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Knut Erik Bonnier

Assistant Professor

A167 ( Jon Lilletuns vei 3, Grimstad )
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Knut Erik Bonnier is an Assistant Professor in Project Management at the Department of Working Life and Innovation at the School of Business and Law. He earned his Msc degree in Industrial Economics and Technology Management at the University of Agder. Furthermore, he has a Bachelor degree in Computer Science with a specialization in Game Programming from Narvik University College.


Research interests

Knut has worked on several research and development projects on the topics of educational games and continue to do so. Thus, his reserach is currently aimed towards this field. He is continuously looking for sensible ways to utilize the latest technology in teaching, and is currently investigating how artificial intelligence and machine learning can be used for such purposes. Knut has previously published articles for the International Group for Lean Construction (IGLC) and has co-authored a book on the topic of Lean Construction. He is currently a member of the Consense AI and Academic e-sports, games and game didactics research groups

Courses and teaching

He is head of course for IND418 - Continous Improvement and Lean (Master's Programme in Industrial Economics and Technology Management, and Innovation and Knowledge Development), and also teaches project management and is involved with the Academic esports program as a teacher.

Work experience

Knut has a varied background and has been working in fields such as IT, banking, industrial production, and the service industry.

Academic interests

Particularly interested in AI/ML, XR, game didactics, pedagogics, project management, continuous improvement, digital transformation, software development, design, blockchain, computer science and technology in general.


  • Erasmus+ GAME
    • On-going until 2024
  • HK-dir.- Serious Games in Higher Education
    • Completed in December, 2022

Scientific publications

  • Hellström, Magnus Mikael; Jaccard, Dominique; Bonnier, Knut Erik (2023). A systematic review on the use of serious games in project management education. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SERIOUS GAMES. ISSN: 2384-8766. 10 (2). s 3 - 24. doi:10.17083/ijsg.v10i2.630.
  • Jaccard, Dominique; Bonnier, Knut Erik; Hellström, Magnus Mikael (2022). How might serious games trigger a transformation in project management education ? Lessons learned from 10 Years of experimentations. Project Leadership and Society (PLS). ISSN: 2666-7215. 3doi:10.1016/j.plas.2022.100047.
  • Andersen, Rune; Bonnier, Knut Erik; Jaccard, Dominique (2020). Challenges with the introduction of a "project management game" in higher education. 12th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies - EDULEARN 20. ISBN: 978-84-09-17979-4. The International Academy of Technology, Education and Development. chapter.
  • Bonnier, Knut Erik; Andersen, Rune; Johnsen, Hege Mari (2020). Lessons Learned from Implementing a Serious Game in Higher Education – A Student and Trainer Perspective.. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). ISSN: 0302-9743. 12517s 24 - 33. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-63464-3_3.
  • Bonnier, Knut Erik; Kalsaas, Bo Terje (2017). Tradisjonell prosjektplanlegging og -styring i et Lean-perspektiv. Lean Construction. Forstå og forbedre prosjektbasert produksjon. ISBN: 978-82-450-2107-3. Fagbokforlaget. Kapittel 3. s 61 - 89.
  • Kalsaas, Bo Terje; Bonnier, Knut Erik; Ose, Arne Olai (2016). Towards a Model for Planning and Controlling ETO Design Projects. Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction.. ISBN: 978-0-9977376-2-2. International Group for Lean Construction. Chapter. s 33 - 42.
  • Kalsaas, Bo Terje; Ose, Arne Olai; Bonnier, Knut Erik (2015). Waste in Design and Engineering. Global Problems - Global Solutions. Proceedings IGLC 2015 Perth Australia. ISBN: 978-0-9874557-9-6. IGLC. Waste in Construction. s 463 - 472.
  • Bonnier, Knut Erik (2020). Serious games i høyere utdanning – Erfaringer fra forelesere og studenter 2019/2020.
  • Bonnier, Knut Erik (2020). Lessons Learned from Implementing a Serious Game in Higher Education – A Student and Trainer Perspective.
  • Andersen, Rune; Bonnier, Knut Erik (2020). Challenges with the introduction of a "Project Management Game" in higher education..

Last changed: 10.10.2023 13:10