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Sandra Louise Halverson


Professor of Translation and LSP

E1069 ( Universitetsveien 25, Kristiansand )

Scientific publications

  • Pan, Jun; Halverson, Sandra Louise; Munday, Jeremy (2024). Introduction. Interlingual Readings of Political Discourse. Translation, Interpreting and Contrastive Analysis. ISBN: 9789004540224. Brill Academic Publishers. Kapittel 1.
  • Halverson, Sandra Louise (2024). The gravitational pull hypotheses: status and prospects.. Towards an empirical verification of the gravitational pull hypothesis. Evidence from the COVALT corpus.. ISBN: 9783631903186. Peter Lang Publishing Group.
  • Halverson, Sandra Louise; Garcia, Alvaro Marin (2022). Introduction. Scientific maturity and epistemological reflection in Cognitive Translation and Interpreting Studies (CTIS).. Contesting epistemologies in Cognitive Translation and Interpreting Studies. ISBN: 9781003125792. Routledge. Introduction. s 1 - 8.
  • Li, Yang; Halverson, Sandra Louise (2022). Lexical bundles in formulaic interpreting A corpus-based descriptive exploration. Translation and Interpreting Studies. ISSN: 1932-2798. 19 (1). s 33 - 56. doi:10.1075/tis.19037.li.
  • Halverson, Sandra Louise; Kotze, Haidee (2022). Sociocognitive constructs in Translation and Interpreting Studies: Do we really need concepts like norms and risk when we have a comprehensive usage-based theory of language?. Contesting epistemologies in Cognitive Translation and Interpreting Studies. ISBN: 9781003125792. Routledge. kapittel 3. s 51 - 79.
  • Xiao, Kairong; Halverson, Sandra Louise (2021). Cognitive Translation and Interpreting Studies (CTIS): Emerging trends in epistemology and methodology. Cognitive Linguistic Studies. ISSN: 2213-8722. 8 (2). s 235 - 250. doi:10.1075/cogls.00077.int.
  • Li, Yang; Halverson, Sandra L. (2020). A corpus-based exploration into lexical bundles in interpreting. Across Languages and Cultures. ISSN: 1585-1923. 21 (1). s 1 - 22. doi:10.1556/084.2020.00001.
  • Halverson, Sandra Louise (2020). Translation, linguistic commitment and translation. Routledge Handbook of Translation and Cognition. ISBN: 9781138037007. Routledge. Chapter 2. s 36 - 50.
  • Halverson, Sandra Louise (2019). 'Default' translation a construct for cognitive translation and interpreting studies. Translation, Cognition and Behavior. ISSN: 2542-5277. 2 (2). s 187 - 210. doi:10.1075/tcb.00023.hal.
  • Schaeffer, Moritz; Halverson, Sandra Louise; Hansen-Schirra, Silvia (2019). 'Monitoring' in translation: the role of visual feedback. Translation, Cognition and Behavior. ISSN: 2542-5277. 2 (1). s 1 - 34. doi:10.1075/tcb.00017.sch.
  • Halverson, Sandra Louise (2018). Metalinguistic Knowledge/Awareness/Ability in Cognitive Translation Studies: Some Questions. HERMES - Journal of Language and Communication in Business. ISSN: 0904-1699. 57s 11 - 28. doi:10.7146/hjlcb.v0i57.106191.
  • Halverson, Sandra Louise (2017). Gravitational pull in translation. Testing a revised model. Empirical Translation Studies. New Methodological and Theoretical Traditions.. ISBN: 9783110456844. De Gruyter Mouton. kap. 1. s 9 - 46.
  • Halverson, Sandra Louise (2017). Multimethod approaches. Handbook of Translation and Cognition. ISBN: 978-1-119-24143-0. Wiley-Blackwell. 11. s 195 - 212.
  • Halverson, Sandra Louise (2015). Cognitive Translation Studies and the merging of empirical paradigms: the case of 'literal translation'. Translation Spaces. ISSN: 2211-3711. 4 (2). s 310 - 340. doi:10.1075/ts.4.2.07hal.
