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“The best time of your life!”

Many people look back on their student days as the best time of their life, and that is what we want for you too! You will experience both ups and downs, but we want you to get the most out of student life – and we have tools and people for you to talk to should you experience adversity. You have to seek out the help you need, but we are here for you!

Good luck with your studies!

Help is at hand


The library = quality and support

The university library is more than just books and academic journals. Here you find good study spaces, and experts who are happy to help you use sources, copyrighted material and finding relevant academic literature.


Write an assignment for a business

As a student you have to write several assignments. How about writing an assignment on commission from a business that actually wants your help with a practical issue they face? UiA wants to facilitate university-business collaboration and businesses connect with students.

Make the most out of student life

Join a student activity

Getting involved with student associations can bring the best out of you, impact your student experience in a hugely positive way, give you new friends and help you develop leadership and life skills.

Go on a student exchange programme abroad

All students who are enrolled in a degree programme at UiA are entitled to apply for exchange / Study Abroad. The exchange period may be one or two semesters, and will be recognized as an integrated part of your degree from UiA.

Services and support