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Theis Theisen

Professor Emeritus

Theis Theisen is a professor of economics at the University of Agder (UiA), School of Business and Law in Norway. He received his education from the economics department at the University of Oslo, and has previously worked inter alia in the Norwegian Ministry of Finance and as a Director of Budget and Finance in Aust-Agder County. He has served on a committee appointed by the Norwegian Cabinet of Ministersto present an analysis of the prospects for the building and construction sector, and on several other central and local government committees and boards.

He has published scientific articles in journals such as Social Choice and Welfare, European Journal of Political Economy, Applied Economics, Journal of Socio-economics, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, International Real Estate Review., and Journal of Property Research. Moreover, book chapters authored by Professor Theisen have appear in books published by Routledge, Palgrave-McMillen and Springer. Some of his publications have appeared in Norwegian journals and books, and he has published a book (co-authored with Åge Johnsen) on the pricing of utilities and other local government services.  

Professor Theisen has served on the board of directors of several private companies and governmental organizations. Moreover, at the University of Agder he has held positions as chairman of the academic recruitment board, chairman of the economics and finance department, etc. For the time being he is chairman of the health economics research group and member of the real estate research group. He has also worked as a consultant on projects for the Lagos State Government (Nigeria), Norwegian municipalities, national organizations of the building and construction sector, etc. Moreover, Professor Theisen regularly gives interviews to local media, in particular on shopping centre development, competition in the retail business, and housing issues.

Research interests

Current research is mainly concentrated on:

- empirical housing economics

- urban economics

- empirical analyses of the allocation of long-term care

- empirical social choice.

Courses and teaching

  • Microeconomics
  • Macroeconomics
  • International economics
  • Public Economics
  • Public sector budgeting
  • Industrial organization
  • Health economics and health economics management
  • Labour economics
  • Elementary econometrics
  • Real estate economics
  • Supervision of master thesis

Work experience

Professor of economics, University of Agder since 2011.

Associate professor, University of Agder 1987‑2011.

Director of Budget and Finance, Aust‑Agder County 1984‑1987.

Assistant professor, Agder University College 1980‑1984.

Senior consultant/ consultant, The Norwegian Ministry of Finance (Secretariat of Long-Term Planning and Coordination), 1977‑1980.

Visiting Scholar, University of California, Santa Barbara (1998-99).

Visiting Scholar, Real Estate Center, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania (Spring 1993).

Visiting Scholar, University of Wisconsin‑Madison (1988-89).

Visiting Scholar, University of Bielefeld (Several brief visits 2001-2010).

Visiting Scholar, University of Osnabrück (Brief visits 2000 and 2002).

Researcher, Institute of Industrial Economics, Bergen 1976‑1977.

Trainee, Institut za ekonomska raziskovanje (research institute), Ljubljana, Slovenia 1974.

Assistant, The Norwegian Minestry of the Environment 1973‑1974, working on a national plan for the use of water resources.

Trainee, Maschinenfabrik Rieter AG , Winterthur, Switzerland, 1972.

Academic interests

Current research is mainly concentrated on empirical housing economics, urban economics, empirical analyses of the allocation of long-term care, and empirical social choice.



Professor Theisen is currently involved in three groups of research projects:

· Care for the needy: A large research project on the allocation of long term care services to individuals, and on municipalities allocation of resources to the different branches of the long-term care sector. This research is both theoretical and empirical.

· Real estate research: This covers a large set of subprojects, mainly related to housing. This research is to some extent theoretical, but mainly empirical.

· Empirical social choice


Research groups:

· Health Economics (Professor Theisen leader of the group)


· Real Estate: Economics and Law (Professor Theisen member=


Selected publications

“House prices and proximity to kindergarten – costs of distance and external effect? (With Anne Wenche Emblem). Journal of Property Research 38(4), 2018. DOI 10.1080/09599916.2018.1513057.

“Efficiency and justice in the market for cooperative dwellings” (With Silje Eretveit). International Real Estate Review, 19(3), (297-326), 2016.

“What Makes People Nursing Home Residents: Individual Need or Municipalities' Supply?  Chapter 11 in Gonzalo Caballero and Norman Schofield (Eds.), State, Institutions and  Democracy. Contributions of Political Economy (251-270): Springer 2016.

“State Dependence in Sequential Equity Judgements” (With Jochen Jungeilges). Social  Choice and Welfare, 37(1), (97-119), 2011. DOI: 10.1007/s00355-010-0482-5.

“Financial Arrangements, Housing Prices and Home Ownership,” (With Karl Robertsen).  Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 43(3), (371-392), 2011. DOI:  10.1007/s11146-009-9213-z.

“Multiple-Job-Holding in Tanzania,” in R. Kanbur and J. Svejnar (Eds.): Labor Markets and Economic Development, Chapter 9, (176-196), 2009. Routledge.

“A Comparative Study of Equity Judgements in Lithuania and Norway,” (With Jochen Jungeilges). The Journal of Socio-Economics, 37(3), (1090-1118), 2008.

“Tanzanian formal sector worker’s participation in informal production,” Applied Economics, 37(21), (2469-2485), 2005.

“Equity Judgements Elicited Through Experiments: An Econometric Examination,” (With Jochen Jungeilges). Chapter 10 in B. Agarwal and A. Vercelli (Eds.): Psychology, Rationality and Economic Behaviour: Challenging Standard Assumptions, (195-241). Palgrave Macmillen, New York 2005.

