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Christa Santina Wirth


Professor of History (1750-Present)

E2015 ( Universitetsveien 25, Kristiansand )
Office hours:
Thursdays 14.00 - 16.00; Office: E2 015 (Universitetsveien 25, Kristiansand )

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Publications (all), Guest Lectures, and Papers (most recent)  see below: Utvalgte Publikasjoner/Selected Publications

Christa Wirth is a professor of history (1750-Present) at the Institute for Religion, Philosophy, and History at the University of Agder. She researches and teaches the history of global migration and the history of science. Wirth has a particular focus on the history of the United States and its transnational and global entanglements. In her book, Memories of Belonging: Descendants of Italian Migrants to the United States, 1884-Present, Leiden/Boston, Brill, 2015, she follows Italian labor migrants in their transnational travel networks in the Atlantic economy of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Additionally, Memories of Belonging documents a century of settlement, incorporation, and later-generation self-identification in the 20th century. It reveals how memories of migration, everyday life, and ethnicity are passed down through the generations, altered, and contested while constituting family identities. Wirth is currently working on a book-length manuscript on the history of social science, in particular on anthropologists who conducted research between Chicago and Manila during the Cold War.

She teaches courses in global migration history, global family history, history of the U.S. Empire, memory studies, gender history, and theories and methods of history.

Wirth received her dissertation at the University of Zurich. She was a visiting fellow and (post)doctoral teaching fellow at Harvard University and a post-doctoral fellow at the German Historical Institute in Washington, DC. Wirth worked as an Oberassistentin at the history department of the University of Zurich.

Wirth is co-initiator of the networks “Transnational History Switzerland” (Berne) and “Knowledge and the Cold War” (Zurich). She is also an associate of the Center “History of Knowledge”, ETH Zurich/University of Zurich.


Research interests

transnational and global history

U.S. history

migration history

memory studies

(post)colonial history

history of (social) science

gender history

Selected publications


Memories of Belonging: Descendants of Italian Migrants to the United States, 1884−Present. Brill: Leiden, Boston 2015. 

Editor: Anthology

Büsser, Nathalie, David, Thomas, Eichenberger, Pierre, Haller, Lea, Straumann, Tobias, Wirth, Christa (eds.). Transnationale Geschichte der Schweiz; Histoire transnationale de la Suisse. Chronos Verlag 2020 (Schweizerisches Jahrbuch für Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte), 34, 2020.

Editor: Special Issue Journal

Der kalte Krieg: Kältegrade eines globalen Konflikts. Nach Feierabend: Zürcher Jahrbuch für Wissensgeschichte, 12, 2017 (Berlin/Zurich), co-edited together with Silvia Berger Ziauddin and David Eugster.


Reading Rizal: Wilhelm Tell and Texts of Revolution in the Colonial Philippines. Postcolonial Studies Journal.

The Anthropologist as Deviant Modernizer: Felipe Landa Jocanoʼs Journey through the Cold War, the Social Sciences, Decolonization, and Nation Building in the Philippines. In: Solovey, Mark, Dayé, Christian (Eds.). Cold War Social Science: Transnational Entanglements. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 161-189.

The History of Knowledge and the Cold War: An Essay. In: Nach Feierabend: Das Zürcher Jahrbuch für Wissensgeschichte, Band 15, 2020, pp. 159-166.

Migrations and Nations: Historical Perspectives on Current Border Crossings. In: Historisk Tidsskrif, 98/2019, pp. 297-308.

Jocano’s Digging for a Precolonial Past at Santa Ana: Nation-Building at the Nexus of the Cold War and Decolonization. In: Asian Studies: Journal of Critical Perspectives on Asia: Pioneering Filipino Anthropology: The Works and Writings of F. Landa Jocano, 55/1-2, 2019, pp. 150-155.

Lisa Tetzner: Die Kinder aus Nr. 67. In: NZZ Geschichte, 23, 2019: Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ), p. 114.

The Creation of a Postcolonial Subject: The Chicago and Ateneo de Manila Schools and the Peace Corps in the Philippines, 1960-1970. In: The Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, 2018 .

