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Rade Ciric



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Courses and teaching

ENE 229 Renewable energy in the power grid

ENE 231 High voltage and low voltage technology

ENE304 Bachelor thesis projects


1.     Management of Medium Voltage Distribution Network in EPS-Elektrovojvodina, Novi Sad, 1997-2000; Project leader Rade Ciric.

2.     Development of Distribution Management System Power Applications, Project holder UNESP Ilha Solteira–SP, project FEPISA 003-2001, ELUCID Solutions S.A. Sao Paulo, Project leader Prof. Dr Antonio Padilha Feltrin, 2001;

3.     Designing a System for Remote Supervisory and Control of Medium Voltage Network, Project holder: Sector for development, EPS Elektrovojvodina Novi Sad, project leader Rade Ciric, 2003;

4.     Research proposal: Integration of Wind Power Generation into the Distribution Systems, Project “EOLLIKA”, CIDAE, University of Mondragon, Spain, 2003-2004;

5.     Development of Distribution Management System for Education and Research, University of the West of England, CEMS, Bristol, UK, supported by The Leverhulme Trust London, UK, 2004; Project leader Dr Rade Ciric.

6.     Constructing Micro-grid Test Rig and Developing Micro-grid Control Strategy, University of the West of England, CEMS, Bristol, UK; Project leader Dr Hassan Nouri, 2004;

7.     Pilot Project of Remote Supervisory and Control of Medium Voltage Network in Novi Sad; Project holder Schneider Electric Yugoslavia doo, 2006; Project leader Dipl.-Ing. Miroslav Simeunovic.

8.     Creating strategic document: “Basic Directions of Technological Development of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina”, chapter Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Sources; Project holder: Provincial Centre for Energy Efficiency, Faculty of Technical Science Novi Sad, no. 114-451-01964/2006-1, Project leader Prof. Dr Dusan Gvozdenac, 2006;

9.     Research project: Integrated Energy Networks 42009/2011-2017, supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Government of Republic of Serbia, Project leader Prof. Dr Nikola Rajakovic; Leader of the sub-project no. 5, Renewable Energy Sources, Dr Rade Ciric.

10.  EU TEMPUS JPHES 158781, Occupational Safety and Health – Degree Curricula and Lifelong Learning; Project holder The Higher Education Technical School of Professional studies in Novi Sad; Project leader Prof. Dr Bozo Nikolic, 2010- 2013.

11.  Project: Testing of High-Voltage Insulation Equipment, Contract U- 886, EMS Transmission Network of Serbia; Project leader Dr Branislav Santrac, 2012-2015.

12.  Project: Energy Efficiency – Willingness and Knowledge for Smaller Bills, supported by Holcim AD Srbija (CH); Project leader Dr Rade Ciric, 2013.

13.  ERASMUS+ Waste Management Curricula Development in Partnership with Public and Private Sector, 561821-EPP-1-2015-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP, 2016-2018; Leader of the sub-project Renewable Energy Sources, Dr Rade Ciric.

14. Integrated Renewable Resources and Storage: Operation and Management, Faculty of Engineering Science, University of Agder, 2020-2023.

General outreach

List of publications


1.     RM Ciric , N.LJ. Rajakovic, "Restoration of Radial Distribution Networks", in European Transactions on Electrical Power (ETEP) , Vol. 1, Jan./Feb. 1997. pp. 27-33.

2. DS Popovic, RM Ciric , "A Multi-Objective Algorithm for Distribution Networks Restoration", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery , Vol. 14, No.3, July 1999, pp. 1134-1141.

3.     R.M. Ciric, D.S. Popovic, "Distribution Network Restoration Using Mix Integer Programming Method", in European Transactions on Electrical Power(ETEP), Vol. 10, No. 1, January/February 2000, pp. 37-43.

4.     R.M. Ciric, D.S. Popovic, "Multi-Objective Distribution Network Restoration Using Heuristic Approach and Mix Integer Programming Method", International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Vol. 22, Issue 7, pp. 497-505, August 2000.

5.     A. T. Saric, R.M. Ciric, “Multi-Objective Integration of Real-Time Functions in Distribution Management System”, Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 25 (2003), pp. 247-256.

