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Maryann Jortveit

Associate Professor

E2320 ( Universitetsveien 25, Kristiansand )

Scientific publications

  • Jortveit, Maryann (2022). Collaboration between teachers and educational-psychological service counsellors. School Psychology International. ISSN: 0143-0343. doi:10.1177/01430343221127435.
  • Jortveit, Maryann; Kovac, Velibor Bobo (2021). Co-teaching that works; Special and General Educators’ Perspectives on Collaboration. Teaching Education. ISSN: 1047-6210. doi:10.1080/10476210.2021.1895105.
  • Kostøl, Elin Marie Frivold; Jortveit, Maryann (2021). Læreres perspektiver på en god sakkyndig vurdering og dens relevans for spesialundervisning. Spesialpedagogikk. ISSN: 0332-8457. 2s 51 - 63.
  • Jortveit, Maryann; Tveit, Anne Dorthe; Cameron, David Lansing; Lindqvist, Gunilla (2019). A comparative study of Norwegian and Swedish special educators’ beliefs and practices. European Journal of Special Needs Education. ISSN: 0885-6257. 35 (3). s 350 - 365. doi:10.1080/08856257.2019.1689716.
  • Cameron, David Lansing; Tveit, Anne Dorthe; Jortveit, Maryann; Lindqvist, Gunilla; Göransson, Katharina; Nilholm, Claes (2018). A comparative study of special educator preparation in Norway and Sweden. British Journal of Special Education (BJSE). ISSN: 0952-3383. 45 (3). s 256 - 276. doi:10.1111/1467-8578.12231.
  • Jortveit, Maryann (2018). Inkludering som rettighet, godhet og verdighet. Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift. ISSN: 0029-2052. (3). s 259 - 270. doi:10.18261/issn.1504-2987-2018-03-05.
  • Jortveit, Maryann; Haraldstad, Åse (2018). Når usikkerhet er utgangspunkt for samarbeid: Om samarbeid mellom minoritetsspråklige foreldre og barnehagen eller skolen. Å falle mellom to stoler. Samarbeid til barnets beste i barnehage og skole.. ISBN: 978-82-15-02944-3. Universitetsforlaget. 10. s 171 - 182.
  • Jortveit, Maryann (2017). Skolen i det flerkulturelle Norge. På vandring og på flukt. Migrasjon i historisk perspektiv. ISBN: 9788202574130. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. Artikkel. s 209 - 224.
  • Kovac, Velibor Bobo; Tveit, Anne Dorthe; Cameron, David Lansing; Jortveit, Maryann (2017). “Bridging old relations”: the (de)construction of ethnic identity in the educational context of Bosnia and Herzegovina from the teachers' point of view. Journal of Language, Identity & Education. ISSN: 1534-8458. 16 (1). s 32 - 44. doi:10.1080/15348458.2016.1260456.
  • Jortveit, Maryann (2015). Cultural transitions in Norwegian schools: The question and challenge of inclusion.. Transitions in the field of special education. Theoretical perspectives and implications for practice. ISBN: 978-3-8309-3117-1. Waxmann Verlag. 2. s 189 - 204.
  • Cameron, David Lansing; Jortveit, Maryann (2013). Do different routes to becoming a special educator produce different understandings of the profession and its core concepts?. European Journal of Special Needs Education. ISSN: 0885-6257. 29 (4). s 559 - 570. doi:10.1080/08856257.2014.933544.
  • Kovac, Velibor Bobo; Jortveit, Maryann (2011). The "Why, What, and How" of inclusion from the practitioner's point of view: inclusion of immigrant children in the Norwegian educational system. Power and Education. ISSN: 1757-7438. 3 (3). s 291 - 305. doi:10.2304/power.2011.3.3.289.
  • Jortveit, Maryann (2017). Inkludering av minoritetspråklige elever i skolen. ISBN: 9788283141184. Portal forlag. s 273.
  • Jortveit, Maryann; Haraldstad, Åse (2023). Hva skjuler seg bak studentenes drop-out intensjoner?.
  • Jortveit, Maryann (2023). Norwegian bilingual teacher education: Taylor made or not suited to addressing the needs of multilingual children in school?.
  • Jortveit, Maryann (2023). Students’ Drop-Out Intentions in Teacher Education.
  • Kostøl, Elin Marie Frivold; Jortveit, Maryann (2022). Teachers’ perspectives on a good expert assessment and its relevance to special needs education. Collaboration with Educational Psychological Service counsellors.
  • Jortveit, Maryann (2022). Inkludering i en flerkulturell skole.
  • Jortveit, Maryann (2022). Språklige minoriteter i skolen.
  • Wergeland, Birgitte; Jortveit, Maryann (2021). Foreldresamarbeid med Maryann Jortveit..
  • Jortveit, Maryann (2021). Minoritetsspråklige elever.

Last changed: 4.01.2019 12:01