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Espen Johan Klævik-Pettersen

Associate Professor

E1071A ( Universitetsveien 25, Kristiansand )

Hi! My name is Espen and I come from Senja in Troms. I have a PhD in historical syntax (Old French and Late Latin) from the University of Oslo (2019). I also hold Bachelor's degrees in French, German, Latin and Political Science from the University of Tromsø. My main field of interest is diachrony (the evolution of languages through time) and the syntax of the Romance languages, but I also take interest in older Indo-European languages such as Latin, Ancient Greek, and Sanskrit.

Courses and teaching

In the fall term, I teach the courses FR 121, FR 123, as well as FR-126 (French didactics). In the spring term, I teach the courses FR-122, FR-124, and FR-400 (French didactics)

Academic interests

Modern and older stages of the Romance languages in general (including Latin) and French in particular, syntax, word order, diachrony. Secondary interest: Indo-European studies, Ancient Greek, Sanskrit. 

Scientific publications

  • Klævik-Pettersen, Espen Johan (2023). Hva er "la Françafrique", og hvorfor snakker så mennesker i Afrika fransk?.
  • Klævik-Pettersen, Espen Johan (2023). No V-to-Force, no Bottlenecks: Two ways to derive V2.
  • Klævik-Pettersen, Espen Johan (2023). Verb movement and phasehood in French clausal syntax.
  • Klævik-Pettersen, Espen Johan (2023). The coarse structure of the left periphery : Towards a new model of the clause.
  • Klævik-Pettersen, Espen Johan (2023). Deriving V2 and V3 without bottlenecks: Evidence from Modern Germanic and Old Romance.
  • Klævik-Pettersen, Espen Johan (2022). Verb movement and phasehood in French clausal syntax.
  • Klævik-Pettersen, Espen Johan; Wullum, Ida Marie (2022). L'omission de que chez les apprenants norvégiens de français langue étrangère.

Last changed: 22.02.2022 10:02