6. AT Saric, RM Ciric , “Integrated Fuzzy State Estimation and Load Flow Analysis in Distribution Networks”, IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery , Vol. 18, No. 2, April 2003, pp. 571-578.

7.     RM Ciric , AP Feltrin, LF Ochoa, “Power Flow in Four-Wire Distribution Networks - General Approach”, IEEE Trans. on Power Systems , Vol. 18, no. 4, Nov 2003, pp. 1283-1290.

8.     RM Ciric , LF Ochoa, AP Feltrin, “Power Flow in Distribution Networks with Earth Return”, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy System , Vol. 26, Issue 5, June 2004, pp. 373-380.

9.     RM Ciric , AP Feltrin, IFED Denis “Observing Performances of Distribution Systems with Embedded Generators”, European Transactions on Electrical Power (ETEP) , vol. 14, issue 6, Nov-Dec 2004, pp. 347-359.

10.  RM Ciric , LF Ochoa, AP Feltrin, H. Nouri, “Fault Analysis in Four-Wire Distribution Systems”, IEE Proc. Generation.Transmission.Distribution , Nov 2005, vol. 152, issue 6, pp. 977-982.

11. DL Milanese, RM Ciric , “A New Method for Real Time Computation of Power Quality Indices Based on Instantaneous Space Phasors”, Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 77, no. 1, pp. 93-98, 2007.

12.  V.V. Terzija, R.M. Ciric, H. Nouri, “A New Iterative Method for Fault Current Calculation Which Models Arc Resistance at the Fault Location”, Electrical Engineering, Springer Berlin, 89(2), Dec. 2006, pp. 157-165.

13.  R.M. Ciric, H. Nouri, “A New Method for Evaluation of Distribution System Losses due to Load Unbalance”, International Review of Electrical Engineering (IREE), January - February 2008, Vol. 3, No.1, ISSN 1827-6660, pp. 37-45.

14.  R.M. Ciric, N.LJ. Rajakovic, “On the Performance of  Low Voltage Network with Small Scale Synchronous Generators“, International Review of Electrical Engineering (IREE), Vol. 4, N. 5, ISSN 1827-6660, September- October 2009, pp. 1025-1034.

15.  R.M. Ciric, D.L. Milanez, “Power Oscillation Index – A Tool for Investigation into Unbalance Phenomena in the Dostribution Networks“, International Review of Modelling ans Simulations (I.RE.MO.S), Vol. 3, N.5, October 2010, ISSN 1974-9821, pp.846-851.

16.  V.V. Terzija, R.M. Ciric, H. Nouri, “Improved Fault Analysis Method Based on a New Arc Resistance Formula”, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 26, no 1, Jan. 2011, ISSN 0885-8977, pp. 120-126.

17.  R.M. Ciric, H. Nouri, V.V. Terzija “Impact of Distributed Generators on Arcing Faults in Distribution Networks”, IET Proc. Generation Transmission & Distribution, vol. 5, issue 5, May 2011, pp. 596-601, ISSN 1751-8687.

18.  M.M. Alamuti, H. Nouri, R.M. Ciric, V.V. Terzija,  “Intermittent Fault Location in Distribution Feeders”, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 27, no 1, Jan. 2012, ISSN 0885-8977, pp. 96-103.

19.  R.M. Ciric, N. Rajakovic, ”A New Composite Index of Reliability Supply in the Industrial Systems with Distributed Generation”, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, vol. 44, issue 1, January. 2013, pp.824-831.

20.  R.M. Ciric, “Risks of Maintaining High Voltage Transformer Stations“, Monitoring Expertise and Safety Engineering, vol.3, no.2, June 2013.

21.  R.M. Ciric, Z. Kuzmanovic, “Techno-Economic Analysis of Biogas Powered Cogeneration“, Journal of Automation and Control Engineering, vol. 2, no. 1, March 2014, ISSN: 2301-3702, pp.89-93.

22.  R.M. Ciric, M. Milkov, “Application of Thermal Imaging in Assessment of Equipment in Power Plants“, Monitoring Expertise and Safety Engineering, vol.4, no.3, June 2014.

