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Christine Watne Kristiansen

Associate Professor

C4106 ( Jon Lilletuns vei 9, Grimstad )

Scientific publications

  • Kristiansen, Christine Watne (2021). Mandatory coursework assignments in Norwegian teacher education:Challenges and possibilities. Assessment theory, policy, and practice in higher education - Integrating feedback into student learning. ISBN: 978-3-8309-4478-2. Waxmann Verlag. Chapter 7. s 107 - 122.
  • Kristiansen, Christine Watne; Eggen, Astrid Birgitte (2014). Vurdering som skapende læring. Tilpasset opplæring- i forskning og praksis. ISBN: 9788202419011. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. Kapittel. s 81 - 102.

Last changed: 14.10.2021 11:10