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Jorunn Midtsundstad



E1210 ( Universitetsveien 25, Kristiansand )
Office hours:
09.00 - 16.00

Project Manager for project School-In (2017-2020). An innovation project for the development of an inclusive learning environment focusing on the importance of expectations for changing school culture. The project is funded by the Research Council of Norway, by the FINNUT- program and is one of the first projects within Innovation in the public sector. Five municipalities in Agder have initiated the project and, the research team is people from the University of Agder. The project aims to find answers to a common challenge for municipalities and school research; that measures and reforms differ in different schools in different places (OECD, 2015). School-In uses findings from the Learning Regions project (The Research Council of Norway), which shows that school culture is developed through the school's connection to the local environment's expectations (Midtsundstad and Langfeldt, 2020). The idea of ​​the project is to change the school's expectations structures and investigate the process through a pre-post control group design. The research will give answers to how school culture can be reinforced by changing the expectations structures vertically in the school and influence expectations horizontally in the municipality. The School-In project is inspired by innovation research in the German school development program 'SINUS an Grundschulen'.

Research stay at Lynch School of Education, Boston College, MA, USA invited by Professor Dennis Shirley, recognized school researcher and editor in chief of the international journal: Journal of educational change (JCS). The Research Council of Norway funded the research exchange through the FINNUT- program, autumn 2015. The stay abroad was part of the research project 'Learning regions' and 'Project School-In' to be able to publish internationally on local, national research findings. In collaboration with Dennis Shirley and the editors of JEC, we arranged a symposium for my research colleagues in Norway at the University of Agder and in the US at Boston College: International Research Symposium. Toward the Fusion of Horizons. "Critical Dialogue for Increased Understanding: Beyond Epistemological Nationalism" Boston College, MA USA; 2015-10-22 - 2015-10-23.

'The meaning of the matter in classroom context'. A research project within the project 'Learning regions (2012-2014) - developing better necessary skills through the better understanding of local culture', funded by the Research Council of Norway and led by Professor Gjert Langfeld (PRAKUT program). The project qualitatively investigated what characterizes teaching methods and teaching communication between pupils and teachers in secondary schools in the regions of Aust-Agder and Sogn and Fjordane.

Post.Doc: 2014-2016: A universal didactic theory of school development (School-In).

PhD dissertation (2010). The title is  A school theoretical framework for comparative studies. Theoretically systematized and empirically applied to Danish and Norwegian schools. Trondheim: PhD dissertation in pedagogy. Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

The project: "Collaboration for the child's total dividend (2008-2010). Kindergarten children with disabilities"- funded by the Research Council of Norway through the program: Research and development in practice. The project was a collaboration between Agder Research and the University of Agder, led by Professor David Lansing Cameron at the University of Agder.


Invited keynote (20.04.20) by the Department for Education Policy from the Chamber of Labour in Vienna. (Cancelled due to the pandemic)

Lecturer at the UniversityofVienna, Autumn 2010.

Reviewer for theJournal of Curriculum Studies, from 2010.

Opponent at University of Aalborg, Doctoral dissertation, 2014.

Reviewer for theJournal of Educational Change, from 2014



Academic interests

Lectured in the teacher educations, bachelor and masterprograms at thee University of Agder.


Editor:Willberg, I. and Midtsundstad, J.H. (2012). Et bidrag til profesjonell identitet for opplæringsansvalige (A contribution to professional identity for teachers). In: Willberg, I., Midtsundstad, J.H., Kristiansen, A., Langfeldt, G. and Skagen, K. (Eds.). (2011).Opplæring i arbeidslivet. En didaktisk innføring.Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.

Midtsundstad, J. H. (2012). Organisasjonsdidaktikk (Organisational Didactics). In: Willberg, I., Midtsundstad, J.H., Kristiansen, A., Langfeldt, G. and Skagen, K. (Eds.). (2011).Opplæring i arbeidslivet. En didaktisk innføring.Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.

Midtsundstad, J.H. (2012).Patient or participant?How professionals construct the child with special needs. In: Tobias Werler, David L. Cameron, Nils R. Birkeland (Eds.): When Education Meets the Care Paradigm. Waxmann Münster/New York/München/Berlin.