23.  I.Batas Bjelic, R.M. Ciric,“Optimal Distributed Generation Planning at a Local Level – A Review of Serbian Renewable Energy Development“, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 11/2014, pp. 79-86.

24.  R.M. Ciric, P. Stipanovic, ”Connecting Solar Plants to Distribution Network-Experience from Serbia”, International Journal of Renewable Energy Technology, Inderscience Publishers, IJRET -73253, ISSN: 1757-3971, V7. No.1, pp. 69-82, 2016. www.inderscience.com.

25.  R.M. Ciric, S. Mandic, “Security Aspect of Switching Operations in the Electric Power Plants“, Monitoring Expertise and Safety Engineering, ISSN 2217-6608, vol. 5, no. 3&4, December 2015, pp. 1-16.

26.  R. Ciric, S. Skoko, S. Cvijanovic, N. Bjeletic, “Measuring  Basic Electrical Quantities on the Model of Distribution Line“, International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education, MIJEEE-2015-0051.R1, ISSN: 0020-7209, http://ije.sagepub.com; in press 2016.

27.  R. Ciric, S. Mandic, “Educational Plan and Program of the Subject: Maintenance of Electric Power Equipment”, International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering, International Science Index 87, World Academic Scientific Engineering and Technology Conference (WASET), EISSN: 2010-3778, Vol. 8, No. 3, 2014, pp. 898-902.

28.  R.M. Ciric, N.LJ. Rajakovic, “Concept Modules and Objectives of the Syllabus Course: Small Power Plants and Renewable Energy Sources “, International Journal of Electrical, Computer, Energetic, Electronic, Communication Engineering, International Science Index 113, World Academic Scientific Engineering and Technology Conference (WASET), EISSN: 2010-3778, Vol. 10, No.5, 2016, pp. 447-452.

29. M. LJ. Markovic, R.M. Ciric, “Efficiency Analysis of Grid Connected Photovoltaic Power Plants“, CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 3, September 2017, DOI:10.17775/CSEEJPES.2017.0018.

30.  S. Skoko, R.M. Ciric, “Laboratory Exercises of Photovoltaic Systems - Review of the Equpment, Methodolgy, Trials and Results“, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 79, November 2017, pp. 293–303.

31.  R.M. Ciric, M.LJ. Markovic, “Power Factor Analysis in Distribution Network with Roof Photovoltaic Units“, Journal of Electrical Engineering and Electronic Technology, SciTechnol, Vol. 6, Issue 4, 2017, DOI: 10.4172/2325-9831000148, September 2017.

32.  R.M. Ciric, “Review of Techno-Economic and Environmental Aspects of Building Small Hydro Electric Plants – A Case Study in Serbia“, Renewable Energy, March 2019.

33. Nikola Pesut, Rade Ciric, "An Efficient Method for Speed Control of Induction Wind Turbine Generator with Dual AC-DC-AC Converter", Wind Engineering, 2021.

34, Rade Ciric, Sasa Mandic, "A Review of Challenges and Benefits of Integration of CHP plant into the grid - a case study in Serbia", Electrical Enegineering, March 2021.

35. Immanuel N. Jiya, Huynh Van Khang, Nand Kishor, Ahmed Salem, Rade Ciric, "Novel Multisource DC-DC Converter for All-electric Hybrid Energy Systems", IEEE Trans. on Insustrial Electronics, November 2021

36. Immanuel N. Jiya, Huynh Van Khang, Nand Kishor, Rade Ciric, "Novel Family of High-Gain Non-Isolated Multiport Converters with Bipolar Symmetric Outputs for DC Microgrids", IEEE Trans on Power Electronics, May 2022.



1.     D.S. Popovic, R.M. Ciric, G.S. Svenda, Z.A. Gorecan, "Comparison of Different Algorithms for Distribution Network Analysis", 32nd Universities Power Engineering Conference, UPEC '97, pp. 182-185, Manchester, UK, September 1997.

2.     R.M. Ciric, D.S. Popovic, Z. Gorecan, "Software Package for Distribution Network Restoration", DistribuTECH Europe '97, Amsterdam 14-16 October, 1997.

