Sosiolog med flere års jobberfaring som miljøterapeut med psykisk helse og rusarbeid. Doktorgrad fra Universitetet i Agder med spesialisering i helse- og idrettsvitenskap. Studieprogamleder for Master i Psykososial helse.
Friesinger, Jan Georg; Topor, Alain Pierre; Bøe, Tore Dag; Larsen, Inger Beate (2020). Materialities in supported housing for people with mental health problems: a blurry picture of the tenants. Sociology of Health and Illness. ISSN: 0141-9889. doi:10.1111/1467-9566.13162.
Friesinger, J.G., Topor, A., Bøe, T.D., Larsen, I.B., 2019a. The ambiguous influences of fire safety on people with mental health problems in supported housing. Palgrave Communications 5, 22.
Friesinger, J.G., Topor, A., Bøe, T.D., Larsen, I.B., 2019b. Studies regarding supported housing and the built environment for people with mental health problems: A mixed-methods literature review. Health & Place 57, 44–53.
Sist endret: 14.01.2024 19:01