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E1028B ( Universitetsveien 25, Kristiansand )


  • Professor of Ethics, University of Agder (2016–).
  • Associate Professor of Ethics, University of Agder (2011–2016).

Research Interests

  • Philosophy of nature 
  • Environmental ethics
  • Political philosophy
  • Moral philosophy
  • Applied ethics 
  • Social philosophy

Publications (Selected)


Ecological Democracy: Caring for the Earth in the Anthropocene. Routledge 2023 (the book can be read gratis: https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/oa-mono/10.4324/9781003305842/ecological-democracy-odin-lysaker).

Between Closeness and Evil: A Festschrift for Arne Johan Vetlesen (Lysaker ed.). Scandinavian Academic Press 2020.

Recognition and Freedom: Axel Honneth's Political Thought (Lysaker co-ed. with Jonas Jakobsen). Brill 2015.

Menneskeverdets politikk: Anerkjennelse av kroppslig krenkbarhet. Abstrakt forlag 2013.

Journal Articles

Planetary Ethics: Rereading Seyla Benhabib in Times of Climate Refugees. In: Jus Cogens: A Critical Journal of Philosophy of Law and Politics 5, 2023.

Oceanic Cosmopolitanism: The Complexity of Waiting for Future Climate Refugees. Journal of Global Ethics 3, 2022.

Sivil ulydighet i økokrisens tid: En økosentrisk tilnærming, i: Norsk filosofisk tidsskrift 3–4, 2022.

Økologisk demokrati og naturens iboende verdi: Klimasøksmål i miljøkrisens tidsalder, i: Etikk i praksis, nr. 2, ss. 41–58, 2019.

Book Chapters

Ecological Love: Reflections on Morality's Existential Preconditions. In: Odin Lysaker (ed.): Between Closeness and Evil: A Festschrift for Arne Johan Vetlesen. Scandinavian Academic Press 2020.


  • PhD in Philosophy, University of Oslo (2011). Arne Johan Vetlesen was my supervisor. My PhD thesis investigates Axel Honneth's recognition theory concerning human dignity and statelesssness within the discourse on international political theory and transnational migration. The thesis was published as a book (in Norwegian) titled The Politics of Dignity: Recognition of Bodily Injurability (Abstrakt Press 2013).
  • PhD Fellow, CULCOM (Cultural Complexity in the New Norway), University of Oslo (2006–2010), lead by Thomas Hylland Eriksen.
  • Associated PhD Fellow, The Ethics Program, University of Oslo (2006–2011).
  • MA in Philosophy, University of Oslo (2004), with Arne Johan Vetlesen as supervisor. The master thesis was published as the research paper Eksistensiell erfaring og moralsk handling (Norsk filosofisk tidsskrift 2005).
  • BA in Philosophy, including studies in sociology, political science, and history, University of Oslo (2001). 

Research Projects

  • Ecological Democracy: Caring for the Earth in the Anthropocene (2021–2023), funded by the Universituy of Agder and led by Odin Lysaker. The project resulted in, e.g., the publishing of the monograph Ecological Democracy: Caring for the Earth in the Anthropocene (Routledge 2023).
  • WAIT (Waiting for an Uncertain Future: The Temporalities of Irregular Migration (2017–2020), funded by the Research Council of Norway's SAMKUL program and led by Christine M. Jacobsen, University of Bergen.
  • Values in Conflict: Ethics in a Diverse Society (2017–2020), funded by the University of Agder and private foundation Fritt Ord, and led by Odin Lysaker and Terje Emil Fredwall, University of Agder. The project published the book Verdier i konflikt: Etikk i et mangfoldig samfunn (Cappelen Damm akademisk forlag 2020).
  • Reason and Affect in Divided Societies: The Nordic Case (2017–2018), funded by The Joint Committee for Nordic Research Councils in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NOS-HS ) and led by Lars Tønder, University of Copenhagen.
  • NECORE (Negotiating Values: Collective Identities and Resilience in Post-Terror Norway) (2013–2017), funded by the Research Council of Norway's SAMKUL program and lead by Henrik Syse, PRIO (Peace Research Institute Oslo).
  • CULCOM (Cultural Complexity in the New Norway) (2006–2010), a strategic and interdisciplinary research program funded by the University of Oslo and led by Thomas Hylland Eriksen.

Research Collaboration


  • Conflict and Reconciliation
  • Applied Ethics
  • Research Method and Theory of Science
  • Religion and Gender
  • Human Rights

Research Stays

  • Uppsala University, Department of Government, invited by Professor Sofia Näsström (2022).
  • Uppsala University, Department of Government, invited by Professor Sofia Näsström (2019).
  • University of Oxford, Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS), invited by Professor Bridget Anderson (2017).
  • Goethe University, Frankfurt, Institute of Philosophy and Research Centre Normative Orders, invited by Professors Axel Honneth and Rainer Forst (2016).
  • Humboldt University, Department of Philosophy, invited by Professor Rahel Jaeggi (2012).
  • Goethe University, Frankfurt, Institute of Philosophy and Department of Political Science, invited by Professors Axel Honneth and Rainer Forst (2008–2009).

