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Tor-Inge Harbo


9I155 ( Universitetsveien 19, Kristiansand )

Tor-Inge Harbo has a PhD in political science from the Free University in Beriln and a PhD in law from the European University Institute, Florence.

He has held leading positions in the Norwegian public administration.

Harbo has published extensively on topics of European law and European integration, international law, constitutional law and legal theory. His latest book was "The Function of Proportionality Analysis in European Law" published with Brill

Research interests

EU-law, international law, constitutional law, legal theory

Academic interests

Harbo has published extensively on topics of European law and European integration, international law, constitutional law and legal theory. His latest book was "The Function of Proportionality Analysis in European Law" published with Brill


  • Law


  • European Integration and Transnational Governance


Scientific publications

  • Harbo, Tor-Inge (2023). Kan norske domstoler bruke "samme metode" som Den europeiske menneskerettighetsdomstolen?. Jussens venner. ISSN: 0022-6971. 58 (3). s 208 - 235.
  • Harbo, Tor-Inge (2021). Forholdsmessighet. Jussens venner. ISSN: 0022-6971. 56 (5). s 315 - 368.
  • Harbo, Tor-Inge (2021). Grunnlovens grenser for norsk maktbruk. Stortinget og den lange krigen, 1991 - 2021. ISBN: 9788205543362. Gyldendal Akademisk.
  • Harbo, Tor-Inge (2021). Hvordan kan Stortinget tolke folkeretten?. Stortinget og den lange krigen, 1991 - 2021. ISBN: 9788205543362. Gyldendal Akademisk.
  • Harbo, Tor-Inge (2020). Challenging the rule of political liberalism. Examples from Europe and the U.S.. European Journal of Comparative Law and Governance. ISSN: 2213-4506. 7 (3). s 231 - 296. doi:10.1163/22134514-bja10006.
  • Harbo, Tor-Inge (2020). Folkerettspragmatisme. Kritisk juss. ISSN: 0804-7375. 46 (3). s 222 - 235. doi:10.18261/issn.2387-4546-2020-03-0.
  • Harbo, Tor-Inge (2020). Spesialnummer av Kritisk juss - introduksjon. Kritisk juss. ISSN: 0804-7375. 46 (3). s 155 - 165. doi:10.18261/issn.2387-4546-2020-03-01.
  • Harbo, Tor-Inge (2018). Grunnlovens autonomi: om forholdet mellom nasjonale og internasjonale menneskerettigheter. Lov og Rett. ISSN: 0024-6980. 57 (9). s 537 - 557. doi:10.18261/issn.1504-3061-2018-09-03.
  • Harbo, Tor-Inge (2018). Grunnlovens grense for anvendelse av den norske forsvarsmakten. Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift. ISSN: 0800-336X. 35 (2). s 151 - 164. doi:10.18261/issn.1504-3053-2018-02-05.
  • Harbo, Tor-Inge (2017). The Criterion of “Consistent and Systematic Manner” in Free Movement Law. The Reach of Free Movement. ISBN: 978-94-6265-195-1. T.M.C. Asser Press. chapter. s 205 - 226.
  • Harbo, Tor-Inge (2015). Forholdsmessighet i kontekst – Forholdsmessighetsvurderinger i norsk forvaltnings- og forfatningsrett. Lov og Rett. ISSN: 0024-6980. 54 (9). s 513 - 535.
  • Harbo, Tor-Inge (2014). Domstolsmakt - Rettslig overprøving av det anskaffelsesfaglige skjønnet. Lov og Rett. ISSN: 0024-6980. (2). s 77 - 88.
  • Harbo, Tor-Inge (2014). Menneskerettighetenes ideologiske fangenskap. Gud i Grunnloven. ISBN: 9788293097143. Frekk forlag. Kapittel. s 137 - 154.
  • Harbo, Tor-Inge (2012). Legal integration through judicial dialogue. The Practice of International and National Courts and the (De-)Fragmentation of International Law. ISBN: 9781849462471. Hart Publishing Ltd. Kapittel 8. s 167 - 184.
  • Harbo, Tor-Inge (2012). Religionsfrihet i Europa etter storkammerets krusifiks dom. Lov og Rett. ISSN: 0024-6980. (5). s 272 - 284.
  • Harbo, Tor-Inge (2010). The Function of the Proportionality Principle in EU Law. European Law Journal. ISSN: 1351-5993. 16 (2). s 158 - 185. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0386.2009.00502.x.
  • Harbo, Tor-Inge (2009). The European Economic Area Agreement: A Case of Legal Pluralism?. Nordic Journal of International Law. ISSN: 0902-7351. 78 (2). s 201 - 223. doi:10.1163/157181009X431758.
  • Harbo, Tor-Inge (2007). Ejendomsrettens grense rådighetsinnskrenking, reelle hensyn og norsk Høyesteretts rolle. Retfærd. Nordisk Juridisk Tidsskrift. ISSN: 0105-1121. 30 (2 = 117). s 32 - 61.
  • Harbo, Tor-Inge (2007). The Function of a European Basic Law: a Question of Legitimacy. ConWeb. ISSN: 1756-7556. (2).
  • Harbo, Tor-Inge (2007). Legitimising a European Constitution. A Limited, Pluralistic and Efficient Democratic Model for the European Union. ISBN: 978-3-8329-2702-8. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft. s 290.
  • Harbo, Tor-Inge (2015). The Function of Proportionality Analysis in European Law. ISBN: 9789004277885. Brill Nijhoff. s 331.
  • Harbo, Tor-Inge (2023). «The EEA-Agreement: A Vehicle for Differentiated Integration.».
  • Harbo, Tor-Inge (2023). "Klage på NRKs dekning av Gasa-krigen".
  • Harbo, Tor-Inge (2023). Forfatningsreformen i Israel.
  • Harbo, Tor-Inge (2022). Intervju om de folkerettslige sider (krigsforbrytelser) av Ukraina-krigen.
  • Harbo, Tor-Inge (2022). "Om Putin, Russland og hvorfor situasjonen er blitt som den er i Ukraina nå".
  • Harbo, Tor-Inge (2022). «Rolling back the European Court of Human Rights » paper.

Last changed: 11.04.2023 15:04