  • Halverson, Sandra Louise (2015). The status of contrastive data in translation studies. Across Languages and Cultures. ISSN: 1585-1923. 16 (2). s 163 - 185. doi:10.1556/084.2015.16.2.2.
  • Halverson, Sandra (2014). Reorienting Translation Studies: Cognitive Approaches and the Centrality of the Translator. Translation: a Multidisciplinary Approach. ISBN: 9781137025470. Palgrave Macmillan. Chapter 7. s 116 - 139.
  • Halverson, Sandra Louise (2013). Implications of Cognitive Linguistics for Translation Studies. Cognitive linguistics and translation. Advances in some theoretical models and applications. ISBN: 9783110302943. De Gruyter Mouton. Kapittel. s 33 - 73.
  • Halverson, Sandra Louise (2012). Metonymic extension and vagueness: Schengen and Kyoto in Norwegian newspaper language. Exploring newspaper language : using the web to create and investigate a large corpus of modern Norwegian. ISBN: 978-90-272-0354-0. John Benjamins Publishing Company. kapittel. s 285 - 306.
  • Halverson, Sandra Louise (2010). Cognitive translation studies: developments in theory and method. Translation and cognition. ISBN: 978-90-272-3191-8. John Benjamins Publishing Company. kapitelnummer 14. s 349 - 369.
  • Halverson, Sandra Louise; Engene, Jan Oskar (2010). Domains and dimensions in metonymy: a corpus-based study of Schengen and Maastricht. Metaphor and Symbol. ISSN: 1092-6488. 25 (1). s 1 - 18. doi:10.1080/10926480903538456.
  • Halverson, Sandra Louise (2010). Towards a cognitive theory of translation. Translationswissenschaft - Stand und Perspektiven. Innsbrucker Ringvorlesungen zur Translationswissenschaft VI. ISBN: 978-3-631-58641-9. Peter Lang Publishing Group. Kapittel 2. s 15 - 33.
  • Halverson, Sandra Louise (2009). Elements of doctoral training: The logic of the research process, research design, and the evaluation of research quality. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer. ISSN: 1750-399X. 3 (1). s 79 - 106.
  • Halverson, Sandra Louise (2008). Psycholinguistic and cognitive approaches. Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies. ISBN: 978-0-415-36930-5. Routledge. Part I General. s 211 - 216.
  • Halverson, Sandra Louise (2008). Translations as institutional facts: an ontology for "assumed translation". Beyond Descriptive Translation Studies. ISBN: 9789027216847. John Benjamins Publishing Company. kapittel 25. s 343 - 361.
  • Halverson, Sandra Louise (2007). A cognitive linguistic approach to translation shifts. Belgian Journal of Linguistics. ISSN: 0774-5141. 21s 105 - 121. doi:10.1075/bjl.21.08hal.
  • Halverson, Sandra Louise (2007). Investigating gravitational pull in translation: the case of the English progressive construction. Text, Processes, and Corpora: Research Inspired by Sonja Tirkkonen-Condit. ISBN: 952-458-840-4. Joensuu yliopistopaino. kapittelnr. 10. s 175 - 196.
  • Halverson, Sandra Louise (2007). Teori og praksis for statsautoriserte translatører: perspektiver på vitenskap og virkelighet. SYNAPS: A Journal of Professional Communication. ISSN: 1501-732X. (20). s 1 - 11.
  • Breivik, Leiv Egil; Halverson, Sandra Louise; Haugland, Kari (2006). Preface. 'These things write I vnto thee...' - Essays in honour of Bjørg Bækken. ISBN: 978-82-7099-431-1. Novus Forlag. Forord. s 13 - 13.
  • Halverson, Sandra Louise (2005). Cognitive resonance in A Saloonkeeper's Daughter. To Become the Self One Is: A Critical Companion to Drude Krog Janson's A Saloonkeeper's Daughter. ISBN: 82-7099-405-7. Nova Science Publishers, Inc.. kappitel 7. s 97 - 112.