Editor: Midtsundstad, J.H. & Werler, T.(2011).Didaktikk i Norden(Didactics in the Nordic Countries).Kristiansand: Portal forlag.

Midtsundstad, J.H. & Werler, T. (2011). Nordisk didaktikk – et spørsmål om perspektiv. (Nordic didiactics – a question of perspective?). In J.H. Midtsundstad & T. Werler.Didaktikk i Norden.Kristiansand: Portal forlag.

Midtsundstad, J.H. (2011).Skandinavisk skoleforståelse i møte med OECD (The Scandinavian understanding of school encounters the OECD). In J.H. Midtsundstad & T.Werler.Didaktikk i Norden. Kristiansand: Portal forlag.

Midtsundstad, J.H. & Hopmann. S. T. (2011). Didaktiske posisjoner i et nordisk perspektiv (Didactic positions in a Nordic perspective).In J.H. Midtsundstad & T. Werler.Didaktikk i Norden.Kristiansand: Portal forlag.

Midtsundstad, J.H. (2011). School Performance and Diversity. In: Werler T. (Ed): Heterogeneity. General Didactics Meets the Stranger. Münster:Waxmann.

Diversity and School Performance.Paper presented at the internationalWorkshop:Heterogeneity. General Didactics Meets the Stranger.University College Volda, 14-15 June.

Editor: Midtsundstad, J. H., & Willbergh, I. (2010).Didaktikk – nye teoretiske perspektiver på undervisning (Didactics – new theoretical perspectives on teaching). Oslo: Cappelen Damm.

Midtsundstad, J. H., & Willbergh, I.(2010). Introduction. In J. H. Midtsundstad & I. Willbergh (Eds.),Didaktikk – nye teoretiske perspektiver på undervisning (Didactics – new theoretical perspectives on teaching).Oslo: Cappelen Damm.

Midtsundstad, J.H. (2010).Elevenes muligheter for kultivering og kvalifisering Pupils’ opportunities for cultivation and qualification).In J. H. Midtsundstad & I. Willbergh (Eds.),Didaktikk – nye teoretiske perspektiver på undervisning. Oslo: Cappelen Damm.

Midtsundstad, J.H. (2010).Lærerutdanningens allmenndidaktikk (General didiactics of teacher training).In J. H. Midtsundstad & I. Willbergh (Eds.),Didaktikk – nye teoretiske perspektiver på undervisning. Oslo: Cappelen Damm.

Midtsundstad, J.H. (2010).Et bidrag til læreres kunnskapsgrunnlag (A contribution to teachers’ knowledge foundation).In J. H. Midtsundstad & I. Willbergh (Eds.),Didaktikk – nye teoretiske perspektiver på undervisning.Oslo: Cappelen Damm.

Midtsundstad, J.H. and Hopmann, S.T. (2010). Diversity United.The Scandinavian Traditions of Lesson Planning.In:Bildung und Erziehung. Unterrichtsplanung iminternationalen Vergleich. Bøhlau Verlag Køln WeimarWien. 63/4, (p. 431-450).


August 2014-2016: Post.doc: "A general didactic theory of school developmet (School-In)". A study which explores the interrelation between teaching communication, school culture and local communities.

August 2012 – February 2015: “Learning Regions”: Why do schools in the Sogn & Fjordane area (region of Norway) get better results than every other region in Norway?” The project, funded by the Norwegian Research Council, is being conducted by twelve research groups from different parts of Norway and supervised by Professor Stefan T. Hopman, University of Wien, and Professor Pam Sammons from Oxford University. The project is intitiated by Professor Gjert Langfeldt and conducted by Göran Söderlund ved Høgskolen i Sogn and Fjordane. V/University of Agder: Classroom research: KLARAS: Turid Skarre Aasebø, Ilmi Wilbergh and Jorunn H. Midtsundsstad.

 August 2012 – December 2014:“Drop-In project: A method to guide the young person to a more positive student role”. A project funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Health and conducted in cooperation with Vennesla local authority and the National Services for Children and Young People with Disabilities – Active Youngsters. Will be published as a website on 2 December 2014: dropinmetoden.no

June 2008 – June 2010:"Cooperation for the holistic benefit of the child: Kindergarten children with special needs". The project was funded by the Norwegian Research Council and conducted by Agder Research and the University of Agder.

