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Janaina Hartveit Lie

Associate Professor

E2315 ( Universitetsveien 25, Kristiansand )
Office hours:

Work experience

2021 - University of Agder. Associate Professor in special education.
2020 - 2021 . University of Agder. Assistant Professor in special education.
2017-2019. University of Agder. PhD Candidate / Research Fellow in special education.
2016 August - December. University of Agder. Assistant Professor in education.

Academic interests

Special needs education
Children's rights

General outreach

Lie, Hartveit Janaina (2019). Pupils with Special Educational Needs and Their Parents’ Perceptions of the Dialogue in Individual Subject Curriculum Meetings (Poster NERA 2019)

Scientific publications

  • Lie, Janaina Hartveit (2022). Elevens rolle i tidlig innsats. Tidlig innsats – i en skole for alle?. ISBN: 9788202762452. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. Kapitel 5.
  • Herlofsen, Camilla; Lie, Janaina Hartveit (2022). Skoleansattes erfaringer og utfordringer i møte mellom regelverk og pedagogisk praksis. Spesialpedagogikk. ISSN: 0332-8457. 1
  • Lie, Janaina Hartveit (2020). Pupils with special educational needs: Experiencing recognition in individual subject curriculum meetings. Constellations. ISSN: 1351-0487. doi:10.1111/1467-8675.12466.
  • Lie, Janaina Hartveit (2020). Student participation in dialogue in individual subject curriculum meetings: students’ and parents’ perceptions. International Journal of Inclusive Education. ISSN: 1360-3116. doi:10.1080/13603116.2020.1749945.
  • Herlofsen, Camilla; Dalehefte, Inger Marie; Lie, Janaina Hartveit; Revheim, Cecilie; Hals-Lydersen, Aleksander (2024). Fostering knowledge and skills about violence against children (VAC) and child sexual abuse (CSA) in higher education in Norway and its relevance for future work and professional role and responsibility Preliminary findings from the PROFUND Project.
  • Wandem, Fredrik Solli; Lie, Janaina Hartveit (2023). Podkast: Barnet mitt har vedtak, men får ikke spesialundervisning.
  • Herlofsen, Camilla; Lie, Janaina Hartveit; Hals-Lydersen, Aleksander; Revheim, Cecilie; Dalehefte, Inger Marie (2023). Studenters læringsutbytte etter tverrprofesjonell undervisning om vold og seksuelle overgrep mot barn og unge.
  • Lie, Janaina Hartveit (2023). Barnet mitt har fått vedtak om spesialundervisning, men får det ikke.
  • Lie, Janaina Hartveit (2023). Podkast: Barnet mitt har vedtak, men får ikke spesialundervisning.
  • Lie, Janaina Hartveit; Barsøe, Lise; Jagtøien, Ina (2022). Medvirkning i skolen - hvorfor og hvordan.
  • Herlofsen, Camilla; Lie, Janaina Hartveit (2022). Ansattes erfaringer og utfordringer i møte mellom regelverk og pedagogisk praksis.

Last changed: 9.03.2023 17:03