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Automatic Generation of Personalized Recommendations in eCoaching

This thesis focuses on the concept of eCoaching for real-time personalized lifestyle support using Information and Communication Technologies.

Ayan Chatterjee

PhD Candidate

Ayan Chatterjee will defend his PhD thesis Automatic Generation of Personalized Recommendations in eCoaching Monday September 4 2023. Chatterjee has followed the PhD Programme at Faculty of Engineering and Science, with spesialisation in ICT, scientific field of eHealth.

Summary of the thesis

This thesis focuses on the concept of eCoaching for real-time personalized lifestyle support using Information and Communication Technologies. The research aims to design, develop, and technically evaluate the performance of an intelligent eCoach prototype system for the automatic generation of personalized and evidence-based lifestyle recommendations. The proposed solution is particularly focused on a physical activity promotion use case. The prototype system uses wearable-medical grade activity sensors, followed by semantic representation of data and its processing with artificially intelligent algorithms for an automatic generation of meaningful, personalized and context-based lifestyle recommendations to reduce sedentary time. This thesis looks at theoretical foundations and practical implementations following the well-established Design Science Research Methodology.

More information about time and place for the doctoral defense.