Scientific publications

  • Lysaker, Odin (2023). Planetary Ethics: Rereading Seyla Benhabib in the Age of Climate Refugees. Jus Cogens. A Critical Journal of Philosophy of Law and Politics. ISSN: 2524-3977. 5s 171 - 194. doi:10.1007/s42439-022-00071-8.
  • Lysaker, Odin (2022). Oceanic cosmopolitanism: the complexity of waiting for future climate refugees. Journal of Global Ethics. ISSN: 1744-9626. doi:10.1080/17449626.2022.2105383.
  • Lysaker, Odin (2022). Sivil ulydighet i økokrisens tid: En økosentrisk tilnærming. Norsk Filosofisk tidsskrift. ISSN: 0029-1943. 57 (3-4). s 208 - 218. doi:10.18261/nft.57.3-4.10.
  • Lysaker, Odin (2021). Bodily Felt Integrity: The Anarchic Core of Communication in Jürgen Habermas’ Democratic Thought. Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory. ISSN: 1600-910X. 22 (3). s 277 - 298. doi:10.1080/1600910X.2021.2014629.
  • Lysaker, Odin (2021). Transnational Struggle for Recognition: Axel Honneth on the Embodied Dignity of Stateless Persons.. Migration, Recognition and Critical Theory. ISBN: 978-3-030-72731-4. Springer Nature. 4. s 91 - 115.
  • Lysaker, Odin (2020). Dignity in Natality: Hannah Arendt on Human Rights in Dark Times. Research and Human Rights. ISBN: 9788283900446. Novus Forlag. Kapittel 8. s 141 - 158.
  • Lysaker, Odin (2020). Ecological Love: Reflections on Morality's Existential Preconditions. Between Closeness and Evil. A Festschrift for Arne Johan Vetlesen. ISBN: 978-82-304-0268-9. Scandinavian Academic Press. Kapittel 3.
  • Lysaker, Odin (2020). Ecological Sensibility: Recovering Axel Honneth’s Philosophy of Nature in the Age of Climate Crisis. Critical Horizons. ISSN: 1440-9917. 21 (3). s 205 - 221. doi:10.1080/14409917.2020.1790751.
  • Lysaker, Odin (2020). Nowhere Home: The Waiting of Vulnerable Child Refugees. Vulnerability in Scandinavian Art and Culture. ISBN: 978-3-030-37382-5. Palgrave Macmillan. Kapittel 5. s 81 - 102.
  • Horst, Cindy; Lysaker, Odin (2019). Miracles in dark times: Hannah Arendt and refugees as ‘Vanguard’. Journal of Refugee Studies. ISSN: 0951-6328. 34 (1). s 67 - 84. doi:10.1093/jrs/fez057.
  • Lysaker, Odin (2019). Økologisk demokrati og naturens iboende verdi: Klimasøksmål i miljøkrisens tidsalder. Etikk i praksis. ISSN: 1890-3991. 13 (2). s 41 - 58. doi:10.5324/eip.v13i2.3302.
  • Lysaker, Odin (2018). Moralsk ytringsansvar i urolige tider. Norge etter 22. juli: Forhandlinger om verdier, identiteter og et motstandsdyktig samfunn. ISBN: 9788202591007. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. Kapittel 3. s 80 - 107.
  • Lysaker, Odin (2017). Institutional Agonism: Axel Honneth's Radical Democracy. Critical Horizons. ISSN: 1440-9917. 18 (1). s 33 - 51. doi:10.1080/14409917.2017.1275168.
  • Lysaker, Odin; Syse, Henrik (2016). The dignity in free speech : civility norms in post-terror societies. Nordic Journal of Human Rights. ISSN: 1891-8131. 34 (2). s 104 - 123. doi:10.1080/18918131.2016.1212691.
  • Lysaker, Odin (2015). Democratic Disagreement and Embodied Dignity: The Moral Grammar of Political Conflicts. Recognition and Freedom: Axel Honneth's Political Thought. ISBN: 9789004287334. Brill Academic Publishers. Kapittel 7. s 147 - 168.
  • Lysaker, Odin (2015). Humanity in Times of Crisis: Hannah Arendt's Political Existentialism. Philosophy of Justice. ISBN: 978-94-017-9174-8. Springer Science+Business Media B.V.. Kapittel 17. s 293 - 311.
  • Lysaker, Odin (2015). Å leve et menneskeverdig liv: Martha Nussbaums globale helseetikk. Etikk i praksis. ISSN: 1890-3991. (2). s 53 - 70. doi:10.5324/eip.v9i2.1871.
