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Kristin Blakstad

Assistant Professor

EU111 ( Universitetsveien 25, Kristiansand )

My education consists of a BA with a PGCE in creative arts and art history from Norway, a post-graduate certification in physical theatre performance and devising from London as well as an MA in education from the University of Agder.  

Over the course of ten years I have work experience from Norway, France, UK and USA In teaching, facilitating co-creation-, across disciplinary-, and creative-arts workshops (Theatre), freelance acting, directing and videography. 

Research interests

Research groups:

  • General Didactics and Education Policies
  • PUPIL (practice, education, policy in teacher training)

Courses and teaching


  • PED128-2 Learning and training
  • PED148-2 The individual and society 
  • PED156-1/PED157-1 Education and pupil knowledge
  • PED149-2 Communication and Group Processes
  • PED150-2 Competency and Knowledge in a Globalised World
  • PED9000-1 
  • Dekomp

Work experience

  • Substitute teacher and ass. teacher in primary school (Norway)
  • Creative arts teacher in pre-school nursery and primary school, and for children with special educational needs (UK)
  • Substitute teacher in Drama (upper secondary school - Norway)
  • Instructor and facilitator in theatre and across-disciplinary workshops (co-creation, design-thinking, devising, theatre) in Norway, UK and France
  • Actor (theatre, screen)
  • Director (theatre, screen)
  • Videographer (weddings)

Academic interests

  • Bildung centered general didactics
  • Aesthetic learning processes
  • Dissemination







Scientific publications

  • Blakstad, Kristin (2024). Representant for Fakultetet for Humaniora og Pedagogikk på Forskningstorget 2024.
  • Blakstad, Kristin (2023). Vocational students’ preparation for future work: A case study on exemplary teaching as a didactic method in vocational education..

Last changed: 10.04.2024 22:04