MaScE arranged summer School at Skottevik Feriesenter in June 2023 with 22 PhD research fellows and 8 supervisors participating.
The MaScE Summer School offered PhD research fellows working in the field of mathematics and science education research the possibility to present their work and to discuss its strengths and weaknesses in small groups of six students and two experienced supervisors from one of the partner institutions in MaScE.
The Summer School started at UiA with a Workshop about PhD Research as Seen from the Perspective of the Toulmin Argumentation Model with Bob Evans from University of Copenhagen.
After the workshop we continued by boat to Skottevik Feriesenter. Here we spend three days with plenaries from Raymond Bjuland, University of Stavanger, Doris Jorde, University of Oslo and Said Hadjerrouit, University of Agder and worked with group sessions and walk and talks.
The participating PhD research fellows had sent in a synopsis of their work before the Summer School and all synopses were collected in a book. All PhD fellows and group leaders prepared themselves by reading the synopses of the other PhD fellows in their group. One critical friend had a particular responsibility to carefully read the synopsis (s)he was a critical friend for. Another Fellow acted as secretary, taking notes from the responses from the critical friend, the group, and the group leaders.
Here are the 4 groups at the Summer School: