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Andreas Reier Jensen

Associate Professor

Associate professor

E1214 ( Universitetsveien 25, Kristiansand )

Research interests

Pedagogy and teacher education

School and classroom reseaech

Vocational education

Educational policy and curriculum studies 

Animal assisted pedagogy/education (anthrozoology)

Academic interests

-       Sociology of education, didactics and pedagogy

-       Discourse- and content analysis 

-       School and classroom observation

-       Vocational education

-       Educational policy and curriculum studies

-       Mentoring, tutoring and guidance

-       Antrozoology

Research Practice

2017- Head of the research project: The team model. Guidance, professionalization and partnership in teacher education practice

2017- Responsible of the research project:The pedagogy of reading dog interventions

2014 Visiting Scholar at University of Griffith under prof. Parlo Singh, working within sociology of education on analysing, interpreting and presentation of empirical data.

2012 January, Attending the Sociology of Education Association (SEA) San Francisco seminar with Dr. Prof. Ann L. Mullen, University of Toronto

2012 - 2014 Conducting classroom- and tutorial observation and working with video analysis as part of my PhD.

2011 - Member of the Research Group for Didactics University of Agder

2012 - Member of the Research Group for Professions and Professional corporations (University network for research on professions)

2015 - Member of the Research Group for Anthrozoology, Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences

Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Agder


Research Techniques

Mixed Methods Research Design

Content Analysis 

Classroom observation 


Animal assisted pedagogy/education (anthrozoology)

Pedagogical Experience

2016 Associated Professor in Pedagogy, University of Agder

2014 Visiting Scholar at University of Griffith, Institute for Educational Research Brisbane, Australia

2012 -
Pedagogical Editor (film distribution), Norgesfilm AS

2010 - Assistant Professor in Pedagogy, University of Agder

2011- 2012 Lecturer Kristiansand Nautical College

2007 - 2011 Teacher

2007 - 2011 External Examiner at Nautical College

2008 - 2012 Teacher at Nautical High School and Kristiansand County Jail

2001 - 2007 Teacher
Upper Secondary and teaching on national training ships


2017- Head of the research project: The team model. Guidance, professionalization and partnership in teacher education practice

2017- Responsible of the research project:The pedagogy of reading dog interventions

2014 Visiting Scholar at University of Griffith under prof. Parlo Singh, working within sociology of education on analysing, interpreting and presentation of empirical data.

2012 January, Attending the Sociology of Education Association (SEA) San Francisco seminar with Dr. Prof. Ann L. Mullen, University of Toronto

2012 - 2014 Conducting classroom- and tutorial observation and working with video analysis as part of my PhD.

2011 - Member of the Research Group for Didactics University of Agder

2012 - Member of the Research Group for Professions and Professional corporations (University network for research on professions)

2015 - Member of the Research Group for Anthrozoology, Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences

Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Agder

Selected publications

Jensen, Andreas Reier, Carol M. Østby (2018): Dyreassistert pedagogikk i barns leseopplæring. Bokkapittel i: Antrozoologi - Samspill mellom dyr og menneske, Universitetsforlaget, Oslo.

Jensen, Andreas Reier (2016). PhD thesis: Veiledningsritualet - En dialektisk studie av formaliserte veiledningssamtaler i lærerutdanningens praksisperiode, Avhandling for graden philosophiae doctor (Ph.d.) Fakultet for humaniora og pedagogikk, Institutt for pedagogikk, Universitetet i Agder.

Jensen, Andreas Reier, Jensen, Tina AC Andersson Jensen (2014). Den norske helsediskursens orden: innholdsanalyse av mytebyggende retorikk i avistekster fra 1990 til og med 2013. Artikkel i: Velferd, økonomi og politikk. Redaktør Stein Østre, Høyskolen i Hedemark (2014). 

Jensen, Andreas Reier; Skreland, Lisbeth Ljosdal (2012). Fra Christiansand stiftseminar til Universitetet i Agder. Book Chapter In: Teacher Education Research between National Identity and Global Trends; 2012.

Scientific publications

  • Jensen, Andreas Reier (2024). Hverdagsliv med hund - Betydningsfulle relasjoner. ISBN: 9788230026410. Kolofon Forlag AS.
  • Jensen, Andreas Reier; Ringereide, Hans Otto; Witsø, Hilde (2019). Den triadiske modellen: planlegging, gjennomføring og vurdering av undervisning. ISBN: 978-82-02-56633-3. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
  • Jensen, Andreas Reier (2019). Den triadiske modellen Planlegging, gjennomføring og vurdering av undervisning. ISBN: 978-82-02-56633-3. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. s 88.
  • Jensen, Andreas Reier (2019). Innvielse til læreryrket En analyse av praksislærerens veiledningssamtaler Andreas. ISBN: 978-82-02-64714-8. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. s 252.
  • Jensen, Andreas Reier; Skjølberg, Katja Haaversen-Westhassel (2024). Profesjonsutvikling gjennom Lesson Study - en undersøkelse av læreres og skolelederes erfaring med Lesson Study som metode for skolebasert profesjonsutvikling..
  • Jensen, Andreas Reier; Willbergh, Ilmi (2023). Dette skjer når barn leser for hunden.
  • Jensen, Andreas Reier (2023). Andreas R. Jensen minnes Gjert Langfeldt.
  • Jensen, Andreas Reier (2023). LL-484: Andreas R. Jensen om lesehunder og dyr i undervisningen.

Last changed: 14.03.2022 08:03