  • Halverson, Sandra Louise (2005). Translational equivalence. Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. ISBN: 0-08-044299-4. Elsevier Limited. artikkelnr. 0489.
  • Halverson, Sandra Louise (2004). Assumed translation: reconciling Komissarov and Toury and moving a step forward. Target. ISSN: 0924-1884. 16 (2). s 341 - 354.
  • Halverson, Sandra Louise (2003). The cognitive basis of translation universals. Target. ISSN: 0924-1884. 15 (2). s 197 - 241.
  • Halverson, Sandra Louise (2002). Cognitive models, prototype effects and 'translation': the role of cognition in translation (meta)theory. Across Languages and Cultures. ISSN: 1585-1923. 3 (1). s 21 - 43.
  • Halverson, Sandra Louise (2000). Prototype effects in the "translation" category. Translation in Context. ISBN: 9027216444. John Benjamins B.V.. s 3 - 16.
  • Halverson, Sandra Louise (2000). The Fault Line in our Common Ground. Target. ISSN: 0924-1884. 12:2s 368 - 374.
  • Halverson, Sandra Louise (2000). The Fault Line in our Common Ground. Target. ISSN: 0924-1884. 12 (2). s 368 - 374.
  • Halverson, Sandra Louise (1999). Conceptual Work and the 'Translation' concept. Target. ISSN: 0924-1884. 11 (1). s 1 - 31.
  • Halverson, Sandra Louise (1999). Image Schemas, Metaphoric Processes, and the "Translate" Concept. Metaphor and Symbol. ISSN: 1092-6488. (3). s 199 - 219.
  • Halverson, Sandra Louise (1998). Translation studies and representative corpora: establishing links between translation corpora, theoretical/descriptive categories and a conception of the object of study. Meta : Journal des traducteurs. ISSN: 0026-0452.
  • Halverson, Sandra Louise (1997). The concept of equivalence in Translation Studies: much ado about something. Target. ISSN: 0924-1884. 9 (2). s 207 - 233.
  • Halverson, Sandra Louise (1994). Contentious form: the translation of certain nominal and adverbial clauses from Norwegian into English. Applications and Implications of Current LSP Research. ISBN: 82-7674-119-3. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. s 797 - 805.
  • Pan, Jun; Halverson, Sandra Louise; Munday, Jeremy (2024). Interlingual Readings of Political Discourse. Translation, Interpreting and Contrastive Analysis. ISBN: 9789004540224. Brill Academic Publishers. s 271.
  • Halverson, Sandra Louise; Garcia, Alvaro Marin (2022). Contesting epistemologies in Cognitive Translation and Interpreting Studies. ISBN: 9781003125792. Routledge. s 258.
  • Muñoz Martín, Ricardo; Halverson, Sandra Louise (2020). Multilingual Mediated Communication and Cognition. ISBN: 9780367340902. Routledge.
  • Breivik, Leiv Egil; Halverson, Sandra Louise; Haugland, Kari Elaine (2006). 'These things write I vnto thee...' - Essays in honour of Bjørg Bækken. ISBN: 978-82-7099-431-1. Novus Forlag. s 292.
  • Bader, Monika; Möller-Omrani, Christine; Halverson, Sandra Louise (2024). Promoting children's plurilingual competence and metalinguistic awareness through translation-based tasks.
  • Halverson, Sandra Louise (2024). Cognition in translation theory: Navigating across theories of language and cognition and their interfaces.
  • Nitzke, Jean; Halverson, Sandra Louise (2023). Simulating realistic translation workflows in translator education: The challenges of hybrid teaching and multilingual courses.
  • Bader, Monika; Möller-Omrani, Christine; Halverson, Sandra Louise (2023). Fostering the students’ plurilingual competence through translation tasks.
  • Bader, Monika; Halverson, Sandra Louise; Möller-Omrani, Christine (2023). Using translation tasks to assess and promote young learners’ metalinguistic awareness.

Last changed: 16.11.2022 12:11