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Monica Grini

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

  • Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Religion, Philosophy and History, University of Agder (current position)
  • Associate Professor II, Department of Language and Culture, UiT The Arctic University of Norway (current position)
  • Senior Lecturer, Media- and Documentation Studies, Department of Language and Culture, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, 2018–2022
  • Associate Professor, Art History, Department of Language and Culture, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, 2017–2018
  • Assistant Professor, Art History, Department of Language and Culture, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, 2016–2017
  • PhD Scholar, Department of Culture and Literature, University of Tromsø, 2010–2015 (included parental leave and full-time teaching equivalent to one year)
  • Head of Education and Public Programme, Tromsø Gallery of Contemporary Art, 2007–2010
  • Director (Interim), Tromsø Gallery of Contemporary Art, 2007–2008
  • Art Educator, Pilotgalleriet, Buskerud Art Centre, 2006–2007
  • Gallery Manager, Art Hall & Sculpture Park, Kistefos Museum, 2005
  • Art Educator, Art Hall & Sculpture Park, Kistefos Museum, 2003–2005

Courses and teaching

Teaching experience (selection)

Media and Documentation Studies MA: MDV-3050 Theory and Method for Media and Documentation Studies; MDV-3052 MA Practice Course; MDV-3055 Research Design; MDV-3950 Master Seminar Series; HIF-3112 Film as Method and Data.

Media and Documentation Studies BA: MDV-1001 Multimediality; MDV-1202 Teaching Centers and Document Institutions; MDV-1003 Media, Communication and Society; MDV-1005 Method for Media and Documentation Studies; MDV-2205 BA Practice Course; MDV-2035 Bachelor Thesis.

Art History PhD: KVI-8001 Visual Arts between History, Aesthetics and Practice

Art History MA: KVI-3110 Project Planning and Academic writing; KVI-3121 Art Theory; KVI-3122 Aesthetics and Art Historiography; KVI-3211 Arctic Motifs (web based); KVI-3220 In-depth Study Module; KVI-3900 Master Seminar Series.

Art History BA: KVI-0100 The Art of Looking: Introduction to Art History (web-based); KVI-1010 Period and Style; KVI-1110 Modernism in Norway; KVI-1014 Visual Analysis; KVI-1015 Theory and Method; KVI-1013 Art Historical Fieldwork: From Tromsø to Rome; KVI-1111 The Baroque: Period and Style; KVI-2016 Contemporary Art and Architecture in the Nordic Countries; KVI-2050 Bachelor Thesis; KVI-2516 Sami Art; KVI-2517 Indigenous Art.


Core-member of international research project The Art of Nordic Colonialism: Writing Transcultural Art HistoriesUniversity of Copenhagen, 2019–2023.

Workpackage leader, international reserach project The Governmateriality of Indigenous Religion(s), University of Bergen, 2020–2024, Ground-breaking research (FRIPRO), the Research Council of Norway 

Member of several interdiciplinery reserach groups

Scientific publications

  • Grini, Monica (2024). Sámi Art and Norwegian Art History. Nordic Art and Way of Life. Art World, Artists and Themes. ISBN: 9780300276275. Mercatorfonds. Part IV: Art, Identities and Public Places. s 156 - 167.
  • Grini, Monica (2023). Arresting Actors: A Sámi Drum and its Complex Relations. Konsthistorisk tidskrift. ISSN: 0023-3609. 92 (2). s 125 - 151. doi:10.1080/00233609.2023.2200763.
  • Grini, Monica (2023). Arte contemporânea Sámi na construção da história da arte Sámi: o trabalho de Geir Tore Holm, Outi Pieski e Lena Stenberg. HISTÓRIAS INDÍGENAS: ANTOLOGIA. ISBN: 978-65-5777-045-0. Museu de Art de São Paulo Assis Chateaubriand (MASP). Histórias indígenas.
  • Grini, Monica (2022). Kunsten å vende hjem: Lars Hættas miniatyrduodji. Kunst og kultur. ISSN: 0023-5415. 105 (2-3). s 158 - 171. doi:10.18261/kk.105.2.8.
  • Grini, Monica (2019). Sámi (re)presentation in a differentiating museumscape: Revisiting the art-culture system. Nordisk Museologi. ISSN: 1103-8152. 27 (3). s 169 - 185. doi:10.5617/nm.7740.
  • Grini, Monica (2019). Så fjernt det nære: Nasjonalmuseet og samisk kunst. Kunst og kultur. ISSN: 0023-5415. 102 (3). s 176 - 190. doi:10.18261/issn.1504-3029-2019-03-04.
  • Grini, Monica; Oskal, Nils (2018). Fra Karesjok, Tana-elv og Vadsøe Sogn i Sommerdragt: Resepsjonshistorikk og tolkningsmuligheter. DIN - Tidsskrift for religion og kultur. ISSN: 1501-9934. (2). s 88 - 99.
  • Grini, Monica (2017). Contemporary Sámi Art in the Making of Sámi Art History: The Work of Geir Tore Holm, Outi Pieski and Lena Stenberg. Sámi Art and Aesthetics: Contemporary Perspectives. ISBN: 978 87 7184 252 4. Aarhus Universitetsforlag. Negotiations. s 297 - 323.
  • Grini, Monica (2014). Historiographical Reflections on Sámi Art and the Paradigm of the National in Norwegian Art History. Sámi Stories: Art and Identity of an Arctic People. ISBN: 978-82-8104-238-4. Orkana Forlag. Historiographical Reflections. s 49 - 67.
  • Grini, Monica (2021). Samisk kunst og norsk kunsthistorie: delvise forbindelser. ISBN: 978-91-7635-039-3. Stockholm University Press. s 284.
  • Grini, Monica (2009). Decasia, Bill Morrison. Verdensteateret Cinematek.
  • Grini, Monica (2024). Hvem sin (kunst)historie? Samisk kunst og nasjonale fortellinger.
  • Grini, Monica; Oskal, Nils; Arkotong, Longkumer; Sikku, Katarina Pirak; Moranngam, Khaling (2024). Patterns of Repatriation.
  • Grini, Monica (2024). Kategorien 'indiansk' i Kongens kunstkammer.
  • Grini, Monica (2024). Om utskrivingen av det samiske i den nasjonale kunsthistorien.
  • Grini, Monica (2024). Kan vi snakke om samisk kunst? Panelsamtale i tilknytning til den kommende utstillingen "Urfolkshistorier".
  • Grini, Monica (2024). New Perspectives on Sámi History. The Work of Art and Artists.
  • Grini, Monica (2024). Hvem sin historie? Samisk kunst og nasjonale fortellinger.
  • Grini, Monica (2023). Lars Hættas miniatyr-bealljegoahti.

Last changed: 3.04.2023 11:04