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Trond Randøy



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Trond Randøy is Professor of International Business and Finance at University of Agder in Kristiansand, Norway. Professor Randøy has a PhD from the Norwegian School of Economics and an MBA from the University of Oregon. 

He has authored more than 50 articles in journals such as; Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Business Venturing, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Journal of World Business, Journal of Business Ethics, and Journal of Banking and Finance.

Research interests

• Nordic corporate governance; the effect of boards and management incentives on value creation

• Governance and management of responsible financial institutions in developing and emerging economies

• Globalization of firms and industries; specifically, the interaction of globalization of product markets and financial markets

Courses and teaching

Corporate governance and boards; graduate and executive, and PhD

International management: undergraduate, graduate, and executive.

Business strategy: undergraduate, graduate, and executive.

Introduction to international business: undergraduate and graduate

Work experience

Universitet i Agder


Oregon State University

University of Hawaii

Academic interests

He has taugh a wide set of courses in Norway, and abroad (such as in Sweden, Finland, the US). He is currently the academic director for the executive MBA program at UiA.

Randøy is currently serving on three corporate boards, and has over the last 25 years been a co-founder of a number of university-affiliated firms in Norway (Høyskoleforlaget AS, MTI Investment AS), the US (Authors' Academic Press) and in Tanzania (MTI Investment, Ltd). He has also served on supervisory boards of European (European International Business Association) and Asian NGOs (Stromme Microfinance Asia).


Randøy’s research interest address Corporate Governance and International Business; specifically focusing on internationalization and entreprenurship in emerging economics.  Randøy has been leading several national and international research projects with both public and private funding.

Selected publications

Recent publications: 

Beisland, L., Djan, K.O., Mersland, R. & Randøy, T. (Forthcoming). Measuring Social Performance in Social

Enterprises: A Global Study of Microfinance Institutions. Journal of Business Ethics.


Hossain, S., Galbreath, J., Monzur Hasan, M. & Randøy, T. (forthcoming). Does competition enhance the

double-bottom-line performance of microfinance institutions. Journal of Banking and Finance. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbankfin.2020.105765

Alon, I., Mersland, R., Musteen, M. & Randøy, T. (2020). The research frontier on internationalization ofsocial enterprises. Editorial to special issue on Internationalizaton of Social Enterprises. Journal of World Business 55 (5).

Golesorkhi, S, Mersland, R., Piekkari, R., G Pishchulov, G & Randøy, T. (2019) The effect of language use on the financial performance of microfinance banks: Evidence from cross-border activities in 74 countries. Journal of World Business, 54 (3), 213-229.

Apriliyanti, I.D & Randøy, T. (2019) Between politics and business: Boardroom decision making in state‐owned Indonesian enterprises. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 27, pp.166–185.

Hooghiemstra, R., Hermes, N., Oxelheim, L., & Randøy, T. (2019). Strangers on the board: The impact of board internationalization on earnings management of Nordic firms. International Business Review, 28 (1), 119-134.

Golesorkhi, S., Mersland, R., Randøy, T & Shenkar O. (2019) The performance impact of informal and formal institutional differences in cross-border alliances: The case of the microfinance industry. International Business Review 28 (2019) 104–118.

Oxelheim, Lars Christer; Randøy, Trond; Hearn, Bruce. The Institutional Determinants of Private Equity Involvement in Business Groups - The Case of Africa. (2018) Journal of World Business 53: 118-133.

Campell, C., R. Chang, R. Doktor, J. DeLong, L. Oxelheim and T. Randøy (2016), "The Impact of CEO Long-term Compensation Incentives on Economic Growth in Collectivist versus Individualist Countries", in Asian Economic Papers 15 (2): 109-133.

Gregoric, A., Oxelheim, L., T. Randøy and S. Thomsen 2017, "Does the corporate elite block female appointments?" Journal of Business Ethics.  Vol. 141, No. 2, 03.2017, p. 267-287.

