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Kristin Severinsen Spieler

Associate Professor

Assistant Head of department & Associate Professor in pedagogy. Executive MBA.

E1213 ( Universitetsveien 25, Kristiansand )

Selected publications

Spieler, Kristin; Kovac, Velibor Bobo.
Individual, Technological, and Organizational Predictors of Knowledge Sharing in the Norwegian Context. International Journal of Management, Knowledge and Learning 2017 ;Volum 6.(1) s. 5-26  https://www.issbs.si/press/ISSN/2232-5697/6_5-26.pdf  

Olsen, Anne Karin Vikstøl; Spieler, Kristin; Kovac, Velibor Bobo (2018). The role of individual processes and learning environment in the prediction of grades in a sample of Norwegian students. Cogent Education 2018 ;Volum 5.(1) s. 1-16 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/2331186X.2018.1542954 


Scientific publications

  • Spieler, Kristin (2024). Navigating Autonomy, Competence, and Relatedness: Insights from Middle Managers in Norway. Administrative Sciences. ISSN: 2076-3387. 14 (5). doi:10.3390/admsci14050102.
  • Olsen, Anne Karin Vikstøl; Kjær, Ingirid Geirsdatter Heald; Spieler, Kristin Severinsen (2024). Predictors of Professional Identity among Early Childhood Teacher Students. Education Sciences. ISSN: 2227-7102. doi:10.3390/educsci14060589.
  • Spieler, Kristin Severinsen; Nome, Dag Øystein (2021). Når faglig skjønn møter rammeplan. Barnehagefolk. ISSN: 1500-6905. (4).
  • Nome, Dag Øystein; Olsen, Anne Karin Vikstøl; Skreland, Lisbeth Ljosdal; Spieler, Kristin Severinsen (2021). Prosjektarbeid i barnehagen - mellom bekvemmelighet og medvirkning. Nordisk tidsskrift for pedagogikk og kritikk. ISSN: 2387-5739. 7s 273 - 286. doi:10.23865/ntpk.v7.2615.
  • Olsen, Anne Karin Vikstøl; Spieler, Kristin; Kovac, Velibor Bobo (2018). The role of individual processes and learning environment in the prediction of grades in a sample of Norwegian students. Cogent Education. ISSN: 2331-186X. 5 (1). s 1 - 16. doi:10.1080/2331186X.2018.1542954.
  • Spieler, Kristin; Kovac, Velibor Bobo (2017). Individual, Technological, and Organizational Predictors of Knowledge Sharing in the Norwegian Context. International Journal of Management, Knowledge and Learning. ISSN: 2232-5107. 6 (1). s 5 - 26.
  • Kovac, Velibor Bobo; Olsen, Anne Karin Vikstøl; Spieler, Kristin (2017). Prediction of college grades in the sample of Norwegian students. Proceedings of the3rd International Conference on Higher Education Advances. ISBN: 978-84-9048-590-3. ITACA - Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain. Kapittel. s 399 - 404.
  • Nome, Dag Øystein; Spieler, Kristin Severinsen; Rønning, Grethe Steen (2021). Fra rammeplan til didaktisk praksis i barnehagen. ISBN: 9788202673437. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. s 149.
  • Engtrø, Randi; Olsen, Anne Karin Vikstøl; Spieler, Kristin Severinsen (2024). Internasjonalt samarbeid om urbefolkning.
  • Spieler, Kristin Severinsen; Olsen, Anne Karin Vikstøl; Kjær, Ingirid Geirsdatter Heald (2022). Professional Identity in Early Childhood Studies - the predictive value of influencing factors.
  • Olsen, Anne Karin Vikstøl; Spieler, Kristin; Kjær, Ingirid Geirsdatter Heald; Høigaard, Rune; Haugen, Tommy (2020). The Role of Learning Climate, Teacher Help and Support, and Academic Self-efficacy in the Prediction of Professional Identity.

Last changed: 28.03.2024 13:03