Scientific publications

  • Dalehefte, Inger Marie; Midtsundstad, Jorunn H. (2022). Aim and Scope of the Technical Report. A Systemic Approach to School Development - Technical Report on the Project School-In. ISBN: 978-3-8309-4502-4. Waxmann Verlag. Introduction. s 9 - 12.
  • Midtsundstad, Jorunn H. (2022). Focus Group Discussions - Teaching Staff. A Systemic Approach to School Development - Technical Report on the Project School-In. ISBN: 978-3-8309-4502-4. Waxmann Verlag. Chapter 8. s 107 - 115.
  • Sæbø, Grethe Ingebrigtsvold; Midtsundstad, Jorunn H. (2022). How can critical reflection be promoted in professional learning communities? Findings from an innovation research project in four schools. Improving Schools. ISSN: 1365-4802. doi:10.1177/13654802221082477.
  • Midtsundstad, Jorunn H.; Dalehefte, Inger Marie (2022). Reflections on Relevance and Quality in School-In. A Systemic Approach to School Development - Technical Report on the Project School-In. ISBN: 978-3-8309-4502-4. Waxmann Verlag. Chapter 11. s 169 - 184.
  • Midtsundstad, Jorunn H. (2022). The Intervention in the School-In Innovation. A Systemic Approach to School Development - Technical Report on the Project School-In. ISBN: 978-3-8309-4502-4. Waxmann Verlag. Chapter 3. s 33 - 55.
  • Midtsundstad, Jorunn H.; Dalehefte, Inger Marie; Hillen, Prof. Andrea Stefanie; Horrigmo, Kirsten Johansen; Sæbø, Grethe Ingebrigtsvold (2022). The Project School-In - an Overview. A Systemic Approach to School Development - Technical Report on the Project School-In. ISBN: 978-3-8309-4502-4. Waxmann Verlag. Chapter 2. s 13 - 32.
  • Midtsundstad, Jorunn H. (2020). Hvordan kan skoleeiere og PP-tjenesten samarbeide om inkludering. Spesialpedagogikk. ISSN: 0332-8457. (5). s 5 - 11.
  • Horrigmo, Kirsten Johansen; Midtsundstad, Jorunn Haugesten (2020). Schools' prerequisites for inclusion - the interplay between location, commuting, and social ties. International Journal of Inclusive Education. ISSN: 1360-3116. doi:10.1080/13603116.2020.1853257.
  • Dalehefte, Inger Marie; Midtsundstad, Jorunn H. (2019). Linking School’s Local Context to Instruction: An Important Characteristic of the In-Service Teacher Professionalisation in School-In. Supporting Teachers: Improving Instruction. Examples of Research-based Teacher Education. ISBN: 978-3-8309-4029-6. Waxmann Verlag. Chapter 5. s 77 - 88.
  • Sæbø, Grethe Ingebrigtsvold; Midtsundstad, Jorunn H. (2018). Teachers’ responsibility and expectations: Dependent on the school organisation?. Improving Schools. ISSN: 1365-4802. 21 (3). s 285 - 295. doi:10.1177/1365480218783796.
  • Midtsundstad, Jorunn H.; Langfeldt, Gjert (2018). The School Programme: A Key Link between Contextual Influence and School Development. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research. ISSN: 0031-3831. doi:10.1080/00313831.2018.1495261.
  • Langfeldt, Gjert; Midtsundstad, Jorunn H. (2017). Ansvarsstyring – didaktikens slutpunkt?. Allmändidaktik - vetenskap för lärare. ISBN: 978-91-44-11317-3. Studentlitteratur AB. Kapittel 6. s 127 - 144.
  • Midtsundstad, Jorunn H. (2017). Fra bekymring til forandring - å veilede i elevrollen ved hjelp av Drop-In metoden. Didaktisk praksis 5.-10.trinn. ISBN: 9788205500617. Gyldendal Akademisk. kapittel 6. s 103 - 118.