Scientific publications

  • Sommeno, Tigist Woldetsadik; Mersland, Roy; Randøy, Trond (2024). The impact of liability of foreignness on performance in hybrid organizations. Journal of International Management. ISSN: 1075-4253. 30 (2). s 1 - 22. doi:10.1016/j.intman.2024.101133.
  • Hossain, Shahadat; Galbreath, Jeremy; Hasan, Mostafa Monzur; Randøy, Trond (2023). All in the family? The impact of founder directors and family governance on microfinance institutions' social performance. Corporate governance. An International Review. ISSN: 0964-8410. doi:10.1111/corg.12528.
  • Apriliyanti, Indri Dwi; Dieleman, Marleen; Randøy, Trond (2023). Multiple-Principal Demands and CEO Compliance in Emerging Market State-Owned Enterprises. Journal of Management Studies. ISSN: 0022-2380. doi:10.1111/joms.12977.
  • Hearn, Bruce; Oxelheim, Lars; Randøy, Trond (2023). The impact of indigenous culture and business group affiliation on corporate governance of African firms. Corporate governance. An International Review. ISSN: 0964-8410. s 1 - 25. doi:10.1111/corg.12547.
  • Engstrøm, Pontus; Mori, Neema Geoffrey; Randøy, Trond; Terjesen, Siri (2022). An Academic Route to Transnational Entrepreneurship: A Scandinavian-Tanzanian Experience. Academic and Educational Entrepreneurship: Foundations in Theory and Lessons from Practice. ISBN: 9783031109515. Springer Nature. Chapter 18. s 237 - 257.
  • afzali, aaron; Martikainen, Minna; Oxelheim, Lars; Randøy, Trond (2022). On the role of internationalization of firm-level corporate governance: The case of audit committees. Corporate governance. An International Review. ISSN: 0964-8410. doi:10.1111/corg.12503.
  • Hearn, Bruce; Oxelheim, Lars; Randøy, Trond (2022). The influence of business groups on board composition in offshore financial multinational enterprises. International Business Review. ISSN: 0969-5931. doi:10.1016/j.ibusrev.2022.102084.
  • Bjorvatn, Torbjørn; Randøy, Trond (2023). The “costs of doing business abroad” in a cross-border context characterised by extreme political volatility. Review of International Business and Strategy. ISSN: 2059-6014. doi:10.1108/RIBS-03-2022-0032.
  • Oxelheim, Lars; Randøy, Trond (2021). Bidrag innen kundeverdi og marked. Bidrag innen kundeverdi og marked : Festskrift til Øyvind Helgesen. ISBN: 9788215055602. Universitetsforlaget. 8. s 159 - 175.
  • Oxelheim, Lars; Randøy, Trond (2021). THE GLOBAL LOGISTIC CHAIN UNDER SIEGE IN A POST-COVID ERA. Social Science Research Network (SSRN). ISSN: 1556-5068.
  • Hossain, Shahadat; Galbreath, Jeremy; Hasan, Mostafa Monzur; Randøy, Trond (2020). Does competition enhance the double-bottom-line performance of microfinance institutions?. Journal of Banking & Finance. ISSN: 0378-4266. 113s 1 - 17. doi:10.1016/j.jbankfin.2020.105765.
  • Beisland, Leif Atle; Ohene Djan, Kwame; Mersland, Roy; Randøy, Trond (2020). Measuring Social Performance in Social Enterprises: A Global Study of Microfinance Institutions. Journal of Business Ethics. ISSN: 0167-4544. doi:10.1007/s10551-019-04417-z.
  • Alon, Ilan; Mersland, Roy; Musteen, Martina; Randøy, Trond (2020). The Research Frontier on Internationalization of Social Enterprises. Journal of World Business. ISSN: 1090-9516. 55 (1). doi:10.1016/j.jwb.2020.101091.
  • Apriliyanti, Indri Dwi; Randøy, Trond (2019). Between politics and business: Boardroom decision making in state-owned Indonesian enterprises. Corporate governance. An International Review. ISSN: 0964-8410. s 1 - 20. doi:10.1111/corg.12270.
  • Randøy, Trond (2019). Good corporate governance of non-profit organizations. Voyages of a Scholar: Navigating Companies, Channels, and Clusters. ISBN: 978-82-450-3276-5. Fagbokforlaget. Chapter 3. s 45 - 55.
