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Scientific publications

  • Hauen, Mali (2024). Without Eyesight, Listening to Life: A Teacher's Experience of a Soundwalk and How I Introduced it to Young Flutists. Pedagogical Propositions: Playful Walking with A/r/tography, Book 3. ISBN: 978-989-35684-1-5. InSEA Publications. SECTION 4: SOUNDWALKS. s 164 - 175.
  • Hauen, Mali; Sessay, Muhamed; Marcetic, Neven; Knudsen, Hein Økseter; Støholen, Morten; Nyaas, Gunhild (2024). “This is me”: Storytelling with students to reveal their mutual entanglements with the “kulturskole”. Journal of Embodied Research (JER). ISSN: 2513-8421. 7 (1). s 1 - 30. doi:https://doi.org/10.16995/jer.11511.
  • Klungland, Monica; Jamouchi, Samira; Eriksen, Helen; Hauen, Mali (2023). MATERIAL TOUCH. APRIA [Artez Platform for Research Interventions of the Arts]. ISSN: 2589-9007.
  • Hauen, Mali; Klungland, Monica (2023). “Trembling Moments”: To develop methods for co-creating data with pupils in the kulturskole.. Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology (RERM). ISSN: 1892-042X. 14 (1). s 59 - 81. doi:10.7577/rerm.5031.
  • Hauen, Mali; Emstad, Anne Berit (2021). Hva settes i spill når ledere i kulturskolen planlegger elevenes timeplaner? Om en rhizomatisk forståelse av organisasjonen kulturskole og hvordan en slik forståelse kan berike kulturskolens samarbeid med andre aktører. Utdanning i kunstfag: Samarbeid, kvalitet og spenninger. ISBN: 978-82-02-71634-9. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. Kapittel 2. s 49 - 75.
  • Fjeldstad, Mari Ystanes; Viig, Tine Grieg; Hestad Jensen, Runa; Snustad, Rolf Martin; von Germeten, Guro; Kvile, Synnøve; Hauen, Mali (2024). Becoming post-researchers in a Nordic music education context.
  • Angelo, Elin; Aubert, Jean; Hauen, Mali; Nørstebø, Kirsti; Øien, Ola Buan (2024). OutMus resultater «teachers’ & leaders’ experiences».
  • Hauen, Mali; Dragset, Iver; Olsen, Marianne (2023). Rundbordsdiskusjon: Samarbeid kulturskole-grunnskole rundt musikk som fag.
  • Hauen, Mali (2023). "Trembling moments" A video article performing pupils embodied stories about kulturskolen.
  • Hauen, Mali; Lone, Solveig Rivenes; Nørstebø, Kirsti; Fostad, Ingrid (2023). The Norwegian Municipal School of music and performing art and five related PhD-projects.
  • Hauen, Mali (2022). A dangerous life: Music and art living on the edge (of education).

Last changed: 16.02.2019 13:02