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The main field of interest of the research group for religious minorities and religious diversity is majority and minority relations. These topics are explored in the thematic intersection between globalization, migration and media. The group members are conducting research on central issues such as individualisation, gender constructions and integration processes, but also concerning political and legal issues such as national minorities, minority rights and identity politics.

Background and projects

The research group, active researchers from different research projects concerning religious minorities and religious diversity meet to exchange and discuss relevant research questions, empirical findings and theoretical approaches. The projects deal with religion in the public sphere, media and religion in social conflicts, migrant communities and media, church and Ethiopian state relations in the media, Jewish identity in Norway today, minority history and educational texts, religious dialogue as political tools, nonreligion, meditation and mind-body consciousness, radicalization and violent extremism, Christian identity construction among young people in low- and free churches and ethnic boundaries and transnational activities among young Muslims.

The research group Religious Minorities and Religious Diversity launches seminaries that enable a comprehensive and multidimensional view on critical issues. The discussions help the researcher to develop and expand their research project, and in particular, where the topic is related to the same research question. The research group has turn out to be a creative community. There is a lot of process-related cooperation between the members, and several of the members are working with the same theories, strategies and methods. All the members are emphasizing the importance of working towards an international research contribution and international publications.

The research group has developed cooperation with visiting scholars to hold lectures on specific issues that are brought up for examination. PhD-candidates and MA-students are also involved in the group as members. They get a response to paper from senior researchers and fellow PhD-candidates. To be enrolled in the research group, the PhD-candidates are required to be admitted to the department’s PhD-program. Furthermore, their research project has to be in the field of religious minorities and religious diversity and have a contemporary, empirical and societal perspective.



Tuesday, 30 March 2023

  • Ingvild Tu: Film in confirmation teaching; Framing or being framed?
  • Rizka Pramadita: Making Sense of Jihad: The Emotional Appeal in Jihadist Propaganda

Tuesday, 6 December 2022

  • Magdalena Nordin: Integration and Tradition. The Making of The Syriac Orthodox Church in Sweden.
  • Sileshie Semahagne Kumlachew: When politics and religion fuse: The nature and implication of the Ethiopian Mesqel Square confrontation in Ethiopia
  • Hilde Kristin Dahlstrøm & Solveig Omland: The perfect faith
  • Magdalena Nordin: Family and the transmission of traditions in the Syriac Orthodox Church in Sweden


Wednesday, 7 December December 2022

  • Kees de Groot: Research proposal: The dissemination of diakonia in a neoliberal age in the Netherlands and Norway
  • Karin Jarnkvist: Constructions of religion in Swedish newspaper articles on funerals during the pandemic Covid -19
  • Sissel Kveinå Tonstad: Deltakelse og tilbaketrekking. Muslimske kvinner i den norske offentligheten


Seminar Wednesday, 27 October 2021

Evelina Lundmark: Cultural Christianity and Religious Nostalgia: The Affective Space of the Christmas Calendar within Swedish Secularism
Kees de Grot: Taking a walk with a saint in a secular city. Sociological reflections on the St. Martin's parade


Seminar Wednesday, 26 October 2022

  • Roald Seifert: Forholdet mellom religiøs sosialisering og det personlige valget i omvendelseserfaringer
  • Pål Repstad: Religion and non-religion – definitions and dimensions  

Mini-conference related to the Complexity and Beyond project:Religious Complexity and beyond, Monday, 26 – Wednesday 28 September 2022

Opening of the seminar: Peter B. Andersen

Keynote lectures:

  • Ida Marie Høeg: Secularization of the Norwegian death culture? The Social Transformation of Religious Spatial and Ritual Institutions.
  • Karin Jarnkvist: Emerging rituals in secular societies. Performing of non-religion

Discussion with prepared commentator by Pål Repstad

  • Sara Evelina Lundmark and Maria Klingenberg: New concepts of religion: Nones and Nationalism
  • Hans Morten Haugen: Majority churches and the immigration discourse in Scandinavia 