3.     D.S. Popovic, R.M. Ciric, Z.A.Gorecan, "An Efficient Software Package for Distribution Network Restoration", 33rd Universities Power Engineering Conference UPEC ¢98, Proc. Vol.1, Napier University, Edinburgh, UK, 10-12 September 1998, pp. 182-185.

4.     D.S. Popovic, R.M. Ciric, Z.A. Gorecan, "An Efficient Multi-Objective Algorithm For Distribution Network Restoration", DistribuTECH Europe '98, London 26-28 October 1998.

5.     R.M. Ciric, D.S. Popovic, "Distribution Load Estimation Using a Fuzzy Set Approach", 3rd International Symposium Interdisciplinary Regional Research, Novi Sad, 24-25 September 1998.

6.     D.S. Popovic, R.M.Ciric, "A Multi-Objective Algorithm For Distribution Networks Restoration", IEEE PES 99, WM 410, Winter Meeting, New York, NY, USA, Jan. 31-Feb. 4, 1999.

7.     M. Nimrihter, R.M. Ciric, D.S.Popovic, "Distribution Networks Reliability Analysis by Application of Monte Carlo Simulations", 15th CIRED, Nice, June 1-4, 1999.

8.     R.M. Ciric, D.S. Popovic, "Heuristic Algorithm for Distribution Network Restoration Combining Fuzzy Set Theory and Mixed Integer Programming", 34th Universities Power Engineering Conference UPEC ¢99, Session 6c, Proc. Vol. 2, Leicester, UK, 14-16 September 1999.

9.     R.M. Ciric, D.S. Popovic, "Distribution Network Restoration Using Fuzzy Set Approach and Mix Integer Programming", IEEE Power Tech '99 Conference, Paper BPT99-45-23, Budapest, Hungary, Aug. 29 - Sept. 2, 1999.

10.  M. Nimrihter, D. Banjai, R. Ciric, "Power Quality Indices of Distribution Networks - Definitions and Evaluation", IEEE Power Tech '99 Conference, Paper BPT99-124-24, Budapest, Hungary, Aug. 29 - Sept. 2, 1999.

11.  R.M. Ciric, D.S. Popovic, A.T.Saric, "Fuzzy Set Theory - A Solution for the Problem of Data Uncertainty in the Distribution Management System", DistribuTECH Europe'99,Madrid, Spain, 28-30 September, 1999.

12.  R.M. Ciric, "Engineering and Business Systems Integration - An Efficient Tool for Distribution System Load Estimation and Loss Observation", DistribuTECH DA/DSM Europe 2000, Track 3, Session 7, October 10-12, 2000, Vienna, Austria.

13.  D.S. Popovic, R.M. Ciric, V. Krnjajski, "Distribution Network Restoration after the Fault of Supply Transformer", 35th Universities Power Engineering Conference UPEC 2000, Paper No. 251, Belfast, UK, September 6-8, 2000.

14.  R.M. Ciric, D.S. Popovic, D. Bekut, "Power Flow Calculation in Radial Distribution Network Using Symmetrical Components", 35th Universities Power Engineering Conference UPEC 2000, Paper No. 100, Belfast, UK, September 6-8, 2000.

15.  M. Nimrihter, R. Ciric, D. Banjai, "Power Quality Indices of Distribution Networks - Definitions and Evaluation", 35th Universities Power Engineering Conference UPEC 2000, Paper No. 248, Belfast, UK, September 6-8, 2000.

16.  M.D. Nimrihter, R.M. Ciric, "Measurements and Pseudo-Measurements in Distribution Networks", IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference 2001, paper IM-3182, Budapest, Hungary, May 21-23, 2001.

17.  M. Nimrihter, R. Ciric, G. Bojkovic, Z. Radojevic, “Real and Pseudo-Measurement in Distribution Networks”, 11th Symposium on Power Electronics – Ee2001, Oct. 31 - Nov. 2, 2001, Novi Sad, Yugoslavia.

18.  A.T. Saric, R.M. Ciric, “Influence of Data Uncertainties on Decision Control Optimization in the Integrated Functions of the Distribution Management System”, IEEE Porto PowerTech 2001, EDT1-032, Sept. 10-13, 2001, Porto, Portugal.

