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Lene Cherize Haugland Sirevåg

Assistant Professor

Associate Professor Department of Education

Dr. Lene C. H Sirevåg has since 2019 been a staff member at the department of education, Faculty for the humanities and education as the University of Agder. Lene was in a phd reserach fellow position within the project Democratic Moblization (Demo), between 2019-2023, was the first phd candidate lonked to this project, to defend and finalise a phd study. The «Democratic Mobilization» (DEMO) project at the University of Agder is focusing on democracy’s role in pedagogy and education in order to get democracy back on the agenda.

Lene is now an associate professor at the department of education. 

JURE coordinator for SIG13, Moral and Democratic education, an interest group within European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Lene has through this position been part of arranging international academic conferences. 


Master Education, youth and child studies (2012) Kings College London University. London, United Kingdom. 

PhD  in Education, 2019-2023, University of Agder, Department of Education

PhD study: Playful citizenship: in between disturbances and productive ruptures. An ethnographic study exploring democratic living and children's citizenship in primary school. Link: AURA: Playful citizenship: Between disturbances and productive ruptures (unit.no)

Research interests

  • MORAL and DEMOCRATIC education
  • Cultivation and educational philosophy 
  • Educational theory
  • Pedagogy and teaching
  • Critical pedagogy and theory 
  • Ethnography and qualitative reserach 
  • Affect theory and rhythmanalysis 
  • Institutional theory 

Courses and teaching

Lene teaches in a wide range of different courses. Including Comparative educational studies, and Early Childhood education . She  is additionally course responsible for courses in pedagogy in Teacher education for bilingual teachers,  .


Work experience

Projects in Norway and internationally working with children's rights and childrens democratic participation in different parts of the welfare system, especially in respect of school and education. Both directly in contact with children and more systemic approaches. 

Teaching in higher education, University of Agder. 

Arrangement of national and interational conferences. Most recent: Academic conference: EARLI SIG13 Conference 2022

Academic interests

Childrens citizenship and democratic education 



Pedagogical institutions 

Philosophy of education 

Postcolonial theory toward childhood and pedagogy 


Democratic mobilization – Democracy on education’s agenda


PhD study: 

Playful citizenship: in between disturbances and productive ruptures. An ethnographic study exploring democratic living and children's citizenship in primary school. 

General outreach

Sirevåg, L.C. (2022). Listening to childrens voices is a demanding pedagogical practice (in Norwegian). Cronicle local newspaper "Fædrelandsvennen"

Sirevåg, L.C.(2022). Open days on the weekly schedule - space for childrens participation (in Norwegian). Cronicle Barnehage.no (Early childhood education journal).

Written together with two pedagogical leaders in nurseries in Norway. 

Sirevåg, L.C. (2021). Mum, why do we have homework? (in Norwegian). Cronicle local newspaper, Geita. 

Written from my perspective as a mother, but relevant toward my reserach interests. 

Scientific publications

  • Brandt, Lisa Annika; Sirevåg, Lene Cherize Haugland (2024). Rommet (og materialitetene?) som pedagogisk alliert - praksisnær undervisning i barnehagelærerutdanningen.
  • Sirevåg, Lene Cherize Haugland (2023). Childrens collective laughter - hopeful events for democratic living in a grade one classroom.
  • Sirevåg, Lene Cherize Haugland (2023). Demokrati, medvirkning og medborgerskap i skolen - hvordan forstå å jobbe med demokrati i praksis-.
  • Sirevåg, Lene Cherize Haugland (2022). Children’s Laughter in the primary classroom - a corporal event as part of a ´democracy to come ´.
  • Sirevåg, Lene Cherize Haugland; Menning, Soern Finn (2022). Children’s Laughter in the primary classroom - a corporal event as part of a ´democracy to come ´.

Last changed: 7.03.2024 11:03