  • Hooghiemstra, Reggy; Hermes, Niels; Oxelheim, Lars; Randøy, Trond (2018). Strangers on the board: The impact of board internationalization on earnings management of Nordic firms. International Business Review. ISSN: 0969-5931. 28 (1). s 119 - 134. doi:10.1016/j.ibusrev.2018.08.007.
  • Golesorkhi, Sougand; Mersland, Roy; Piekkari, Rebecca; Pishchulov, Grigory; Randøy, Trond (2019). The effect of language use on the financial performance of microfinance banks: Evidence from cross-border activities in 74 countries. Journal of World Business. ISSN: 1090-9516. 54 (3). s 213 - 229. doi:10.1016/j.jwb.2019.03.002.
  • Golesorkhi, Sougand; Randøy, Trond; Mersland, Roy; Shenkar, Oded (2019). The performance impact of informal and formal institutional differences in cross-border alliances. International Business Review. ISSN: 0969-5931. 28 (1). s 104 - 118. doi:10.1016/j.ibusrev.2018.08.006.
  • Hearn, Bruce; Oxelheim, Lars; Randøy, Trond (2017). The institutional determinants of private equity involvement in business groups—The case of Africa. Journal of World Business. ISSN: 1090-9516. 53 (2). s 118 - 133. doi:10.1016/j.jwb.2016.02.002.
  • Campbell, Cynthia J.; Chang, Rosita P.; DeJong, Jack C.; Doktor, Robert; Oxelheim, Lars; Randøy, Trond (2017). National Economic Growth and CEO Incentive Compensation. The business & management review: Conference Proceedings. ISSN: 2047-2854. 8 (4). s 59.
  • Oxelheim, Lars Christer; Randøy, Trond; Campell, Cynthia; Doktor, Bob; Chang, Rosita; DeJong, Jr, Jack (2016). The impact of CEO long-term equity-based compensation incentives on economic growth in collectivist versus individualist countries. Asian Economic Papers. ISSN: 1535-3516. 15 (2). s 109 - 133. doi:10.1162/ASEP_a_00432.
  • Mori, Neema Geoffrey; Golesorkhi, Sougand; Randøy, Trond; Hermes, Niels (2015). Board Composition and Outreach Performance of Microfinance Institutions: Evidence from East Africa. Strategic Change. ISSN: 1086-1718. 24 (1). s 99 - 113. doi:10.1002/jsc.2000.
  • Gregorič, Aleksandra; Oxelheim, Lars Christer; Randøy, Trond; Thomsen, Steen (2015). Resistance to Change in the Corporate Elite: Female Directors’ Appointments onto Nordic Boards. Journal of Business Ethics. ISSN: 0167-4544. doi:10.1007/s10551-015-2703-4.
  • Randøy, Trond; Strøm, R. Øystein; Mersland, Roy (2013). The Impact of Entrepreneur-CEOs in Microfinance Institutions: A Global Survey. Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice. ISSN: 1042-2587. 39 (4). s 927 - 953. doi:10.1111/etap.12085.
  • Piekkari, Rebecca; Oxelheim, Lars Christer; Randøy, Trond (2015). The silent board: How language diversity may influence the work processes of corporate boards. Corporate governance. An International Review. ISSN: 0964-8410. 23 (1). s 25 - 41. doi:10.1111/corg.12085.
  • Beisland, Leif Atle; Mersland, Roy; Randøy, Trond (2015). Transparency and Disclosure in the Global Microfinance Industry. The Oxford Handbook of Economic and Institutional Transparency. ISBN: 978-0-19-991769-3. Oxford University Press. 21. s 434 - 455.
  • Munisi, Gibson Hosea; Hermes, Niels; Randøy, Trond (2013). Corporate boards and ownership structure: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa. International Business Review. ISSN: 0969-5931. 23 (4). s 785 - 796. doi:10.1016/j.ibusrev.2013.12.001.
  • Beisland, Leif Atle; Mersland, Roy; Randøy, Trond (2014). Microbank Regulation and Earnings Quality: A Global Survey. Microfinance Institutions: Financial and Social Performance. ISBN: 9781137399656. Palgrave Macmillan. 14. s 271 - 294.
  • Beisland, Leif Atle; Mersland, Roy; Randøy, Trond (2014). The association between microfinance rating scores and corporate governance: A global survey. International Review of Financial Analysis. ISSN: 1057-5219. 35 (5). s 268 - 280. doi:10.1016/j.irfa.2014.10.012.