  • Midtsundstad, Jorunn H. (2017). Reformer og risiko – et nordisk grunnlag for skoleutvikling? :. Nordic Studies in Education. ISSN: 1891-5914. 37 (3/4). s 133 - 149. doi:10.18261/issn.1891-5949-2017-03-04-02.
  • Midtsundstad, Jorunn H. (2015). Bildung,at risk in school organisations?. Instrumentalism in Education - Where is Bildung left?. ISBN: 978-3-8309-3054-9. Waxmann Verlag. kapittel. s 29 - 43.
  • Willbergh, Ilmi; Midtsundstad, Jorunn H.; Aasebø, Turid Skarre (2015). Mellom danning og resultater? Undervisning i Sogn og Fjordane og Aust-Agder. Skolens kvalitet skapes lokalt: Presentasjon av funn fra forskningsprosjektet "Lærende regioner". ISBN: 978-82-450-1861-5. Fagbokforlaget. kapittel 10. s 217 - 234.
  • Aasebø, Turid Skarre; Midtsundstad, Jorunn H.; Willbergh, Ilmi (2015). Teaching in the age of accountability: Restrained by school culture?. Journal of Curriculum Studies. ISSN: 0022-0272. 49 (3). s 273 - 290. doi:10.1080/00220272.2015.1072249.
  • Cameron, David Lansing; Tveit, Anne Dorthe; Midtsundstad, Jorunn H.; Nilsen, Ann Christin Eklund; Jensen, Hanne Cecilie (2014). An examination of the role and responsibilities of kindergarten in multidisciplinary collaboration on behalf of children with severe disabilities. Journal of Research in Childhood Education. ISSN: 0256-8543. 28 (3). s 344 - 357. doi:10.1080/02568543.2014.912996.
  • Midtsundstad, Jorunn H. (2013). Perspektiver på inkludering i praksis - en analyse av FmB-metoden. Fritid med bistand: En metode for å støtte sosial inkludering. ISBN: 9788245010862. Fagbokforlaget. Artikkel. s 91 - 103.
  • Willbergh, Ilmi; Midtsundstad, Jorunn H. (2012). Et bidrag til profesjonell identitet for opplæringsansvarlige. Opplæring i arbeidslivet. En didaktisk innføring. ISBN: 9788245012682. Fagbokforlaget. 1. s 9 - 25.
  • Midtsundstad, Jorunn H. (2012). Organisasjonsdidaktikk. Opplæring i arbeidslivet. En didaktisk innføring. ISBN: 9788245012682. Fagbokforlaget. 2. s 26 - 45.
  • Midtsundstad, Jorunn H. (2012). Patient or participant? How professionals construct the child with special needs. When Education Meets the Care Paradigm. ISBN: 9783830926887. Waxmann Verlag. 7. s 93 - 112.
  • Midtsundstad, Jorunn H.; Hopmann, Stefan (2011). Didaktiske posisjoner i et nordisk perspektiv. Didaktikk i Norden. ISBN: 978-82-92712-38-2. Portal forlag. Artikkel. s 47 - 65.
  • Midtsundstad, Jorunn H.; Werler, Tobias Christoph (2011). Nordisk didaktikk - et spørsmål om perspektiv?. Didaktikk i Norden. ISBN: 978-82-92712-38-2. Portal forlag. Del I: Didaktikk i Norden. s 12 - 24.
  • Midtsundstad, Jorunn H. (2011). School Performance and Diversity. Heterogeneity. General Didactics Meets the Stranger. ISBN: 978-3-8309-2609-2. Waxmann Verlag. 3. Diversity. s 137 - 154.
  • Midtsundstad, Jorunn H. (2011). Skandinavisk skoleforståelse i møte med OECDs utdanningspolitikk. Didaktikk i Norden. ISBN: 978-82-92712-38-2. Portal forlag. Artikkel. s 113 - 135.
  • Midtsundstad, Jorunn (2010). Elevenes muligheter for kultuvering og kvalifisering. Didaktikk : nye teoretiske perspektiver på undervisning. ISBN: 978-82-02-32231-1. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. kapittel. s 132 - 146.
  • Midtsundstad, Jorunn (2010). Et bidrag til læreres kunnskapsgrunnlag. Didaktikk : nye teoretiske perspektiver på undervisning. ISBN: 978-82-02-32231-1. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. kapittel. s 238 - 247.