Gewaltige Hitze: Apocalypse Now – Film, Ereignis und Roman. In: Berger Ziauddin, Silvia, Eugster, David, Wirth, Christa (Eds). In: Der kalte Krieg: Kältegrade eines globalen Konflikts. Nach Feierabend: Zürcher Jahrbuch für Wissensgeschichte, Band 12, 2017.

Together with Berger Ziauddin and Eugster: James Bond fährt Ski: Ein Versuch über die Kälte des Kalten Kriege. In: Berger Ziauddin, Silvia, Eugster, David, Wirth, Christa (Eds.). Der kalte Krieg: Kältegrade eines globalen Konflikts. Nach Feierabend: Zürcher Jahrbuch für Wissensgeschichte, Band 12, 2017.

Beyond Switzerland: Reframing the Swiss Historical Narrative in Light of Transnational History, together with Eichenberger, Pierre et al. In: Traverse: Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2017/1, pp. 137-152.

Why the Hyphen? Individual and Collective Memories of Italianness in the United States at the Intersection of Class and Generation. In: Immigrants and Minorities: Historical Studies in Ethnicity, Migration and Diaspora, 34(1):22-48.


Book Chapters

Movements, Sites, and Encounters of (Post)colonial Knowledge in and of the Pacific. In: Middell, Matthias (Ed.). The Routledge Handbook of Transregional Studies, London 2018, pp. 110-116.

Memory and Migration: Research. In: Ness, Immanuel (ed.). The Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration, Volume IV. Hoboken, NJ 2013, pp. 2158-2164.

Der “American Dream” in den Erzählungen der Nachkommen eines italienischen Migrantenpaares: Ein Werkstattbericht. In: Boesen, Elisabeth, Lenz, Fabienne (eds.). Migration und Erinnerung. Migration et mémoire: Methoden und Konzepte der Forschung. Méthodes et concepts de recherche. LIT-Verlag: Berlin et al. 2010, pp. 105-136.


Fischer-Tiné, Harald. Pidgin Knowledge. Wissen und Kolonialismus. Zurich, Berlin 2013. Review in: H-Soz-und Kult.

Guglielmo, Jennifer. Living the Revolution: Italian Women’s Resistance and Radicalism in New York City, 1880-1945. Chapel Hill, NC 2010. Review in: WorkingUSA: The Journal of Labor and Society, 14, 2011/3, pp. 429-430.

(Past) Editor and Board Responsibilities

International Board on the History of Knowledge, Lund University.

UNITAS: Semi-Annual Peer-Reviewed International Online Journal of Advanced Research in Literature, Culture, and Society, University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines.

ROSA – Journal of Gender Studies (Zurich).

Guest Lectures, Keynote Lectures, Conference Papers (more recent)

Methods of the History of Knowledge: How to Apply the Insights of the History of Knowledge to Our Own Research. Doctoral Workshop: Methods and Theory in the History of Knowledge // Perspectives from the Sources, Doctoral Program History of Knowledge ETH Zurich/Uni Zurich, May, 2022.

Knowledge and Complicity: A Chicago Anthropologist at the Nexus the Cold War and Decolonization in the Philippines, Seminar History of Knowledge, St. Andrews University, November, 2019.

Cold War Knowledge: Social Science Between Manila and Chicago, History of Knowledge, Kunskapshistoriska seminaret, Lund University, Sweden, December, 2018.

Translating the Revolution? Schiller’s Tell and Philippine Nationalism: Presented in Research Colloquium of Department of Iberian and Latin American History, and Department for North American History. University of Cologne, Germany, June, 2014.

Introdcution: Oral history in Seminar 34k, “Italian-Americans: History, Literature, Identity,” Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, Harvard University, spring, 2009.

Keynote Lecture

Norwegian National History Days, University of Agder, keynote: Migrations and Nations: Historical Perspectives on Current Border Crossings, June 1, 2018.

Conference Papers (2019)

Historizing the Archeological Dig, 25th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, University of Berne, September 4-6, 2019.

Anthropology and the Marcos Regime: Complicit Postcolonial Knowledge during the Cold War between the Philippines and the United States, 25th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, University of Berne, September 4-6, 2019.

Chicago Social Scientists in the Philippines:Navigating Whiteness at the Nexus of the Cold War and Decolonization,Memory Studies Association: Third Annual Conference: Complutense University, Madrid, June 25-28, 2019.