Seminar Wednesday, 31 August 2022

  • Karin Jarnkvist: Critical studies of funerals – a way to grasp the rite’s complexity 

Seminar Wednesday, 1 June 2022

  • Sileshie Semahagne Kumlachew: Where politics and religion collide: The nature and implication of the Ethiopian Meskel Square confrontation in the Ethiopian media
  • Hege Kristin Ringnes: Gains and costs of membership or active participation in sects, cults, or New religious movements: a qualitative evidence synthesis
  • Kjetil Grødum: Innvandringsmotstand og antirasisme på Agder – en studie av Arne Myrdal og Folkebevegelse mot Innvandrings (FMI) som linse for å si noe om fenomenet i dag
  • Olav Hovdelien/Pål Ketil Botvar: How religion and secularism are portrayed in Valhalla and Asterix 

Seminar Thursday 2 June 2022

  • Evelina Lundmark: Cancelling the Second Coming: Manufactured Christian Outrage Online 
  • Ida Marie Høeg: ‘Bury me, but not in a school gymnasium’. Social transformations of religion and funeral space
  • Line Reichelt Føreland: Comics and religious studies: Comics created for educational purposes and comics used in educational context

Seminar Wednesday, 27 April 2022

  • Pål Repstad: The Great Narratives
  • Roald Zeiffert: Does the Bible contribute to a meaningful life for young Christians? 

 Seminar Wednesday, 16 March 2022

  • Paulina Niechciał, Jagiellonian University, Department: Centre for Comparative Studies of Civilisations, Krakow: ‘Lived Religion’ in the Context of Migration: The Case of Zoroastrian Women in the USA
  • David Herbert, University of Bergen: Factors shaping attitudes to immigration in the UK and Austria. Survey study 

Seminar Friday, 11 February 2022

  • Anne Lundahl Mauritsen, Department for the Study of Religion, School of Culture and Society, Arts, Aarhus University: Understanding the Scandinavian Paradox – an Interdisciplinary Investigation of Nonreligion and Cultural Religion in a Nordic Context

 Seminar Wednesday, 16 March 2022

  • Paulina Niechciał, Jagiellonian University, Department: Centre for Comparative Studies of Civilisations, Krakow: ‘Lived Religion’ in the Context of Migration: The Case of Zoroastrian Women in the USA
  • David Herbert, University of Bergen: Factors shaping attitudes to immigration in the UK and Austria. Survey study

Seminar Thursday, 13 January 2022

  • Pål Ketil Botvar: How to be a cartoonist after the Muhammad cartoons
  • Hilde Kristin Dahlstrøm & Solveig Omland: Nyheter om religion for barn

Seminar Wednesday, 24 November 2021

  • Pål Ketil Botvar: How to be a cartoonist after the Mohammad cartoons?. Religious satire in a globalised world 

Seminar Tuesday, 14 December 2021

  • Andreas Häger & Ralf Kauranen: Autobiographical comics and minority religion. Commentators: Hege Kristin Ringnes & Solveig Omland
  • Hilde Kristin Dahlstrøm & Solveig Omland: Nyheter om religion for barn. Kommentator: Evelina Lundmark, Pål Ketil Botvar, Birgitte Jaksholt, Elise Renstrøm
  • Sissel Undheim: Theology, religious studies and literary theory on comics. Commentators:  Hilde Kristin Dahlstrøm & Olav Hovdelien
  • MA-studenter: Birgitte Jaksholt: Emotional Energy and Spiritual Growth. Perspectives from Self-Help Leaders and Artists og Elise Renstrøm: Psykedelika og mystiske erfaringer - En kvalitativ studie av klassiske psykedeliske substanser, mystiske erfaringer og ettervirkninger av fenomenet «egoopplosning». Commentator: Pål Repstad, Gwyneth Øverland, Levi Eidhamar 