  • Munisi, Gibson Hosea; Randøy, Trond (2013). Corporate governance and company performance across Sub-Saharan African countries. Journal of Economics and Business. ISSN: 0148-6195. 70s 93 - 110. doi:10.1016/j.jeconbus.2013.08.003.
  • Mori, Neema Geoffrey; Randøy, Trond; Golesorkhi, Sougand (2013). Determinants of Board Structure in Microfinance Institutions: Evidence from East Africa. Journal of Emerging Market Finance. ISSN: 0972-6527. 12 (3). s 323 - 365. doi:10.1177/0972652713512916.
  • Oxelheim, Lars Christer; Randøy, Trond (2013). Globalization of monitoring practices: The case of American influences on the dismissal risk of European CEOs. Journal of Economics and Business. ISSN: 0148-6195. 70s 3 - 15. doi:10.1016/j.jeconbus.2013.02.002.
  • Oxelheim, Lars; Gregoric, Aleksandra; Randøy, Trond; Thomsen, Steen (2013). On the internationalization of corporate boards: The case of Nordic firms. Journal of International Business Studies. ISSN: 0047-2506. 44 (3). s 173 - 194. doi:10.1057/jibs.2013.3.
  • Randøy, Trond (2013). Revisiting Harald Knudsens Journal of International Business Studies 19 74 Article: Explaining The National Propensity to Expropriate: An Ecological Approach. Management for Progress : Festschrift in honor of the manifold academician Professor Harald Knudsen, 70 years. ISBN: 978-82-7099-734-3. Novus Forlag. Chapter 13. s 235 - 240.
  • Edling, Christofer; Hobdari, Bersant; Randøy, Trond; Stafsudd, Anna; Thomsen, Steen (2012). Testing the “old Boys`Network”: Diversity and Board Interlocks in Scandinavia. The Small worlds of corporate governance. ISBN: 978-0-262-01727-5. MIT Press. Kapittel 6. s 183 - 202.
  • Oxelheim, Lars; Randøy, Trond; Stonehill, Arthur (2012). What can international finance add to international strategy?. Handbook of research on international strategic management. ISBN: 978-1-84720-193-5. Edward Elgar Publishing. 12. s 238 - 253.
  • Mersland, Roy; Randøy, Trond; Strøm, R. Øystein (2011). The impact of international influence on microbanks' performance: A global survey. International Business Review. ISSN: 0969-5931. 20 (2). s 163 - 176. doi:10.1016/j.ibusrev.2010.07.006.
  • Randøy, Trond; Dibrell, Clay; Craig, Justin B. (2009). Founding family leadership and industry profitability. Small Business Economics. ISSN: 0921-898X. 32 (4). s 397 - 407. doi:10.1007/s11187-008-9099-9.
  • Sinani, Evis; Stafsudd, Anna; Thomsen, Steen; Edling, Christofer; Randøy, Trond (2008). Corporate governance in Scandinavia: comparing networks and formal institutions. European Management Review. ISSN: 1740-4754. 5 (1). s 27 - 40.
  • Oxelheim, Lars; Randøy, Trond (2008). European Corporate Governance Guidelines and CEO Pay ¿ The Case of Norway and Sweden. Market and Compensation for Executives in Europe. Emerald. faglig_bok_forlag. s 183 - 200.
  • Campbell, Cynthia; Oxelheim, Lars; Randøy, Trond (2008). Executive Incentive Compensation and Economic Prosperity. Market and Compensation for Executives in Europe. Emerald. faglig_bok_forlag. s 79 - 96.
  • Jenssen, Jan Inge; Randøy, Trond (2006). The performance effect of innovation in shipping companies. Maritime Policy & Management. ISSN: 0308-8839. 33 (4). s 327 - 343.
  • Randøy, Trond; Oxelheim, Lars (2005). The Anglo-American financial influence on CEO compensation in non-Anglo-American firms. Journal of International Business Studies. ISSN: 0047-2506. 36 (4). s 470 - 489.
  • Randøy, Trond; Jenssen, Jan Inge (2004). Board independence and product market competition in swedish firms. Corporate governance. An International Review. ISSN: 0964-8410. 12 (3).
  • Randøy, Trond; Jenssen, Jan Inge; Down, Jonathan (2003). Corporate governance and board effectiveness in maritime firms. Maritime Economics & Logistics. ISSN: 1479-2931. 5 (1). s 1 - 15.