  • Midtsundstad, Jorunn; Willbergh, Ilmi (2010). Hva er didaktikk? Introduksjon. Didaktikk : nye teoretiske perspektiver på undervisning. ISBN: 978-82-02-32231-1. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. kapittel. s 10 - 18.
  • Midtsundstad, Jorunn (2010). Lærerutdanningens allmendidkaktikk. Didaktikk : nye teoretiske perspektiver på undervisning. ISBN: 978-82-02-32231-1. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. kapittel. s 181 - 198.
  • Midtsundstad, Jorunn (2006). Commincation in the school-home-conference, observed as a ritual. Hidden dimensions of education. Rhetoric, rituals and anthropology. Waxmann Verlag. s 125 - 133.
  • Midtsundstad, Jorunn (2003). Lek som arbeidsmåte i småskolen Play as a learning activity. ?. Vol. 23 (2). s 79 - 91.
  • Midtsundstad, Jorunn; Nielsen, Berith B. (1999). Mieux dialoguer avec les parents. ?. (54). s 34 - 35.
  • Midtsundstad, Jorunn (1997). Gudstjenesten som møteplass, -er barna viktige?. ?. s 3 - 6.
  • Dalehefte, Inger Marie; Midtsundstad, Jorunn H. (2022). A Systemic Approach to School Development - Technical Report on the Project School-In. ISBN: 978-3-8309-4502-4. Waxmann Verlag. s 189.
  • Lorentzen, Gro; Midtsundstad, Jorunn H. (2020). Frivillighet: nye former for frivillig arbeid i norske kommuner. ISBN: 9788245033991. Fagbokforlaget. s 164.
  • Midtsundstad, Anders; Pedersen Bergkvist, Tove; Midtsundstad, Jorunn H. (2020). Veiledning i rolle - for opplevd tilhørighet. ISBN: 978-82-450-3423-3. Fagbokforlaget. s 14.
  • Midtsundstad, Jorunn H. (2019). Lokal skoleutvikling. Sammenhengen mellom sted, roller og undervisning. ISBN: 978-82-450-2205-6. Fagbokforlaget. s 128.
  • Willbergh, Ilmi; Midtsundstad, Jorunn H.; Kristiansen, Aslaug; Langfeldt, Gjert; Skagen, Kaare (2012). Opplæring i arbeidslivet. En didaktisk innføring. ISBN: 9788245012682. Fagbokforlaget. s 124.
  • Midtsundstad, Jorunn H.; Werler, Tobias Christoph (2011). Didaktikk i Norden. ISBN: 978-82-92712-38-2. Portal forlag. s 186.
  • Midtsundstad, Jorunn Haugesten; Willbergh, Ilmi (2010). Didaktikk : nye teoretiske perspektiver på undervisning. ISBN: 978-82-02-32231-1. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. s 249.
  • Grythe, Jon; Midtsundstad, Jorunn (2002). Foreldresamarbeid i barnehagen Muligheter og begrensninger - idealer og realiteter. ISBN: 8276344119. Cappelen Damm Høyskoleforlaget. s 205.
  • Midtsundstad, Jorunn H. (2024). Samarbeid om inkluderende praksis for PPT, barnehager, skoler og aktivitetsskoler.
  • Midtsundstad, Jorunn H.; Horrigmo, Kirsten Johansen (2023). Hvordan forsterke broen mellom lokalt/regionalt næringsliv og skole?.
  • Midtsundstad, Jorunn H. (2023). Listermodellen, et samarbeid mellom ungdomsskoler og næringsliv..
  • Midtsundstad, Jorunn H. (2023). Samarbeid om inkluderende praksis for PPT, barnehager, skoler og aktivitetsskoler.
  • Midtsundstad, Jorunn H. (2023). Inkluderende fellesskap i barnehage og skole.
  • Midtsundstad, Jorunn H. (2023). Skolens funksjon og ytelse. Perspektiver basert på Niklas Luhmanns systemteori..
  • Midtsundstad, Jorunn H. (2023). Drop-In metoden i prosjektet: Følg meg hele veien hjem - sammen om habilitering.
  • Dalehefte, Inger Marie; Midtsundstad, Jorunn H. (2022). Å forske sammen. Erfaringer fra prosjektet School-In.

Last changed: 19.08.2022 09:08