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Jan Georg Friesinger

Associate Professor

C5034 ( Jon Lilletuns vei 9, Grimstad )

Sociologist with several years work experiences within community mental health service. Doctoral degree from the University in Agder with specialization in health and sport sciences. Study programme coordinator for the Master's programme in psychosocial health.

Research interests

  • Materiality and places


  • sociology of (mental) health and illness


  • community mental health

Courses and teaching

  • Sociology


  • Health geography


  • Qualitative Social Research



  • 2016-2019: PhD project
    • Materiality and living situation of people with mental health problems in supported housing.
  • 2020 (jan-jun): Involved in project 'InnArbeid
    • Action design research regarding technologies that promote the employment of people with intellectual disabilities
  • 2019-2023: Research group project linked to 'an including society'

Selected publications

Friesinger, Jan Georg; Topor, Alain Pierre; Bøe, Tore Dag; Larsen, Inger Beate (2020). Materialities in supported housing for people with mental health problems: a blurry picture of the tenants. Sociology of Health and Illness. ISSN: 0141-9889. doi:10.1111/1467-9566.13162.

Friesinger, J.G., Topor, A., Bøe, T.D., Larsen, I.B., 2019a. The ambiguous influences of fire safety on people with mental health problems in supported housing. Palgrave Communications 5, 22. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-019-0230-0

Friesinger, J.G., Topor, A., Bøe, T.D., Larsen, I.B., 2019b. Studies regarding supported housing and the built environment for people with mental health problems: A mixed-methods literature review. Health & Place 57, 44–53. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2019.03.006

Scientific publications

  • Topor, Alain Pierre; Bøe, Tore Dag; Hope, Øyvind Johannes; Ness, Ottar; Friesinger, Jan Georg (2025). The New Institutional Landscape for People with Mental Health Problems. Routledge Handbook on Spaces of Mental Health and Wellbeing. ISBN: 9781032385761. Routledge. 41.
  • Haugland, Siri Håvås; Topor, Alain Pierre; Friesinger, Jan Georg (2024). 1 plus 1 is more than 2: mental health problems, financial difficulties, and social exclusion in a cross-sectional study of 28,047 general-population adults. BMC Public Health. ISSN: 1471-2458. 24 (1). doi:10.1186/s12889-024-18555-1.
  • Friesinger, Jan Georg; Flåto, Maja; Larsen, Inger Beate (2024). A critical perspective on texts about housing for people with mental health and/or substance-use problems. Norsk sosiologisk tidsskrift. ISSN: 2535-2512.
  • Friesinger, Jan Georg; Topor, Alain Pierre; Lindvig, Gunnhild Ruud; Larsen, Inger Beate (2024). Micropolitics of Mental Health Recovery: An Assemblage Analysis of People’s Experiences of Becoming Well. Community mental health journal. ISSN: 0010-3853. doi:10.1007/s10597-024-01311-5.
  • Friesinger, Jan Georg (2024). Situasjonsanalyse. Håndbok i kvalitativ forskning: For psykologi, helsefag og sosialfag. ISBN: 9788245034868. Fagbokforlaget. 25. s 363 - 378.
  • Hope, Øyvind Johannes; Ness, Ottar; Friesinger, Jan Georg; Topor, Alain Pierre; Bøe, Tore Dag (2023). ‘Living needs a landscape’: A qualitative study about the role of enabling landscapes for people with mental health and substance abuse problems. Health and Place. ISSN: 1353-8292. 84s 1 - 8. doi:10.1016/j.healthplace.2023.103144.
  • Friesinger, Jan Georg; Haugland, Siri Håvås; Vederhus, John-Kåre (2022). The significance of the social and material environment to place attachment and quality of life: findings from a large population-based health survey. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. ISSN: 1477-7525. 20doi:10.1186/s12955-022-02045-2.
  • Friesinger, Jan Georg; Birkeland, Bente; Thorød, Anne Brita (2021). Human-Animal Relationships in Supported Housing: Animal Atmospheres for Mental Health Recovery. Frontiers in Psychology. ISSN: 1664-1078. 12doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.712133.
  • Larsen, Inger Beate; Friesinger, Jan Georg; Strømland, Monica; Topor, Alain Pierre (2021). You realise you are better when you want to live, want to go out, want to see people: Recovery as assemblage. International Journal of Social Psychiatry. ISSN: 0020-7640. s 1 - 8. doi:10.1177/00207640211019452.
  • Friesinger, Jan Georg; Topor, Alain; Bøe, Tore Dag; Larsen, Inger Beate (2020). Materialities in supported housing for people with mental health problems: a blurry picture of the tenants. Sociology of Health and Illness. ISSN: 0141-9889. 47 (7). s 1742 - 1758. doi:10.1111/1467-9566.13162.
  • Friesinger, Jan Georg; Topor, Alain Pierre; Bøe, Tore Dag; Larsen, Inger Beate (2019). The ambiguous influences of fire safety on people with mental health problems in supported housing. Palgrave Communications. ISSN: 2055-1045. 5doi:10.1057/s41599-019-0230-0.
  • Friesinger, Jan Georg; Hope, Øyvind Johannes (2023). Steders betydning for folkehelse og inkludering - "living needs a landscape".
  • Friesinger, Jan Georg (2023). Studieplanutvikling: Etablering av ny videreutdanning/masterspesialisering i psykisk helse, rus og avhengighetsarbeid.
  • Friesinger, Jan Georg (2023). Eilerts Salong / paneldeltagelse: Medvirkning uten virkning?.

Last changed: 14.01.2024 19:01