  • Randøy, Trond; Goel, Sanjay (2003). Ownership structure, founder leadership, and performance in norwegian smes: implications for financing entrepreneurial opportunities. Journal of Business Venturing. ISSN: 0883-9026. 18 (5). s 619 - 637.
  • Randøy, Trond; Oxelheim, Lars; Stonehill, Arthur (2003). The Eclectic paradigm and the recognition of finance-specific factors. The Eclectic paradigm of International Business. Edited by John Cantwell and Rajneesh Narula, Routledge, UK. Routledge. s 200 - 218.
  • Randøy, Trond; Oxelheim, Lars (2003). The Impact of Foreign Board Membership on Firm Value. ?. 27 (12). s 2369 - 2392.
  • Randøy, Trond; Nielsen, Jim (2002). Company Performance, Corporate Governance, and CEO Compensation in Norway and Sweden. Journal of Management and Governance. ISSN: 1385-3457. 6s 57 - 81.
  • Jenssen, Jan Inge; Randøy, Trond (2002). Factors that promote innovation in shipping companies. Maritime Policy & Management. ISSN: 0308-8839. 29 (2).
  • Randøy, Trond; Dibrell, Clay (2002). How Norwegian MNCs Commit Resources Abroad: Beyond Choice of Entry Mode. Management International Review (MIR). ISSN: 0025-181X. 41 (2).
  • Randøy, Trond; Koekebakker, Steen (2002). Verdiskapende eierstyring i norske børsnoterte selskaper. ?. (4). s 36 - 43.
  • Jenssen, Jan Inge; Mishra, Chandra; Randøy, Trond (2001). Family influence and corporate performance. Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting. ISSN: 0954-1314. 12 (3).
  • Randøy, Trond; Oxelheim, Lars; Stonehill, Arthur (2001). Global Financial Strategies and Corporate Competitiveness. European Management Journal. ISSN: 0263-2373. 19 (6). s 659 - 669.
  • Randøy, Trond (2001). Grunnlegger- og familieinnflytelse i Børsnoterte selskap. Beta. ISSN: 0801-3322. 15 (2). s 25 - 37.
  • Randøy, Trond (2001). Internationalization and Foreign Direct Investment in Shipping: A Study of Norwegian Firms. International Journal of Maritime Economics. ISSN: 1388-1973. 3s 298 - 317.
  • Randøy, Trond (2001). On the Treatment of Finance-Specific Factors Within the OLI Paradigm. International Business Review. ISSN: 0969-5931. 10 (4). s 381 - 398.
  • Randøy, Trond; Li, ukjent-for-m007123 (1998). Global resource flows and MNE network integration. Multinational corporate evolution and subsidiary development. MacMillian. s 9.
  • Strandenes, Siri Pettersen; Randøy, Trond (1997). The effect of public ownership and deregulation in the Scandinavian airline industry. Journal of Air Transport Management. ISSN: 0969-6997. 3 (4). s 211 - 215.
  • Randøy, Trond; Forsgren, Mats (1996). Foreign Direct Investment - a Theoretical Perspective. Nordic perspectives on International business research. Copenhagen Business School Press.
  • Holbek, Jonny; Kristiansen, Stein Oluf; Randøy, Trond (2013). Management for Progress : Festschrift in honor of the manifold academician Professor Harald Knudsen, 70 years. ISBN: 978-82-7099-734-3. Novus Forlag. s 303.
  • Oxelheim, Lars; Stonehill, Arthur; Vikkula, Kaisa; Randøy, Trond; Dullum, Kåre; Moden, Karl-Markus (1998). Corporate Strategies to internationalise the cost of capital. ISBN: 8716132718. Copenhagen Business School Press.
  • Sommeno, Tigist Woldetsadik; Mersland, Roy; Randøy, Trond (2023). The Impact of Liability of Foreignness on Performance in Hybrid Organizations..
  • Sommeno, Tigist Woldetsadik; Mersland, Roy; Randøy, Trond (2023). The Impact of International Debt on Efficiency of Microfinance Organizations.
  • Randøy, Trond; Apriliyanti, Indri Dwi; Dieleman, Marleen (2022). Multiple-principal demands and CEO compliance in emerging market state-owned enterprises.
  • Afzali, Haroon; Oxelheim, Lars; Randøy, Trond; Vieito, João Paulo (2022). The Impact of CEO-Employee Pay Ratios and Top Management Team Pay Gaps on Employee Productivity.

Last changed: 10.10.2023 11:10