19.  R.M. Ciric, H. Nouri, D.S. Popovic, T.S. Davies, ”Distribution Management System of Power Applications – An Efficient Tool for Educational and Training Purposes”, 36th Universities Power Engineering Conference UPE,C  Swansea, UK, September 12-14, 2001.

20.  R.M. Ciric,”Energy Flow Measurement Approach for Distribution System Load Estimation and Loss Observation”, 36th Universities Power Engineering Conference UPE,C  Swansea, UK, September 12-14, 2001.

21.  R.M. Ciric, H. Nouri, “Emergence of DMS Power Applications in De-Regulated Industry”, DistribuTECH Europe 2001, track 3, session 7, November 6-8, 2001, Berlin, Germany.

22.  R.M.  Ciric, A.P. Feltrin, ”A Heuristic Multi-Objective Approach for Observing Performances of the Distribution Systems with Embedded “Generators”, IX Brazilian Energy Conference and IV Latin America Energy Seminar, Vol. 3, pp. 1010-1018, May 20-22, 2002, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil (Portuguese).

23.  I.F. Ehrenberg, R.M. Ciric, A.P.Feltrin, ”Methods for Loss Allocation in Distribution Systems with Embedded Generators”, XIV Congresso Brasilero de Automatica, CBA 2002, Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil (Portuguese).

24.  I.F. Ehrenberg, R.M. Ciric, A.P.Feltrin, ”Analysis of Distribution Systems with Embedded Generators”, IV CIERTEC, 24-27 September, Sao Paulo, Brazil (Portuguese).

25. IF Ehrenberg, AP Feltrin, RM Ciric , “Methods for Loss Allocation in Distribution Systems”, SENDI 2002 , 1-3 September 2002, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil (Portuguese).

26.  RM Ciric , AP Feltrin, IF Ehrenberg, LF Ochoa, “Integration of the Dispersed Generators in the Distribution Management System”, IEEE PowerTech Bologna, paper 29-61, 23-26, June 2003, Bologna, Italy.

27. AP Feltrin, RM Ciric , IF Ehrenberg, “Voltage Regulation in Distribution Networks with Dispersed Generators”, 17th International Conference on Electricity Distribution, CIRED , Session RT4b, 12-15 May, 2003, Barcelona, ​​Spain.

28.  RM Ciric , AP Feltrin, LFOchoa, “Power Flow in Four-Wire Distribution Networks - General Approach”, IEEE PES 2004 General Meeting , Denver, Colorado, USA, June 6-10, 2004.

29.  RMCiric , A. Padilha, LFOchoa, “Investigating Effects of Neutral Wire and Grounding in Distribution Systems with Faults”, 39th International Universities Power Engineering Conference UPEC 2004 , Session T. 10.1, 6-8 September 2004, Bristol, UK.

30. A. Polycarpou, H. Nouri, R. Ciric , “An Overview of Voltage Sag Theory, Effects and Equipment Compatibility”, 39th International Universities Power Engineering Conference UPEC 2004 , Session 10.5, 6-8 September 2004, Bristol, UK

31. DL Milanese, RM Ciric , “A New Method for Real-Time Computation of Power Quality Indices Based on Instantaneous Space Phasors”, 39th International Universities Power Engineering Conference UPEC 2004 , Session T 10.3, 6-8 September 2004, Bristol, UK .

32. VV Terzija, RM Ciric , H. Nouri, “Fault Currents Calculation Using Hybrid Compensation Method and New Arc Resistance Formula”, 39th International Universities Power Engineering Conference UPEC 2004 , Session T.1.2, 6-8 September 2004, Bristol, UK

33. H. Nouri, P. Driscoll, B. Miedzinski, R. Ciric , “Performance of Various Material Coatings in Automotive 42 VDC Switches”, 3rd International Conference on Materials and Coatings for Extreme Performances , 13-17 September 2004, Crimea, Ukraine.

34.  RM Ciric , H. Nouri, AP Feltrin, “Investigation into the Impact of Embedded Generation on the Distribution System Performance Using Theorem of Superposition”, PowerTech 2005 , paper no. 363, St. Petersburg, Russia.