Chicago Anthropologists, Workshop on Cold War Social Sciences, University of Toronto, Canada, May, 22-23, 2019.

Anthropology across the Pacific, Workshop: “Knowledge and the Cold War: Histories of the (Social) Sciences and Environmental Studies”, UiA, 2019.

General outreach

Host, Claimed Pasts’s Brown Bag lunch. Monthly public research seminars, UiA/zoom. 2022.

«Sie steht für alles, was Putin hasst». Tagesanzeiger, Swiss National Newspaper on arrest of Brittney Griner. 2022.

Host, Claimed Pasts’s Brown Bag lunch. Monthly public research seminars, UiA/zoom, 2021.

Host, Claimed Pasts’s Brown Bag lunch. Monthly public research seminars, UiA/zoom, 2020.

Lisa Tetzner: Die Kinder aus Nr. 67. In: NZZ Geschichte, 23, 2019: Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ), p. 114., 2019.

“Make America Mexican Again: Two Centuries of U.S.-Mexico Border Crossings”. Lørdagsuniversitet i Kristiansand – Saturday University. Teateret/Theater Kristiansand, 2019.

Panelist, Living Research-Library: Migrationsgeschichten, Aula PROGR, Center for Culture Practice, Berne, 2017.

Organizer and moderator of panel “Ist der Strafvollzug in der Krise? Ein Vergleichender Blick in die USA nach den Protesten von Ferguson (Wissen in Gesellschaft, Nr. 3), Center “History of Knowledge” (ETH Zurich/UZH) Cabaret Voltaire, Zurich, May 2017.

Commentary: U.S. civil rights movement on Swiss national TV “10vor10: Wurzeln des Rassismus” on August 20, 2014



