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UiA and UDSM continue decades-long collaboration

The University of Agder and the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) in Tanzania renewed their commitment to collaboration in education and research by signing a Memorandum of Understanding.

Rector Sunniva Whittaker, Head of Internationalisation Lulutunu Kaaya, Head of Gender Studies Dr. Lulu Mahai, Ambassador Elisabeth Jacobsen, Vice Chancellor William Anangisye, Senior adviser Clare Jortveit and Public Relations Officer Isdory Jackson.
Rector Sunniva Whittaker, Head of Internationalisation Lulutunu Kaaya, Head of Gender Studies Dr. Lulu Mahai, Ambassador Elisabeth Jacobsen, Vice Chancellor William Anangisye, Senior adviser Clare Jortveit and Public Relations Officer Isdory Jackson.

UiA has collaborated with Tanzania’s oldest and largest university for over 20 years and currently has two externally funded projects. The Faculty of Social Sciences is partnered with UDSM and Makerere University in Uganda in the NORHED project GENDIG and the School of Business and Law collaborates with UDSM through a NORPART project with student and staff mobility on several levels. 

In addition to discussing particular challenges in Tanzania and UiA’s vision of co-creation, the delegation from UDSM met with the Teacher Education Unit and the Faculty of Health and Sport to discuss expanding collaboration. The delegation also met with PhD candidates and Master students from UDSM studying at UiA. 

The Memorandum of Understanding has been renewed for five more years and enables collaboration at all faculties and at all levels. Rector Sunniva Whittaker and Vice Chancellor William Anangisye welcomed the Norwegian Ambassador to Tanzania, Elisabeth Jacobsen, to discuss education initiatives between the two countries. 

Public affairs officer Isdory Jackson, PhD candidate Jonathan Mukiza Kansheba (Business), Master student Johari Twaha (Business), Dr. Lulu Mahai, PhD candidate Tumaini Kabudi (IS), Master student (Business) Jovinary Kajuna and Dr. Lulutunu Kaaya.