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Theis Theisen

Professor emeritus


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

  • Dahl, Jonas; Theisen, Theis (2020). Gir boplikt lavere boligpriser?. Tidsskrift for boligforskning. ISSN: 2535-5988. 3 (1). s 51 - 69. doi:10.18261/issn.2535-5988-2020-01-04.
  • Theisen, Theis; Emblem, Anne Wenche (2020). Har bomavgift innvirkning på boligpriser- og i så fall hvor mye? En empirisk studie av Kristiansand.. Transport i interaksjon mellom marked og offentlig regulering. Festskrift til Finn Jørgensen. ISBN: 978-82-450-3213-0. Fagbokforlaget. 14.
  • Theisen, Theis (2020). Municipalities' Decision to Care: At Home or in a Nursing Home. International Advances in Economic Research. ISSN: 1083-0898. 26 (4). s 327 - 342. doi:10.1007/s11294-020-09806-z.
  • Theisen, Theis; Emblem, Anne Wenche (2020). The Road to Higher Prices: Will Improved Road Standards Lead to Higher Housing Prices?. Journal of real estate finance and economics. ISSN: 0895-5638. doi:10.1007/s11146-020-09751-y.
  • Theisen, Theis (2020). The impact of an urban toll ring on housing prices. Research in Transportation Economics. ISSN: 0739-8859. 82doi:10.1016/j.retrec.2020.100882.
  • Theisen, Theis; Emblem, Anne Wenche (2018). House prices and proximity to kindergarten – costs of distance and external effects?. Journal of Property Research. ISSN: 0959-9916. 35 (4). s 321 - 343. doi:10.1080/09599916.2018.1513057.
  • Emblem, Anne Wenche; Theisen, Theis; Aamo, Bjørn Skogstad (2017). Regionale forskjeller i boligprisutviklingen - mulige årsaker. Samfunnsøkonomen. ISSN: 1890-5250. (6). s 14 - 25.
  • Eretveit, Silje; Theisen, Theis (2015). Efficiency and Justice in the Market for Cooperate Dwellings. International Real Estate Review. ISSN: 1029-6131. 19 (3). s 297 - 326.
  • Eretveit, Silje; Theisen, Theis (2016). Efficiency and Justice in the Market for Cooperative Dwellings. International Real Estate Review (IRER). ISSN: 2154-8919. 19 (3). s 297 - 326. doi:10.53383/100224.
  • Theisen, Theis (2016). What Makes People Nursing Home Residents: Individual Need or Municipalities Supply?. State, Institutions and Democracy. ISBN: 978-3-319-44582-3. Springer. 11. s 251 - 270.
  • Jungeilges, Jochen; Theisen, Theis (2011). State dependence in sequential equity judgements. Social Choice and Welfare. ISSN: 0176-1714. 37 (1). s 97 - 119. doi:10.1007/s00355-010-0482-5.
  • Robertsen, Karl; Theisen, Theis (2011). The Impact of Financial Arrangements and Institutional Form on Housing Prices. Journal of real estate finance and economics. ISSN: 0895-5638. 42 (3). s 371 - 392. doi:10.1007/s11146-009-9213-z.
  • Robertsen, Karl; Theisen, Theis (2010). Boligmarkedet i Kristiansand. Økonomi og tid : 18 essays i Pufendorf-tradisjon : festskrift til professor Arild Sæther på 70-årsdagen, 8. august 2010. ISBN: 978-82-450-1024-4. Fagbokforlaget. kapittel. s 243 - 260.
  • Theisen, Theis (2009). Multiple-job-holding in Tanzania. Labor Markets and Economic Development / Ravi Kanbur and Jan Svejnar (eds.). Routledge. s 176 - 196.
  • Jungeilges, Jochen; Theisen, Theis (2008). A comparative study of equity judgements in Lithuania and Norway. The Journal of Socio-Economics (JSE). ISSN: 1053-5357. 37 (3). s 1090 - 1118.
  • Jungeilges, J.; Theisen, Theis (2005). Equity Judgements Elicited through Experiments: An Econometric Examination. Psychology, Rationality and Economic Behaviour : Challenging Standard Assumptions. Macmillan Publishers Ltd.. s 195 - 241.
  • Theisen, Theis (2005). Tanzanian formal sector workers' participation in informal production. Applied Economics. ISSN: 0003-6846. 37 (21). s 2469 - 2485.
  • Fløde, Vidar; Theisen, Theis; Emblem, Anne Wenche (2020). Ny E18 ga prishopp på boliger i disse sørlandsbyene.
  • Reinertsen, Rune; Theisen, Theis; Emblem, Anne Wenche (2020). Høyere boligpriser innenfor bomringen.
  • Christophersen, Gunder; Theisen, Theis (2020). Boplikt i Lindesnes ute på høring: Høyere pris i strandsonen uten boplikt.
  • Theisen, Theis; Andreassen, Jon (2020). Voldsom økning i Arendal: Sjekk hvor mange bedrifter som gikk konkurs i fjor.
  • Theisen, Theis (2020). Boligpriser i tid og rom.
  • Theisen, Theis (2020). The impact of an urban toll ring on housing prices.


Sist endret: 27.01.2020 13:01