Knut Erik Bonnier er førsteamanuensis i prosjektledelse ved Institutt for arbeidsliv og innovasjon ved Handelshøyskolen. Han har en mastergrad i industriell økonomi og teknologiledelse fra Universitetet i Agder. I tillegg har han en bachelorgrad i informatikk med spesialisering innen spillprogrammering fra Høgskolen i Narvik.
Knut has worked on several research and development projects on the topics of educational games and continue to do so. Thus, his reserach is currently aimed towards this field. He is continuously looking for sensible ways to utilize the latest technology in teaching, and is currently investigating how artificial intelligence and machine learning can be used for such purposes. Knut has previously published articles for the International Group for Lean Construction (IGLC) and has co-authored a book on the topic of Lean Construction. He is currently a member of the Consense AI and Academic e-sports, games and game didactics research groups
Knut is head of course for IND418 - Continous Improvement and Lean (Master's Programme in Industrial Economics and Technology Management, and Innovation and Knowledge Development), and also teaches project management and is involved with the Academic esports program as a teacher.
Knut has a varied background and has been working in fields such as IT, banking, industrial production, and the service industry.
Particularly interested in AI/ML, XR, game didactics, pedagogics, project management, continuous improvement, digital transformation, software development, design, blockchain, computer science and technology in general.
Sist endret: 10.10.2023 13:10