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Trond-Ivar Lynghaug

Assistant Professor

Assistant professor

A2079 ( Jon Lilletuns vei 9, Grimstad )
Office hours:

Educational background:

Grade of “sivilingeniør” (equiv. M.Sc.), NTH, Trondheim, 1990

B.Eng. Electronic Communication, Salford University, England, 1990

Telematics engineering, AID, Grimstad, 1988


Academic position:

2016- : Assistant professor, Institute of ICT, University of Agder, Grimstad

Courses and teaching

Basic electronic circuits and components

Analogue Electronics

Power Electronics

Supervision of project courses in electronics

Work experience

2013-2016: Senior Engineer, Institute of ICT, University of Agder, Grimstad

1999-2013: Senior R&D Engineer, Laud Electronic Design AS, Larvik

1997-1999: Electronics engineering consultant, Lynghaug Electronic Design, Arendal

1996-1997: R&D Engineer, Ericsson AS, Arendal

1992-1996: R&D Engineer, Sandar Electronics AS, Sandefjord

1990-1992: R&D Engineer, Tandberg Cryptovision AS, Arendal

Academic interests

Academic interests:

Analogue Electronics

Broadband/High-speed analogue/digital circuits


PCB Design


Embedded Systems

Currently teaching or co-teaching the following courses at UiA:

ELE-216, Analog Elektronikk (Analogue Electronics)

ELE-100, Elektriske kretser (Electrical Circuits)

MAS-218, Elektriske kretser (Electrical Circuits)

ELE-212, Elektronikk Prosjekt (Electronics Project)


Participation in ongoing industrial projects and activities, for Laud Media AS (also one of the main shareholders):

  • R&D in Ultra High Definition (UHD) TV/Video for use in numerous applications.
  • R&D in HDCP (content protection) decoding and re-encoding for routing and distribution.
  • R&D in proprietary protocols with error handling for embedded products control and firmware upload.
  • Training and supervision of new R&D engineers in mentioned and related areas

A selection of my previous Research and Development activities:

For Lynghaug Electronic Design and Laud Electronic Design (from 1997):

  • Development of cost-optimized routing-switchers with distribution possibilities for broadcast quality analogue- and digital audio, as well as analogue- and serial digital video (SDI).
  • Development of firmware for microcontroller-based control-panels for the routing-switcher systems.
  • Development of ADC- and DAC solutions for broadcast quality video, with built-in Gen-locked framestore.
  • Development of modular video routing-switch systems with distribution possibilities for HD-SDI (SMPTE 292M) and 3GHD-SDI (SMPTE 424M) with bitrates of up to 3Gbit/s. Up to 256 inputs and 256 outputs.
  • Development of modular distribution system for HDMI video with Full-HD and 4K resolutions, for TV-stores and similar applications.

For Ericsson (1996-1997):

  • Development of analogue telephone-line interfaces for data modems.
  • Development of development-kit (DK) for microcontroller ASIC.

For Sandar Electronics (1992-1996):

  • Development of modular video routing-switch systems with distribution possibilities, for wideband analogue video in professional broadcast quality.
  • Development of modular signal-switch systems with distribution possibilities for digital signals of 2Mbit/s, 8Mbit/s, 34Mbit/s, 140Mbit/s og 155Mbit/s telecom rates.
  • Development of modular video routing-switch systems with distribution possibilities for serial digital video (SDI) according to ITU-R BT:656 and SMPTE 259M with bit-rates of up to 270Mbit/s.

For Tandberg Cryptovison (1990-1992):

  • Development of PAL analogue video modulator- and demodulator-solutions for pay-TV set-top-boxes.
  • Specification of digital filter and slicing solution for digtial data over analogue video-lines, for implementation in VLSI ASIC for new generation set-top-boxes.

Last changed: 24.01.2023 11:01