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Oysters in Agder and Rogaland can help sick shellfish in Europe

While oysters face severe threats in the rest of Europe, healthy oysters in Southern Norway give hope for the future population. With this also comes a great responsibility, UiA researchers point out.

Photo of flat oysters
The Norwegian flat oysters are of great international interest. The image is from the researchers' field work in Agder and Rogaland. (Photo: Molly Reamon)

Written by: UiA/Institute of Marine Research

"We have visited around 400 locations from Karmøy in the west to Risør in the east and observed flat oysters in many places. Only in a few places do we find oysters in quantities that can be defined as an oyster bank – an area with more than five oysters per square meter," says Molly Reamon, a PhD research fellow at UiA, who has conducted field surveys together with researchers at UiA and the Institute of Marine Research.

Flat oysters, commonly known as oysters, are considered a delicacy and is a species that prefers warmer waters. It is typically found just below the tidal zone at depths of a few metres.

Oysters are currently confronted with numerous challenges. Their populations have greatly declined throughout Europe, and the species is classified as critically endangered. The main causes include overfishing employing destructive fishing methods, increased pollution, and mass mortalities due to disease outbreaks.

The parasite Bonamia alone has reduced flat oyster cultivation by around 90 per cent.

"Shellfish cannot be vaccinated. It is not possible to get rid of diseases once they have been introduced," says Ane Timenes Laugen, a professor of marine biology at UiA.

Bilde av forskere som dykker etter østers.

Image from the extensive mapping of flat oysters. UiA PhD research fellows Molly Reamon (left) and Johanna Bjånes Marcussen are excited about the discovery of healthy oysters.

Important to preserve healthy oysters in Norway and Sweden 

"In Norway and Sweden, there are still healthy and viable populations of flat oysters, and therefore we have a special responsibility to ensure that they continue to thrive," says Reamon.

Therefore, the Norwegian flat oysters are of great international interest. Healthy shells can be used to save populations elsewhere in Europe.

"There is an increased demand for healthy oysters including for the restoration of oyster banks," says Laugen.

Flat oysters, like other oyster species, can form large oyster banks which serve as important nursery areas for various species. Dead shells and hollow spaces within the oyster banks provide habitat for worms, crustaceans, and numerous species of small fish.

Watch the video about UiA's Centre for Coastal Research (CCR), of which the three researchers are a part.

Must be preserved through protected areas

Nevertheless, unregulated harvesting for the purpose of restoration and consumption can be very harmful to individual populations.

"Except for a small conservation area in Agder, no measures have been implemented to protect Norwegian flat oyster populations from potential threats," says PhD Research Fellow Johanna Bjånes Marcussen, who has also been involved in the research.

The only area in Norway where fishing is completely prohibited covers 0.5 square kilometres and is situated in Tvedestrand fjord in Agder. This area contains some flat oyster habitats. The preservation status of this area is at risk of being lifted by the end of the year.

"Since oysters are stationary, protecting specific areas can be a good alternative for ensuring important populations are not overexploited," says Marcussen.

From 2024, the only protected areas for wild flat oyster populations will be in Sørlandsleia and Kvastadkilen, also in Tvedestrand.

The researchers’ findings provide a solid foundation for identifying important areas with oyster populations across Agder and Rogaland. In addition, protection measures should be considered for some of these areas, they point out in the study.

"The few remaining flat oyster banks in Agder and Rogaland provide hope, but with this also comes a responsibility for further monitoring and conservation efforts," say the UiA researchers.

Read also the researchers' op-ed in Stavanger Aftenblad (in Norwegian). 

Source: Mortensen, Stein, Bøgwald, Mats, Strohmeier, Tore, Strand, Øivind (HI). Larsson, Sigmund B (UiB).  Laugen, Ane T, Reamon, Molly C, Marcussen, Johanna B (UiA). Kartlegging av østersbestander i Rogaland i 2021 og 2023 - innsamling av data som grunnlag for bestandsforvaltning. Rapport fra havforskningen 2023-55 ISSN: 1893-4536 (2023).