017). Expressing identity in Microsoft Word. A critical discussion of the stylistic normativity of templates and software. I C. M. Johannessen & T. van Leeuwen (red.), The Materiality of Writing. A Trace Making Perspective. (s. 157–174). New York: Routledge.
  • Kvåle, Gunhild (2016). Å kommunisere fagkunnskap digitalt. To case-analyser av forholdet mellom multimodal representasjon og programvare. I E. S. Tønnessen, N. R. Birkeland, E. M. Drange, G. Kvåle, G.-R. Rambø & M. Vollan: Hva gjør lærerstudenter når de studerer? Om lesing, skriving og multimodale tekster i grunnskolelærerutdanninga. (s. 204–237). Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
  • Kvåle, Gunhild (2016). Software as ideology: A multimodal critical discourse analysis of Microsoft Word and SmartArt. I Journal of Language and Politics 15 (3), s. 259–273. 
  • Kvåle, Gunhild (2015). Multimodale modellar i Microsoft Word: Programvare som semiotisk ressurs. I G. Kvåle, E. Maagerø & A. Veum (red.) Kontekst, språk og multimodalitet. Nyere sosialsemiotiske perspektiver. (s. 153–169). Bergen: Fagbokforlaget  
  • Kvåle, Gunhild & Rambø, G.-R. (2015). Expressing Professional Identity through Blogging – A Case Study of Blogging in the Study of the Subject of Norwegian in Pre-School Teacher Education. I Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy, 10 (1), s. 8–28.
  • Hodøl, Hans-Olav (2018). Lutherske nettsteder i luthersk ånd?. Theofilos. ISSN: 1893-7969. 10 (1). s 30 - 46
  • Hans-Olav; Sæbø, Egil (2016). Hva er en TV-gudstjeneste?. Theofilos. ISSN: 1893-7969. 8 (2). s 185 - 201. https://theofilos.no/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/2d_Academia_Hod%C3%B8_og_S%C3%A6b%C3%B8_Hva-er-en-TV-gudstjeneste-Om-TV-gudstjenesten-som-gudstjeneste-og-fjernsynsprogram-og-seeren-som-deltaker-og-betrakter.pdf
  • Skjerdal, Terje; Hodøl, Hans-Olav (2016). Tackling global learning in Nordic journalism education: The lasting impact of a field trip. Becoming a Journalist: Journalism Education in the Nordic Countries. ISBN: 978-91-87957-34-5. Nordicom. 14. s 225 - 240
  • Lindøe, Siri Hempel (2020). Den norske TV-aksjonen i historisk perspektiv. Mediehistorisk tidsskrift. ISSN: 2464-4277.
  • Lindøe, Siri Hempel (2019). Lidelse på TV. En kritisk analyse av fremstillinger og fortellinger i TV-aksjonen. ISBN: 9788202566623. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
  • Lindøe, Siri Hempel (2017). Den døde gutten på stranden. Etiske og estetiske aspekter ved fremstilling av lidelse i mediene. I Hamm, C., Lindøe, S.H. og Markussen, B. Lidelsens estetikk: Sår, sorg og smerte i litteratur, film og medier. ISBN: 9788290359954. Alvheim og Eide akademisk forlag. Bokkapittel. s 183 -200.
  • Hoxha, A. & Andresen, K. (2021). Violence, War and Gender: Collective Memory and Politics of Remembrance in Kosovo. In Milosevic, A and Trost, T. (eds.) Europeanisation and Memory Politics in Western Balkans. Palgrave
  • Hoxha, A., & Andresen, K. (2019). The Development of Roles in Kosovo: From Fixers to Journalists. Journalism Studies20 (12), 1732–1746. https://doi.org/10.1080/1461670X.2019.1639539
  • Gonen, J. & Hoxha, A. (2019): Interactions between Journalists Located in Different Sides of a Conflict: A Comparative Study of Two Conflict Zones, Journalism Studies.
  • Hanitzsch, T., & Hoxha, A. (2018). Journalism of War and Conflict: Generic and Conflict-Related Influences on News Production. In Media in War and Armed Conflict (pp. 169-190). Routledge.
  • Hoxha, A., & Hanitzsch, T. (2017). How conflict news comes into being: Reconstructing ‘reality’through telling stories. Media, War & Conflict, 1750635217727313.
  • Hoxha, A and Andresen, K. (2017). Training Journalists in times of transition: the case of Kosovo. Journalism Education. Vol. 6. Nr. 2. P. 37- 47. 
  • Dilellio, A., Fridman, O., Herzigonja, S and Hoxha, A. (2017) Fostering a Critical Account of History in Kosovo: Engaging with History Teacher’s Narratives of the Second World War. Oral History Kosova Initiative 
  • Andresen, K., Hoxha, A., & Godole, J. (2017). New Roles for Media in the Western Balkans: A study of transitional journalism. Journalism Studies, 18(5), 614-628.
  • Hoxha, A., Andersen, K., and Hoxha-Dobrunaj, A. (2016). Journalists in Kosovo: Country Report. Worlds of Journalism Study: https://epub.ub.uni-muenchen.de/31986/7/Abit_Hoxha_Kenneth_Andresen_%26_Arbesa_Hoxha-Dobrunaj__Journalists_in_Kosovo.pdf
  • Jungblut, M. and Hoxha, A. (2016) Journalistic self-censorship in post conflict societies: a qualitative perspective on the news production in Serbia, Kosovo and Macedonia. Media, War & Conflict 1–17
  • Hoxha, A., Ahmeti, A., & Musliu, A. (2015). Russian Influence in the Western Balkans. Carrot or Stick?. Russia in the Balkans. Threat or Opportunity?, 61.