35. LF Ochoa, RM Ciric , AP Feltrin, GP Harrison “Evaluation of Distribution System Losses due to Load Unbalance”, PSCC 2005 , session 10, paper 6, 26-28 August 2005, Liege, Belgium.

36. H. Nouri, R. Ciric , B. Miedzinski, G. Wisniewski, “Fault detection in MV distribution feeders supplying mine industry”, 40th International Universities Power Engineering Conference UPEC 2005 , 7-9 September 2005, Cork, Ireland.

37.  R. Ciric , D. Bartolovic, “Experience from Designing a System for Remote Supervisory and Control of MV Distribution Network”, 2nd Regional Meeting CIRED , I.4.10, Zlatibor, Serbia, 17-20 October 2006.

38.  RMCiric , DL Milaneze, “Investigation into Unbalance Phenomena in the Distribution Networks Using Power Oscillation Index”, 19th International Conference on Electricity Distribution CIRED , paper 0154, session 2, 21-24 May 2007, Vienna, Austria.

39. C. Ellis, H. Nouri, R. Ciric , B. Miedzinski, “Overview of the Development, Simplification and Numerical Analysis of Synchronous Machine Models for Stability Studies”, 42nd International Universities Power Engineering Conference UPEC 2007 , 4-6 September 2007, Brighton, UK.

40. D. Gvozdenac, R. Ciric , M. Tesic, “Prospects of Energy Efficiency Improvement and Development of the Renewable Energy Sources in Province of Vojvodina”, 20th World Energy Congress , P001093, session 4.2, 12-15 November 2007, Rome , Italy.

41.  R. Ciric , D. Gvozdenac, J. Petrovic, “Basic directions of technological development in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources in Province of Vojvodina”, Regional Conference - Energy in Industry and Environment Protection in South East Europe , 24 - 27 June 2008, Zlatibor, Serbia.

42. J. Leaman, H. Nouri, A. Polycarpou, FV der Linde, RM Ciric , “Automated Recognition of Irregularities in Substation Load Profiles Due to Abnormal Feeding Arrangements”, 43rd International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC 2008) , paper 442 , September 1-4, 2008, Padova, Italy.

43. D. Gvozdenac, R. Ciric , J. Petrovic, “Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Sources in the Province of Vojvodina - Strategy Implementation Program”, MedPower 2008 , 2-5 November 2008, paper 226, Thessaloniki, Greece.

44.  RM Ciric , N.Lj. Rajakovic, “On the Reliability of the Low Voltage Networks with Small Scale Distributed Generators”, World Academic Scientific Engineering and Technology Conference, session XXXIX, ISSN 2070-3740, 24-26 June 2009, Paris, France.

45. A. Polycarpou, H. Nouri, RM Ciric , “Investigation into the accuracy limits of a proposed voltage sag index”, 44th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC) , 1-4 September 2009, Glasgow, UK.

46. ​​A. Polycarpou, H. Nouri, RM Ciric , “Accuracy Investigation of a Proposed Voltage Sag Index for Various Load X / R Ratios”, 4th International Conference on Deregulated Electricity Market Issues in South-Eastern Europe , 17–18 September 2009 , Belgrade, Serbia.

47. D. Koldzin, V. Medic, R.Ciric , “Program for the Application of New Technologies - A Tool for Technology Transfer and Regional Development”, 3rd International Conference on Entrepreneurship Innovation and Regional Development, 27-29 May 2010, Novi Sad, Serbia.

48.  RM Ciric , N.Lj. Rajakovic, “On the Contribution of Distributed Generators to the Fault Currents in Low Voltage Network”, International Congress on Electricity Distribution, CIDEL 2010 , paper no. 12, session II, 27-29 Sept. 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

49.  RM Ciric , A. Polycarpou, N.Lj. Rajakovic, “Contribution of Distributed Generators to the Harmonic Distortion in Low Voltage Power Network”, 7th Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion (MedPower 2010), paper no. MED10 / 112, 7-10 November 2010, Agia Napa, Cyprus.