  • Syse, Henrik; Lysaker, Odin (2015). Å tolerere satire : ytringsfrihetens moralske ansvar. Sosiologi i dag. ISSN: 0332-6330. 45 (4). s 38 - 66.
  • Lysaker, Odin (2013). Hannah Arendt: Human politikk i krisetider. Politisk filosofi: Fra Platon til Hannah Arendt. ISBN: 978-82-530-3602-1. Pax Forlag. Kapittel 25. s 698 - 724.
  • Lysaker, Odin (2011). Anerkjennelse og menneskeverdets forankring: Henimot en transnasjonal anerkjennelsespolitikk. Etikk i praksis. ISSN: 1890-3991. 5 (2). s 101 - 122. doi:10.5324/eip.v5i2.1773.
  • Lysaker, Odin (2011). Anerkjennelse, læring og samfunnsetikk. Religion og livssyn : Tidsskrift for religionslærerforeningen i Norge. ISSN: 0802-8214. (2). s 65 - 66.
  • Lysaker, Odin (2011). Demokratisk anerkjennelseskamp: Axel Honneths radikale demokratiteori. Norsk Filosofisk tidsskrift. ISSN: 0029-1943. (2). s 98 - 116.
  • Lysaker, Odin (2010). Menneskelivets kroppslige ukrenkelighet: en minimumsmoral for kosmopolitisk rettferdighet. Rettferdighet. ISBN: 9788215015569. Universitetsforlaget. Kapittel. s 142 - 168.
  • Lysaker, Odin (2008). Sårbarhet og ukrenkelighet filosofisk-antropologisk innholdsbestemte menneskerettigheter. Nordisk tidsskrift for menneskerettigheter. ISSN: 1503-6480. 26 (3). s 244 - 258.
  • Aakvaag, Gunnar Colbjørnsen; Lysaker, Odin (2007). Habermas på norsk - på nytt. Habermas: Kritiske lesninger. ISBN: 9788253030500. Pax Forlag. Innledning. s 7 - 9.
  • Lysaker, Odin (2007). Mening og rettferdighet. Kritisk teoris opprinnelige innsikt. Habermas: Kritiske lesninger. ISBN: 9788253030500. Pax Forlag. 10. s 181 - 203.
  • Lysaker, Odin (2005). Eksistensiell erfaring og moralsk handling. Norsk Filosofisk tidsskrift. ISSN: 0029-1943. 40 (2). s 99 - 115.
  • Lysaker, Odin (2023). Det sårbare livet: Utvalgte essay av Martha C. Nussbaum. ISBN: 9788202755904. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. s 197.
  • Lysaker, Odin (2023). Ecological Democracy: Caring for the Earth in the Anthropocene. ISBN: 9781032305974. Routledge.
  • Kirkengen, Anna Luise; Lysaker, Odin (2020). Arne Johan Vetlesen's Contribution to a Think Tank Inquiry into the Premises of Post-dualist Humane Medicine.. ISBN: 978-82-304-0268-9. Spartacus Forlag AS/ Scandinavian Academic Press. s 10.
  • Lysaker, Odin (2020). Between Closeness and Evil. A Festschrift for Arne Johan Vetlesen. ISBN: 978-82-304-0268-9. Scandinavian Academic Press. s 468.
  • Lysaker, Odin; Fredwall, Terje Emil (2020). Verdier i konflikt: Etikk i et mangfoldig samfunn. ISBN: 9788202675295. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. s 228.
  • Lysaker, Odin (2016). Å bli seg selv gjennom andre: Axel Honneths politisk-etiske ytringsfrihet. ISBN: 9788283140705. Portal forlag. s 256.
  • Lysaker, Odin; Jakobsen, Jonas (2015). Recognition and Freedom: Axel Honneth's Political Thought. ISBN: 9789004287334. Brill Academic Publishers. s 286.
  • Lysaker, Odin (2013). Menneskeverdets politikk: Anerkjennelse av kroppslig krenkbarhet. ISBN: 978-82-7935-353-9. Abstrakt forlag. s 205.
  • Lysaker, Odin; Aakvaag, Colbjørnsen Gunnar (2007). Habermas: Kritiske lesninger. ISBN: 9788253030500. Pax Forlag. s 236.
  • Lysaker, Odin (2023). Grønt demokrati: En gyllen middelvei mellom liberalt demokrati og autoritært styresett.
  • Lysaker, Odin (2023). Natur- og klimakrisen som etisk problem: Kan filosofien hjelpe oss?.
  • Lysaker, Odin (2023). Økologisk demokrati: En gyllen middelvei mellom liberalt demokrati og autoritært styresett?.
  • Lysaker, Odin (2023). Kan demokratiet redde oss fra klimakrisen?.
  • Lysaker, Odin (2023). Samtale om økologisk demokrati.
  • Lysaker, Odin (2023). Økologisk kjærlighet.

Research portrait


Last changed: 19.01.2024 10:01