Seminar Wednesday, December 15 2021

  • Olav Hovdelien & Pål Ketil Botvar: A comparison of Asterix and the Nordic counterpart Valhalla. Commentators: Kees de Groot & Line Reichelt Føreland
  • Sofia Sjö: Material approaches to religion and comics: Commentators: Ida Marie Høeg & Pål Ketil Botvar
  • Pål Repstad: «Hvorfor er sosial klasse så lite påaktet i religionssosiologien?» Kommentatorer: Evelina Lundmark, Andreas Häger 

Seminar Wednesday, 27 October 2021

  • Evelina Lundmark: Cultural Christianity and Religious Nostalgia: The Affective Space of the Christmas Calendar within Swedish Secularism
  • Kees de Grot: Taking a walk with a saint in a secular city. Sociological reflections on the St. Martin's parade                                              

Seminar Wednesday, 22 September 2021

  • Ida Marie Høeg:  Culturally Jewishness and geographically bounded identity. Negotiating Jewish identity and the Jewish cemetery in the local context of Trondheim 

Seminar Wednesday, 25 August 2021

  • Odin Lysaker: Planetary ethics. Rereading Seyla Benhabib in times of climate refugees 

Seminar Friday, June 4, 2021

  • Michael Prince: Darkness of Light: Blasphemous Inversions of Genesis and the Word in Garth Innis Steve Dillon’s Preacher Series”
  • Line Reichelt Føreland: Using comics in religious studies
  • Kees De Groot: The Comics Project as a way of studying religion in liquid modernity
  • Uwe Bongsted: Empirical Findings. Attitudes toward the Body in Contemplative Practice 

Seminar Thursday, June 3, 2021

  • Hilde Kristin Dahlstrøm & Solveig Omland: An idea for a project: Norwegian National Broadcasting’ Supernytt. Medialisation of religion
  • Pål Ketil Botvar: High on cultural capital, low on social capital? A comparison of comic book-readers in Norway and France
  • Roald Zeiffert: Political views among young Norwegian Evangelicals
  • Jamie Glisson: Who will save Us? Mapping values for environmentally-sustainable futures through alternative education in Southern Norway 

Seminar Thursday  May 6, 2021

  • Kees de Groot: God in Frames. A Sociology of Comics and Religion. Commentator: Sissel
  • Evelina Lundmark: Cultural Christianity and National Identity: A Danish Case Study. Commentator: Jamie & David 

Seminar Thursday  April 8, 2021

  • Irene Trysnes & Katja Haaversen-Westhassel Skjølberg: Tittel: Læreres erfaringer med og håndtering av ekstreme ytringer i klasserommet. Kommentator: Uwe
  • Ida Marie Høeg: En trøndersk flerkulturell jødisk forsamling. Det jødiske samfunnet i Trondheim. 

Seminar 4. mars:

  • Ph.D Research Fellow Monika Praczyk: Politics of Religion and the Revival of the “Great Catholic Poland”
  • Ph.D Research Fellow Sileshie Semahagne Kumlachew: Literature Draft 

Seminar 4. februar:

  • Guest professor Kees de Grot: Disaster theatre. Play when things go awry.
  • Postdoctoral fellow Evelina Lundmark: Cultural Christianity and National Identity 

Seminar 10. desember

Hotel Scandic Kristiansand Bystranda

  • Uwe Bongsted: Silent worship in the Quaker tradition
  • MA-students: Elin Berggren:
  • Hege Kristin Ringnes: The Church of Scientology project
  • Roald Zeiffert: Young Evangelicals in Norway
  • Levi Eidhamar: Dimensions of the relationship between the individual and her unique worldview construction (Pål Repstad, Uwe, Sileshie) 

Seminar 30. oktober 2020

  • Sileshie Semahagne Kumlachew: The Nation of the Cross: Contemporary relationship of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahdo Church and state
  • Rizka Pramadita: Processes of radicalization and deradicalization among female jihadists in Indonesia 

Seminar 25. september 2020:

  • Pål Repstad: Om å forske på klasse og religion
  • Pål Ketil Botvar: Celebration of the Norwegian National Day: Religious or nonreligious rituals? 