50. J. Petrovic, D. Gvozdenac, R. Ciric , “Biomass Potential and Barriers for its Use for Energy Purposes in Vojvodina”, 5th PSU-UNS International Conference on Engineering and Technology (ICET 2011), pp. 252-255, 2-3 May 2011, Phuket, Thailand.

51.  RM Ciric , N.Lj. Rajakovic, “Investigation into the Power Quality and Reliability of Supply in the Industrial Networks with Distributed Generation”, 21st International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2011) , paper no. 0083, session II, 6-9 June 2011 Frankfurt, Germany.

52.  RM Ciric , N.Lj. Rajakovic, “Assessment of Reliability of Supply in the Industrial Systems with Distributed Generation”, International Conference on Power and Energy Engineering (CPEE 2011) , paper ID: 20184, 28-30, October 2011, Shanghai, China.

53. V. Siljkut, RM Ciric , “A Techno-Economical Analysis of Storage System in the Clinical Center of Serbia”, 8 th Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion (MedPower 2012), paper no. 014, 1-3 October 2012, Cagliari, Italy.

54.  R. Ciric , D. Comic, "A New Index for Risk Assessment During the Maintenance of High Voltage Transformer Station", 8th International Conference "Risk and Safety Engineering" , 2-9 Feb. 2013, pp. 36-43, Kopaonik, Serbia.

55.  R. Ciric , Z. Kuzmanovic, “Techno-Economic Analysis of Biogas Powered Cogeneration”, 3rd International Conference on Power and Energy Engineering , ICPEE 2013, paper ID E1007, 21-22 Sept. 2013, Phuket, Thailand.

56.  R. Ciric . M. Milkov, "Thermal Imaging of Equipment in Power Plants", 9 th International Conference "Risk and Safety Engineering" , 3-7 Feb. 2014, pp. Kopaonik, Serbia.

57.  R. Ciric , S. Mandic, “Educational Plan and Program of the Subject“ Maintenance of Electric Power Equipment ””, World Academic Scientific Engineering and Technology Conference (WASET) , International Science Index, Vol. 87, session 1, pp. 587-591, 24-25 March 2014, Istanbul, Turkey.

58.  R. Ciric , “Probability of An Accident During the Maintenance of High Voltage Substation”, World Academic Scientific Engineering and Technology Conference (WASET) , International Science Index, Vol. 8, No 5, session 2, pp. 87, 8 -9 May 2014, Florence, Italy.

59.  R. Ciric , P. Stipanovic, “Power Quality Criteria for Connecting Solar Power Plants to Distribution Grid”, PCIM South America, 14-15 October 2014, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

60.  R. Ciric , S. Surutka, “Application of Remote Controllable Re-closers in Distribution Network”, International Symposium on Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering, paper ID 224, 28-29 November 2014, Bucharest, Romania.

61.  RM Ciric , S. Mandic, “Security Aspect of Switching Operations in the Electric Power Plants”, 10th International Conference “Risk and Safety Engineering ”, 26-30 January 2015, Kopaonik, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6211-098 -5, www.vtsns.edu.rs , Kopaonik, Serbia.

62.  RM Ciric , S. Skoko, S.Cvijanovic, N. Bjeletic, “Measuring Basic Electrical Quantities on the Low Voltage Distribution Line - A Laboratory Exercise”, 1st International Conference „Knowledge Management and Information Technology “, 25-27 January 2015 , Kopaonik, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6211-098-5, www.vtsns.edu.rs , Kopaonik, Serbia.

63.  RM Ciric , “Measurement of Touch and Step Voltage in the High Voltage Substations”, 7th Asia Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference , paper ID 60029, session 3, 12-14 April, 2015, Beijing, China, www.appeecconf. org / 2015 / .

64.  RM Ciric , M. Sokola, “Syllabus Course: Distribution and Industrial Networks“, ATINER 3rd Annual International Conference on Industrial Systems and Design Engineering , IND2015 / 1594006, Session 1, 22-25 June 2015, www.atiner.gr, Athens, Greece.

