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One week
10 ECTS credits
Summer 2024

Are you interested in Mediterranean food? The original Mediterranean diet, the main foods and health are among the topics of this free-standing course. The course also provides practical sessions where you get the opportunity to cook.

We offer this course in collaboration with the local community at Lesvos and the University of the Aegean.

The course will promote collaboration, dialogue and mutual cultural exchange.

The target group

  • Students attending various bachelor's programmes at UiA
  • Food and health teachers in primary and lower secondary school or various study programmes in upper secondary school
  • Other occupational groups doing health promotion work
  • Refugees with school or health professional background
  • International students

Where and when?

The teaching takes place at Metochi, UiA’s study centre on the island of Lesvos in Greece. Here, the participants also live and eat in distinctive surroundings in a landscape characteristic of the island. The stay at Metochi is from Sunday 23 June til Sunday 30 June 2024.

What do you learn?

On successful completion of the course, you will be able to

  • describe the original Mediterranean diet
  • compare different diets in the Mediterranean countries today
  • understand the importance of the Mediterranean diet from a health perspective
  • describe the key ingredients of the Mediterranean diet
  • describe and reflect on the supply of locally produced food from a sustainability perspective
  • apply principles from the Mediterranean diet to the Norwegian diet
  • describe and compare the meal as a social arena in the Mediterranean countries and in Norway
  • plan, implement and evaluate practical lessons with a focus on Mediterranean food and sustainability

In short, topics to be covered are:

  • The main foods in Mediterranean countries
  •  Food from a sustainable and ethical perspective
  • Mediterranean diet and public health
  • Food and food culture in Mediterranean countries
  • The meal as a social arena

A detailed programme for the week will be sent to all participants.

There might be changes to the reading list.

See course plan

Admission requirements

Higher Education Entrance Qualification

Teaching and assessment methods

At Lesvos, the teaching is carried out as lectures, individual work, group work, practical assignments, field trips and field work.

Participants can choose between developing a digital presentation or writing a paper on Mediterranean food and sustainability. The exam can be conducted individually or in groups of 2-3 people, and it will be graded. Exam paper submission will be at the end of November. The exact submission date will be determined later. The thesis is submitted digitally to UiA. See the course description for examination requirements.

The language of instruction is Norwegian and/or English.

Practical information


There is no tuition fee, but participants must pay their own travel and accommodation costs.

You must book your own travel to and from Lesvos. The nearest airport is Mitilini International Airport (MJT). Further transport to Metochi is your own responsibility. However, we will contact the participants to try to coordinate transport from the airport. The same applies to the return journey.  View more information about travelling to Metochi.

Accommodation and meals at Metochi will cost approximately NOK 5.300,-.

Arrival and departure

Participants must arrive at Metochi by 23 June at 18:00.

Departure from Metochi is 30 June by 12:00.


Application period

The application deadline is 15 April. Rolling admission.

Stay at Metochi: from 23 June to 30 June.

Places available