“Uncertainty and systematic bias in provision of social benefits by a public bureaucracy,” European Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 13(3), , (639-659), 1997.

General outreach

Professor Theisen gives regularly interviews to newspapers and regional radio/tv, in particular on issues relatred to shopping centres, housing and urban development.

He has for many years organized interviews by media in order to communicate results from master thesis to the public.


Scientific publications

  • Dahl, Jonas; Theisen, Theis (2020). Gir boplikt lavere boligpriser?. Tidsskrift for boligforskning. ISSN: 2535-5988. 3 (1). s 51 - 69. doi:10.18261/issn.2535-5988-2020-01-04.
  • Theisen, Theis; Emblem, Anne Wenche (2020). Har bomavgift innvirkning på boligpriser- og i så fall hvor mye? En empirisk studie av Kristiansand.. Transport i interaksjon mellom marked og offentlig regulering. Festskrift til Finn Jørgensen. ISBN: 978-82-450-3213-0. Fagbokforlaget. 14.
  • Theisen, Theis (2020). Municipalities' Decision to Care: At Home or in a Nursing Home. International Advances in Economic Research. ISSN: 1083-0898. 26 (4). s 327 - 342. doi:10.1007/s11294-020-09806-z.
  • Theisen, Theis; Emblem, Anne Wenche (2020). The Road to Higher Prices: Will Improved Road Standards Lead to Higher Housing Prices?. Journal of real estate finance and economics. ISSN: 0895-5638. doi:10.1007/s11146-020-09751-y.
  • Theisen, Theis (2020). The impact of an urban toll ring on housing prices. Research in Transportation Economics. ISSN: 0739-8859. 82doi:10.1016/j.retrec.2020.100882.
  • Theisen, Theis; Emblem, Anne Wenche (2018). House prices and proximity to kindergarten – costs of distance and external effects?. Journal of Property Research. ISSN: 0959-9916. 35 (4). s 321 - 343. doi:10.1080/09599916.2018.1513057.
  • Emblem, Anne Wenche; Theisen, Theis; Aamo, Bjørn Skogstad (2017). Regionale forskjeller i boligprisutviklingen - mulige årsaker. Samfunnsøkonomen. ISSN: 1890-5250. (6). s 14 - 25.
  • Eretveit, Silje; Theisen, Theis (2015). Efficiency and Justice in the Market for Cooperate Dwellings. International Real Estate Review. ISSN: 1029-6131. 19 (3). s 297 - 326.
  • Eretveit, Silje; Theisen, Theis (2016). Efficiency and Justice in the Market for Cooperative Dwellings. International Real Estate Review (IRER). ISSN: 2154-8919. 19 (3). s 297 - 326. doi:10.53383/100224.
  • Theisen, Theis (2016). What Makes People Nursing Home Residents: Individual Need or Municipalities Supply?. State, Institutions and Democracy. ISBN: 978-3-319-44582-3. Springer. 11. s 251 - 270.
  • Jungeilges, Jochen; Theisen, Theis (2011). State dependence in sequential equity judgements. Social Choice and Welfare. ISSN: 0176-1714. 37 (1). s 97 - 119. doi:10.1007/s00355-010-0482-5.
  • Robertsen, Karl; Theisen, Theis (2011). The Impact of Financial Arrangements and Institutional Form on Housing Prices. Journal of real estate finance and economics. ISSN: 0895-5638. 42 (3). s 371 - 392. doi:10.1007/s11146-009-9213-z.
  • Robertsen, Karl; Theisen, Theis (2010). Boligmarkedet i Kristiansand. Økonomi og tid : 18 essays i Pufendorf-tradisjon : festskrift til professor Arild Sæther på 70-årsdagen, 8. august 2010. ISBN: 978-82-450-1024-4. Fagbokforlaget. kapittel. s 243 - 260.
  • Theisen, Theis (2009). Multiple-job-holding in Tanzania. Labor Markets and Economic Development / Ravi Kanbur and Jan Svejnar (eds.). Routledge. s 176 - 196.
  • Jungeilges, Jochen; Theisen, Theis (2008). A comparative study of equity judgements in Lithuania and Norway. The Journal of Socio-Economics (JSE). ISSN: 1053-5357. 37 (3). s 1090 - 1118.
  • Jungeilges, J.; Theisen, Theis (2005). Equity Judgements Elicited through Experiments: An Econometric Examination. Psychology, Rationality and Economic Behaviour : Challenging Standard Assumptions. Macmillan Publishers Ltd.. s 195 - 241.
  • Theisen, Theis (2005). Tanzanian formal sector workers' participation in informal production. Applied Economics. ISSN: 0003-6846. 37 (21). s 2469 - 2485.
  • Fløde, Vidar; Theisen, Theis; Emblem, Anne Wenche (2020). Ny E18 ga prishopp på boliger i disse sørlandsbyene.
  • Reinertsen, Rune; Theisen, Theis; Emblem, Anne Wenche (2020). Høyere boligpriser innenfor bomringen.
  • Christophersen, Gunder; Theisen, Theis (2020). Boplikt i Lindesnes ute på høring: Høyere pris i strandsonen uten boplikt.
  • Theisen, Theis; Andreassen, Jon (2020). Voldsom økning i Arendal: Sjekk hvor mange bedrifter som gikk konkurs i fjor.
  • Theisen, Theis (2020). Boligpriser i tid og rom.
  • Theisen, Theis (2020). The impact of an urban toll ring on housing prices.

Last changed: 27.01.2020 13:01