65. S. Skoko, S. Cvijanovic, D. Nenadović, R. Ciric , "Merenje harmonica in analiza Narada distributivnih transformation tora said nelinearnim nesimetričnim opterećenjem" 12. Medjunarodno Savetovanje Komiteta BIH, CIGRE, R.A2.04, www.bhkcigre .ba , 4-8 October 2015, Neum, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

66.  R. Ciric , N. Rajakovic, Reliability Analysis in Industrial Systems with Co-generation, 11 International Conference “Risk and Safety Engineering”, www.vtsns.edu.rs , Kopaonik, 24-30 Jan. 2016, Serbia.

67.  RM Ciric , N. LJ. Rajakovic, “Concept Modules and Objectives of the Syllabus Course: Small Power Plants and Renewable Energy Sources”, 18th International Conference on Smart Grids and Electrical Engineering, WASET, May 2-3 Rome, 2016.

68. S. Skoko, RM Ciric , “A Physical Model of Distribution Line with Active Power Injector - Application in Power Engineering Education“, Mediterranean Conference on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion, Med Power 2016, paper 009, Session S1 .2, 6-9 November 2016, Belgrade, Serbia, www.medpower2016.org.  

69.  R. Ciric, “Off-grid Photovoltaic System as a Solution for Sustainability of Remote Farms - An Application in Engineering Education“, Joint International Conference: Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment-OPTIM, and Aegean Conference on Electrical Machines and Power Electronics –ACEMP, BD-000612, 25-27 May 2017, Brasov, Romania.

70.  Rade M. Ciric , “Teaching Contemporary Power Distribution and Industrial Networks in Higher Education Vocational Studies”, 18th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, WASET, 20 (4), 17-18 April 2018, Lisbon, www.waset.org .

71.  Rade M. Ciric , Sasa N. Mandic, Milica M. Porobic, Jovan Carnic, “Energetic and Integration Aspect of CHP Plant Novi Sad West”, 3rd SEE SDEWES Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 30 June -3 July 2018, Novi Sad, Serbia.

72. Dragutin Kulidzan, Rade Ciric , “Determination of Parameters of 400 kV Transmission Line for the Needs of Distance Protection Setting”, 14th International Conference on Risk and Safety Engineering, Kopaonik, Serbia, 11-13 January 2019.

73. Boris Gladovic, Rade Ciric, “Measurement of Impedance of the Grounding System in TS 400 / x kV“, 14th International Conference on Risk and Safety Engineering, Kopaonik, Serbia, 11-13 January 2019.

74. Nemanja Prole, Rade Ciric, “Impact of Distributed Generators on Distribution Network”, 5th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Technology, Kopaonik, Serbia, 9-10 January, 2018.

75.  Rade M. Ciric, Tibor Horvat , “Testing of Voltage and Current Measuring Transformers - An Efficient Tool for Preventive Maintenance of HV Substations”, International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, ICEEE 2019, paper E10, 16-17 April 2019, Istanbul, Turkey.

76. Nikola Pesut, Rade Ciric , "Speed ​​control of grid connected asynchronous wind turbine generator by dual AC-DC-AC converter", MedPower 9-11 November 2020, Paphos, Cyprus.

77. Immanuel N. Jiya, Huynh Van Khang, Ahmed Salem, Nand Kishor, Rade Ciric, "Novel Isolated Multiple-Input Buck-Boost DC-DC Converter for Renewable Energy Sources", IECON 2021.

78. Immanuel N. Jiya, Huynh Van Khang, Nand Kishor, Rade Ciric, "Four Quadrant Switch Based Multiple-Input DC-DC Converter", ECCE Asia 2021.


1.     Rade M. Ciric, Collection of solved tasks on distribution networks, The Higher Education Technical School of Professional Studies, Novi Sad, October 2017.

2.     Rade M. Ciric, Sasa N. Mandic, Maintenance of Electric Power Equipment, AGM Knjiga Zemun, ISBN 978-86-86363-59-6, Belgrade, 2015.

3.     Rade M. Ciric, Photovoltaic Systems - From Basics to Grid Integration, Scholars’ press, ISBN 978-620-2-30640-9, January 2018.

4.     Bozo Ilic, Rade Ciric, Branislav Santrac at el, Praktikum - Elektrotehnika, ISBN 978-86-6211-119-7, The Higher Education Technical School of Professional Studies, Novi Sad, February 2019.

Last changed: 25.01.2023 11:01