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Morten Brekke


Excellent Teaching Practitioner

Office hours:
0800 - 1600

Educational background:

Cand. Scient in Theoretical Astrophysics.

Working experience:

1993 Teacher at Aftenskolen, teaching STEM course

1994 Teacher at Risør VGS, teaching STEM courses

2000-2002 Programme coordinator for STEM courses at Department of Engineering Sciences

2001-2008 Project leader for the e-learning programme parAbel

2008-2015 Programme coordinator for STEM courses at Department of Engineering Sciences

2014 Coordinator for 2 network in MatRIC, Digital Assessment and Video.

Since 1993 Assisstant professor at University of Agder (former AiD and HiA)

Academic interests

Academic interests

Main interests lie within the use of Computer aided assessment (CAA) in teaching. Use of CAA-tools for learning, testing and exams.

Tools in use are:

  • MyMathLab

Use of video in teaching (Flipped classroom) and the connection between CAA and video,

Current courses

Campus courses

MA-169 Mathematics 1 for electronics

MA-170 Mathematics 2 for electronics

MA-171 Statistics and ecomony for electronics- and computer science

Online courses

MA-013 Mathematics preCourse, half year course

MA-014 Mathematics preCourse, one year course

FYS013 Physics preCourse, half year course

FYS014 Physics preCourse, one year course




Centre for Research, Innovation and Coordination of Mathematics Teaching.

MatRIC is a learning community working for excellence in teaching mathematics in Norwegian universities and university colleges. MatRIC seeks the creation and dissemination of knowledge and experience that will guarantee world class learning opportunities in mathematics for Norwegian students.


Video network:

This network aims to connect university level mathematics teachers who are working on the production of video resources for teaching and learning mathematics (for streaming, tutorial support, flipped classroom approaches, blended learning and MOOCS).


Digital assessment network

The goal of this network is to connect university level mathematics teachers who are using, or thinking about using, computer aided assessment to support their students' learning.


Scientific publications

  • Brekke, Morten; Hogstad, Per Henrik (2010). New teaching methods - Using computer technology in physics, mathematics and computer science. International Journal for Digital Society (IJDS). ISSN: 2040-2570. 1 (1). s 8.
  • Brekke, Morten (2005). Innføring av teknologiske hjelpemidler (parAbel) for å bedre læring i realfag for den videregående skolen. Skriftserien. Høgskolen i Agder. faglig_bok_institusjon. s 107 - 118.
  • Brekke, Morten; Amaral, Carla Maria; Cravina, Jose (2024). Flexible learning and teaching: what, how, and does it work?.
  • Brekke, Morten (2024). Utdanningskvalitet: Undervisningskvalitet og læringsmiljø.
  • Brekke, Morten (2024). MatRIC “From birth to toddler to teenager to adulthood”.
  • Brekke, Morten (2024). SEFI MSIG The Mathematics Special Interest Group.
  • Brekke, Morten (2023). Staff development for high quality learning and teaching.
  • Brekke, Morten (2023). Hva har det å bli merittert underviser har betydd for meg personlig og for UiA.
  • Brekke, Morten (2023). Matematikk i ingeniørutdanningen – disiplin vs. program.
  • Brekke, Morten (2023). STACK design sprint project, failure rate down from 44% - 12%.

Last changed: 19.03.2020 09:03