Scientific publications

  • Wirth, Christa Santina (2023). Scholars as Knowledge Actors: Taking the Knowledge Paradigm Personally. Knowledge Actors: Revisiting Agency in the History of Knowledge. ISBN: 978-9189361652. Nordic Academic Press. 13. s 251 - 267.
  • Wirth, Christa Santina; Rasmussen, Josephine Munch (2023). The Value of Forgeries for Historical Research. Variant Scholarship: Ancient Texts in Modern Contexts. ISBN: 9789464270464. Sidestone Press. Chapter 10. s 169 - 187.
  • Wirth, Christa Santina (2022). Article: Violent Heat: Apocalypse Now between (De-)Colonization and the Cold War. UNITAS: Journal of Advanced Research in Literature, Culture, and Society. ISSN: 2619-7987. s 82 - 113.
  • Wirth, Christa Santina (2021). Reading Rizal: Wilhelm Tell and texts of revolution in the colonial Philippines. Postcolonial Studies. ISSN: 1368-8790. s 259 - 278. doi:10.1080/13688790.2021.2018774.
  • Wirth, Christa Santina (2021). The Anthropologist as Deviant Modernizer: Felipe Landa Jocano’s Journey Through the Cold War, the Social Sciences, Decolonization, and Nation Building in the Philippines. Cold War Social Science Transnational Entanglements. ISBN: 978-3-030-70246-5. Palgrave Macmillan. Chapter 5. s 161 - 189.
  • Wirth, Christa Santina (2020). The History of Knowledge and the Cold War: An Essay. Nach Feierabend: Das Zürcher Jahrbuch für Wissensgeschichte. ISSN: 2235-4654. 15s 159 - 166.
  • Wirth, Christa Santina (2019). Jocano’s Digging for a Pre-Colonial Past at Santa Ana in Manila: Nation-Building at the Nexus of the Cold War and Decolonization. Asian Studies: Journal of Critical Perspectives on Asia. ISSN: 0004-4679. 55s 150 - 155.
  • Wirth, Christa Santina (2019). Migrations and nations: Historical perspectives on current border crossings. Historisk Tidsskrift (Norge). ISSN: 0018-263X. 98 (4). s 297 - 308. doi:10.18261/issn.1504-2944-2019-04-02.
  • Wirth, Christa Santina (2018). Movements, Sites, and Encounters of (Post)colonial Knowledge in and of the Pacific. The Routledge Handbook of Transregional Studies.. ISBN: 9781138718364. Routledge. Chapter 11. s 110 - 116.
  • Wirth, Christa Santina (2018). Wirth, Christa. The Creation of a Postcolonial Subject: The Chicago and Ateneo de Manila Schools and the Peace Corps in the Philippines, 1960-1970.. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences. ISSN: 0022-5061. 54s 5 - 24. doi:10.1002/jhbs.21883.
  • Wirth, Christa Santina; Eichenberger, Pierre; David, Thomas; Haller, Lea; Leimgruber, Matthieu; Schär, Bernhard (2017). Beyond Switzerland: Reframing the Swiss Historical Narrative in Light of Transnational History. Traverse. Zeitschrift für Geschichte / Revue d'histoire. ISSN: 1420-4355. (1). s 137 - 152.
  • Wirth, Christa Santina (2017). Gewaltige Hitze: Apocalypse Now – Film, Ereignis und Roman: In: Berger Ziauddin, Silvia, Eugster, David, Wirth, Christa (Eds).Der kalte Krieg: Kältegrade eines globalen Konflikts.. Nach Feierabend: Das Zürcher Jahrbuch für Wissensgeschichte. ISSN: 2235-4654. 12s 61 - 84.
  • Wirth, Christa Santina; Berger Ziauddin, Silvia; Eugster, David (2017). James Bond fährt Ski: Ein Versuch über die Kälte des Kalten Kriege. In: Berger Ziauddin, Silvia, Eugster, David, Wirth, Christa (Eds.). Der kalte Krieg: Kältegrade eines globalen Konflikts.. Nach Feierabend: Das Zürcher Jahrbuch für Wissensgeschichte. ISSN: 2235-4654. s 7 - 16.
  • Wirth, Christa Santina (2015). Why the Hyphen? Individual and Collective Memories of Italianness in the United States at the Intersection of Class and Generation.. Immigrants & Minorities. ISSN: 0261-9288. 34s 22 - 48.
  • Wirth, Christa Santina (2013). Memory and Migration: Research.. The Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration. ISBN: 978-1-4443-3489-0. Wiley-Blackwell. M. s 2158 - 2164.
  • Wirth, Christa Santina (2010). Der “American Dream” in den Erzählungen der Nachkommen eines italienischen Migrantenpaares: Ein Werkstattbericht.. Migration und Erinnerung. Konzepte und Methoden der Forschung/ Migration et mèmoire. Concepts et mèthodes de recherche. ISBN: 9783643103413. LIT Verlag. Chapter 5. s 105 - 136.
  • Wirth, Christa Santina (2015). Memories of Belonging: Descendants of Italian Migrants to the United States, 1884−Present.. ISBN: 978-90-04-28456-2. Brill Academic Publishers. s 420.
  • Wirth, Christa Santina; David, Thomas; Eichenberger, Pierre; Büsser, Nathalie; Haller, Lea; Straumann, Tobias (2020). Transnationale Geschichte der Schweiz; Histoire transnationale de la Suisse. ISBN: 978-3-0340-1522-6. Chronos Verlag.
  • Wirth, Christa Santina (2024). Panel member as historian: History of Intersectionality and Pinkwashing.
  • Wirth, Christa Santina (2024). Colonial Identities: Christian Krohg’s Leiv Eriksson Discovers America.
  • Wirth, Christa Santina (2023). A Chicago School of Philippine Studies: A History of Colonial and Cold War Entanglements, 1898-1977.
  • Wirth, Christa Santina (2023). The Sexualized Gaze and Imperial Touch of a Chicago Anthropologist in the Philippines, in the Congo Free State, and in Mexico 1900-1910 at University of Berne.
  • Wirth, Christa Santina (2023). Presentation: Early Chicago Anthropology: Between St.Louis and Baguio, 1898-1910 at research colloquium University of Zurich.
  • Wirth, Christa Santina (2023). Presentation:(Post)colonial Norway at Workshop (Post)colonial Norway.
  • Wirth, Christa Santina (2023). Die Chicago School der Philippine Studies zwischen Manila und Chicago: Sozialwissenschaftliches Wissen, Kalter Krieg und Dekolonisierung.

Last changed: 5.02.2024 10:02