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Liv Bente Hannevik Friestad

Associate Professor

Associate professor

9I274 ( Universitetsveien 19, Kristiansand )

Liv Bente H. Friestad is an Associated Professor at the School of Business and Law at the University of Agder, and she is study programme manager for the MSc programme in Business Administration and for Master in International Business. She has a Dr. Oecon in Management Control from the Norwegian School of Economics.

Friestad has researched the design and use of management control systems in elementary education, and the relationship between the design and use of management control systems and students' academic results. In a national research project, Learning Regions, Friestad led a subproject that studied reasons for why students’ performances differ. 

Friestad’s research has resulted in articles in Journal of Management Control and, Public Money and Management, as well as a textbook chapter.

At her previous employer, Agder Research, Friestad specialized on the design and use of comparative control data. She has also conducted several school structure analyses and assisted municipalities in Southern Norway with adjusting their school structures.

Friestad has taught several economics and management accounting/control courses  at the University of Agder, both in ordinary programmes and in continuing education programmes. She has also contributed to the continuing education programmet for school principals at the Norwegian School of Economics. 

Academic interests

Academic interests:

  • Management control systems, particularly in public administration adn organisations.
  • School structure


  • Management accounting/control
  • Budgeting and management control i public sector organisations



Do design and use of management control systems affect student performance. Delprosjekt i prosjektet Lærende regioner (https://www.hisf.no/nn/l%C3%A6rande-regionar), 2012-2014


Scientific publications

  • Friestad, Liv Bente Hannevik (2016). Management control systems and student performance in Norwegian primary education: an exploratory case study. Journal of Management Control. ISSN: 2191-4761. 27 (4). s 323 - 350. doi:10.1007/s00187-016-0233-6.
  • Friestad, Liv Bente Hannevik (2016). School output control and student performance in Norwegian primary schools — an exploratory study. Public Money & Management. ISSN: 0954-0962. 36 (2). s 137 - 144. doi:10.1080/09540962.2016.1118938.
  • Friestad, Liv Bente Hannevik (2015). Målstyring i grunnskolen - gjør det noen forskjell?. Skolens kvalitet skapes lokalt: Presentasjon av funn fra forskningsprosjektet "Lærende regioner". ISBN: 978-82-450-1861-5. Fagbokforlaget. Kapittel 7. s 161 - 176.
  • Friestad, Liv Bente Hannevik (2016). Schools organisation, school building design and student performance.
  • Friestad, Liv Bente Hannevik (2015). Styringssystemer og elevprestasjoner.
  • Friestad, Liv Bente Hannevik (2015). Påvirker ulike styringssystem elevenes skoleprestasjoner?.
  • Friestad, Liv Bente Hannevik (2015). Påvirker ulike styringssystem elevenes skoleprestasjoner?.
  • Friestad, Liv Bente Hannevik (2014). School output control and student performance - an exploratory study.

Last changed: 10.01.2024 13:01