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Joseph Salomonsen

53A216 ( Universitetsveien 53, Kristiansand )

Joseph Salomonsen’s research interests are located at the intersection of geopolitics, migration and public policy. His PhD project is about the Norwegian governments “Integration Act".

Work experience

  • Researcher at Oxford Research
  • Researcher at Agderforskning (NORCE) - Islamisation and radicalism
  • Senior Advisor at the Directorate of Integration and Diversity (IMDi)

Selected publications

General outreach

  • Lectured between 2016-2018 at VID Specialized University, MA program
  • Public lectures (can be googled)
    • Nordisk ministerråd: Migrasjon & Sivilsamfunnet
    • Ansgar Teologiske Høgskole: Religiøsitet i en sekulær stat
    • UiA-EVU: Fra Dugnad til Drift: Robuste integreringskommuner
  • Likestillingskonferansen 2016
  • As a Middle East analyst on national TV

Scientific publications

  • Sunday, Joseph; Isabwe, Ghislain Maurice Norbert; Ali, Muhammad Usman; Schulz, Renee Patrizia (2017). Towards Personalization of Peer Review in Learning Programming. Emerging Technologies for Education. ISBN: 978-3-319-52835-9. Springer. chapter. s 270 - 277.

Last changed: 8.02.2024 20:02