Seminar 15. juni 2020 (digitalt seminar):

  • Astrid Krabbe Trolle: Majority Religion in the Public Sphere: Attitudes to the Presence of the Evangelical Lutheran Church among Church Members, Religiously Non-Affiliated and Religious Minorities in Denmark. Kommentatorere: Tale Steen-Johnsen, Pål Ketil Botvar. 

Seminar 12. mai 2020 (digitalt seminar):

  • Pål Ketil Botvar: Humour and religion in the welfare state context. Kommentatorer: Astrid Krabbe Trolle, Tale Steen-Johnsen
  • Ida Marie Høeg: Contesting religious space – Spatiality, religion and identity-making among Jews in Trondheim. Kommentatorere: Kjetil Grødum, David E. Herbert. 

Seminar 28.februar 2020:

  • Sissel Undheim:  Procession of lights. The celebration of Saint Lucy’s day in Norway as example of contemporary religion? 
  • Rizka Pramadita: Understanding Jihad in Their Own Words. A Propaganda Analysis. 

Seminar  11.-12.11.2019:

Mandag 11:

  • 14:00 Marianne Bøe: Hva er feminisme i islam? Kommentator: Solveig Omland, Levi Eidhamar
  • 15:00. Ane Steinsland-Tønnesen. Sjelevandring på Sørlandet. Kommentator: Hanne Tharaldsen Åsmundsen, Hege Kristin Ringnes 16:00 Eva Elana Saltvedt. Reflections from people with Muslim background in Indonesia. Kommentator: Ragnhild Elisabeth Sørbotten, Marianne Bøe
  • 17:00. Levi Eidhamar: Dimensions of the Relationship between the Individual and her Unique Belief and Worldview Construction. Kommentator: Ronald Synnes, Pål Repstad 

Tirsdag 12.11:

  • 09:00 Pål Repstad: Erving Goffman - mellom manipulasjon og aktelse. Kommentator: Ronald, Levi    
  • 10:00 Hanne Tharaldsen Åsmundsen: Varme voksne, et bidrag til forståelse av kontaktpersoner i kommunalt barnevern sine refleksjoner om fenomenet kjærlighet. Kommentator: Eva, Hege  
  • 11:00. Marte Andersen. Med Gud på flukt? En kvalitativ studie av ortodokse eritreiske flyktningers erfaringsvirkelighet med henblikk på religionens rolle i migrasjonsprosessen. Kommentator: Hanne, Ragnhild
  • 12:00 Pål Ketil: Talende tall. Med Religionsundersøkelsen som stifinner i det religiøse landskapet. Kommentator: Marte, Pål Repstad 

Seminar 6.juni 2019:
Sted: E2 002

  • Stig Andre Storli: Presentasjon av prosjektskisse til masteroppgaven i religion
  •  Tale Steen-Johnsen: Values and violence in Cambodian Parenting Practices 
  •  Uwe Bongsted: Dimensions of practice
  •  Sileshie Semahagne Kumlachew: Outline to a PhD-project: Religion in the Ethiopian media
  •  Pål Ketil Botvar: Religiøs humor i et majoritets- og minoritetsperspektiv
  •  Kjetil Grødum: Annerkjennelse 

Seminar 14-15 mars 2019:

14. mars:

  • Ragnhild Sørbotten Moen: «Exits and Turningpoints»
  • Hege Kristin Ringnes: «Jehovas vitner og avvisning av medisinsk blodoverføring»
  • Irene Trysnes & Ronald Synnes: «Bruk av sosiale medier om religionsrelaterte temaer blant unge muslimer og kristne i Oslo»
  • Ida Marie Høeg: «Solid and floating burial places. Ash disposal and constituting of burial places»

15. mars:

  • Pål Repstad: «Skolegudstjenester. Mellom kirkeprofilering, kulturarv og inkludering»
  • Kåre Husveg «Ikkje-vald og vald i islam sett med eit palestinsk blikk»
  • Innspill til heldagsseminar 31. mai 2019 på UiA Gimlemoen 

Seminar 20-21 september 2018:


  • Tale Steen-Johnsen: Extra/ordinary religion in extra/ordinary circumstances. Religion, faith and spirituality among humanitarians in South Sudan
  • MA-oppgavens forskningsdesign: Bjørge Aardal og Vegard Nicolaysen
  • Solveig Omland: En ide til et forskningsprosjekt: Young Muslims (negotiating?) in a Norwegian context: What are their questions, where do they seek answers and how do they apply the answers to their everyday life?
  • Levi Eidhamar«Spenningen mellom åpen og lukket livssynsmessig sosialisering»

21. sept:

  • Presentasjon av et nytt PhD-prosjekt Uwe Bongsted: Contemplative body. A comparative study of experiences and conceptualisations of embodiment in meditation communities in Norway
  • Kjetil Grødum: Religion, ideologi og identitet i forståelsen av fenomenet radikalisering og voldelig ekstremisme 

Seminar 27.april 2018:

  • Ronald Mayora Synnes: Etniske grenser og transnasjonale aktiviteter blant unge muslimer og kristne
  • Ida Marie Høeg: Rooms of silence at three Scandinavian universities. 

Seminar 19.oktober 2017:

  • Louise Lund Liebman postdoc på prosjektet Medier og religion i samfunnskonflikter (CoMRel): Islam and Muslims as elephants in the interfaith room. Frame-governance of dialogue and de-radicalisation.
  • Cora Alexa Døving forsker på HL-senteret: Negotiating Jewish Identity - Jewish Life in 21st Century Norway (Forskerprosjekt - SAMKUL)
  • Ånund Brottveit forskningssjef KIFO: Dialogue as a political tool in religious diversity  

Papers og presentasjoner våren 2017:

  • Ann Kristin Gresaker: Religion og humor i norske medier
  • Stefan Tørnquist Fisher-Høyrem: The Dynamics of Religion, Media and Locality in North European Cities
  • Louise Lund Liebman: Medier og religion i samfunnskonflikter (CoMRel). Et utkast til en analyse basert på intervjuer i Norge og Danmark.
  • Gwynyth Marshall Øverland: Presentasjon av prosjektet:" Working with values: a culturally appropriate intervention” 

Papers og presentasjoner høsten 2016: 

  • Helje Sødal: Konservativ modernitet. Luthersk mangfold i og utenfor Den norske kirke
  • Ragnhild Sørbotten Moen: En empirisk analyse av beretninger om islamisme i Norge
  • Ronald Mayora Synnes: Ungdom i kristne og muslimske migrantmenigheter
  • Levi Eidhamar: Religious legitimations of physical violence among Muslims in Norway and Indonesia
  • Vidar Kalsås: Mellom vitskap og etnopolitikk. Forskningsetikk og normativitet i romanistudier
  • Ida Marie Høeg: Introduksjonskapittel til boka Ung religion
  • Stephan Fisher-Høyrem: Rapport fra prosjektet Cultural Conflicts 2.0

Members in the group

Associate members

Kjetil Grødum kg@stiftelsen-arkivet.no
Solveig Omland, NLA Gimlekollen, solveig.omland@nla.no
Gwynyth Marshall Øverland, pensjonist, gwyn.overland@gmail.com
Marianne Bø, Universitetet i Stavanger marianne.boe@uis.no
Hege Kristin Ringnes, OsloMet, HegeKristin.Ringnes@oslomet.no
Sissel Undheim, UiB, sissel.undheim@uib.no
David Herbert, UiB, David.Herbert@uib.no
Hilde Kristin Dahlstrøm, hilde.dahlstrom@nla.no
Kees de Groot, Tilburg University, c.n.degroot@tilburguniversity.edu
Roald Zeiffert, PhDstudent, UiA og HLT, roald.zeiffert@hlt.no
Karin Jarnkvist, Mittuniversitetet i Sverige, karin.jarnkvist@miun.se
Ingvild Thu Kro, Ansgar høyskole, kro@ansgarskolen.no







Students in the group

G. Birgitte Jaksholt, Masterstudent UIA
Elin Berggreen, Masterstudent UIA
Sara Viktoria Løvrød, Masterstudent UIA