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Greta Marthinussen

Assistant Professor


"Transitional Spaces: An Exploration of the Phenomenon of Recognition (anagnorisis) as a General Didactic Principle" (ongoing)

Pedagogikkfagets betydning for lærerstudentenes profesjonelle utvikling (PUPIL-prosjekt, 2022-2026)

Scientific publications

  • Lazareva, Alexandra; Gravås, Marianne; Kornbrekke, Janne; Marthinussen, Greta; Stakland Tveiten, Silje (2024). Vocational Education Teacher's Understanding of what deep learning entails and how to assess it. ICERI Proceedings. ISSN: 2340-1095. doi:10.21125/iceri.2024.0503.
  • Willbergh, Ilmi; Marthinussen, Greta; Elmies-Vestergren, Alexander; Mikkelsen, Chanette Catharina Bach (2024). Accountability-critical educational research – a review.
  • Marthinussen, Greta (2024). Kunsten å finne frem. Kritisk blikk på KI i skolen..
  • Marthinussen, Greta (2024). Technology makes us more human? Critical perspectives on the use of AI in education.
  • Marthinussen, Greta (2024). Hva kan kunstig intelligens ikke gjøre i skolen? (Lørdagsuniversitetet, Grimstad bibliotek).
  • Gravås, Marianne; Kornbrekke, Janne; Stakland Tveiten, Silje; Lazareva, Alexandra; Marthinussen, Greta (2023). Deep Learning in Science Subjects in Vocational Education in Norway: Skills, Strategies, and Assessment..
  • Marthinussen, Greta (2023). En Slappelse paa Legeme og Sjæl?: Pedagogisk-filosofiske perspektiver på bruk av KI/ChatGPT i skolen.
  • Marthinussen, Greta (2023). Bridging the known and the unknown: A study of the phenomenon of recognition (‘anagnórisis’) as a general didactic principle.

Last changed: 10.10.2023 10:10