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Margrethe Røed

Associate Professor

I1018 ( Universitetsveien 25, Kristiansand )
Office hours:
Hverdager fra 08:00-16:00

My main research focuses on teaching food and health in schools and sustainability related to teacher training and teaching in higher education. I teach primary school teacher students in food and health at both bachelor's and master's level. I also teach health communication on the Bachelor of Public Health.

Research interests

Food and health in schools (Home economics) and teacher education are now my research field. The topic is related to teaching in general and, more recently, sustainability teaching in particular at various levels in the education course.

I lead the Nordplus network FENN (Food Education Network North). The network will create a joint and coherent Nordic-Baltic education area centered on Food Education, enabling systematic and coordinated collaboration and development of Food Education based on the latest research and development activities. https://app.cristin.no/projects/show.jsf?id=2664800

I have also done research on young children and nutrition. In my PhD, I developed the website Mat til minsten. Read more about the project here: https://www.uia.no/om-uia/fakultet/fakultet-for-helse-og-idrettsvitenskap/mat-til-minsten.


Courses and teaching

I teach food and health (Home Economics) to student teachers at various levels in primary school teacher training. I am responsible for the subject Food and society for those taking food and health 2. I also teach the master's students in the subjects Food and Health in a health promoting perspective, Food and consumption in a sustainability perspective and Philosophy of Science and Method for the Researching Teacher in Food and Health, as well as to supervise master's theses.

I am subject coordinator for food and health.

I also teach health communication in the bachelor's degree in public health work.

Work experience

Has worked ten years as a general teacher in elementary school with special emphasis on food and health education (home economics). At the University in Agder i started my work in 2007.

Academic interests


Subject didactics in Food and health

Teaches food and health in primary school teacher training and guidance and pedagogy in public health worker training.

Food and food environment for children and families.


Member of  Priority Research Centre for Lifecourse Nutrition


Educational food at SFO

Green Backpack

FENN (Nordplus Network)

Food and health in the school of the future



PhD project: Food4todders


Selected publications


Scientific publications

  • Beinert, Cecilie; Røed, Margrethe; Vik, Frøydis Nordgård (2024). How effective is nutrition training for staff running after school programs in improving quality of food purchased and meal practices? A program evaluation. BMC Research Notes. ISSN: 1756-0500. 17 (1). s 136. doi:10.1186/s13104-024-06798-5.
  • Slyngenborg-Jensen, Monica; Ask, Anne Merete Selvik; Helland, Merete Hagen; Palojoki, Päivi; Sandvik, Camilla; Aadland, Eli Kristin; Røed, Margrethe (2024). Mat og helse på 1.-4.trinn, sett fra elever og skolelederes ståsted. En kvalitativ undersøkelse av prioritering og praksis på fire ulike skoler.. Mat og helse i skolen. ISSN: 1890-3193. 1 (2024). s 40 - 47.
  • Johnson, Brittany J; Hunter, Kylie E; Golley, Rebecca K; Chadwick, Paul; Barba, Angie; Aberoumand, Mason; Libesman, Sol; Askie, Lisa; Taylor, Rachael W; Robledo, Kristy P.; Mihrshahi, Seema; O'Connor, Denise A; Hayes, Alison J; Wolfenden, Luke; Wood, Charles T; Baur, Louise A; Rissel, Chris; Staub, Lukas P; Taki, Sarah; Smith, Wendy; Sue-See, Michelle; Marschner, Ian C; Espinoza, David; Thomson, Jessica L; Larsen, Junilla K; Verbestel, Vera; Stough, Cathleen Odar; Salvy, Sarah-Jeanne; O'Reilly, Sharleen Linette; Karssen, Levie T; Rasmussen, Finn E; Messito, Mary Jo; Gross, Rachel S; Bryant, Maria; Paul, Ian M; Wen, Li Ming; Hesketh, Kylie D; Acero, Carolina González; Campbell, Karen; Øverby, Nina Cecilie; Linares, Ana M; Wasser, Heather M; Joshipura, Kaumudi J; Palacios, Cristina; Maffeis, Claudio; Thompson, Amanda L; Ghaderi, Ata; Lakshman, Rajalakshmi; Banna, Jinan C; Oken, Emily; Rivera, Maribel Campos; Pérez-Expósito, Ana B; Taylor, Barry J; Savage, Jennifer S; Røed, Margrethe; Goran, Michael; de la Haye, Kayla; Anzman-Frasca, Stephanie; Seidler, Anna Lene (2022). Unpacking the behavioural components and delivery features of early childhood obesity prevention interventions in the TOPCHILD Collaboration: a systematic review and intervention coding protocol. BMJ Open. ISSN: 2044-6055. 12 (1). s 1 - 9. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-048165.
  • Røed, Margrethe; Medin, Anine Christine; Vik, Frøydis Nordgård; Hillesund, Elisabet Rudjord; Van Lippevelde, Wendy; Campbell, Karen; Øverby, Nina Cecilie (2021). Effect of a Parent-Focused eHealth Intervention on Children's Fruit, Vegetable, and Discretionary Food Intake (Food4toddlers) : Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research. ISSN: 1438-8871. 23 (2). doi:10.2196/18311.
  • Vik, Frøydis Nordgård; Grasaas, Erik; Polspoel, Maaike E. M.; Røed, Margrethe; Hillesund, Elisabet Rudjord; Øverby, Nina Cecilie (2021). Parental phone use during mealtimes with toddlers and the associations with feeding practices and shared family meals : a cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health. ISSN: 1471-2458. 21doi:10.1186/s12889-021-10757-1.
  • Hunter, Kylie E; Johnson, Brittany J; Askie, Lisa; Golley, Rebecca K; Baur, Louise A; Marschner, Ian C; Taylor, Rachael W; Wolfenden, Luke; Wood, Charles T; Mihrshahi, Seema; Hayes, Alison J; Rissel, Chris; Robledo, Kristy P.; O'Connor, Denise A; Espinoza, David; Staub, Lukas P; Chadwick, Paul; Taki, Sarah; Barba, Angie; Libesman, Sol; Aberoumand, Mason; Smith, Wendy A; Sue-See, Michelle; Hesketh, Kylie D; Thomson, Jessica L; Bryant, Maria; Paul, Ian M; Verbestel, Vera; Stough, Cathleen Odar; Wen, Li Ming; Larsen, Junilla K; O'Reilly, Sharleen Linette; Wasser, Heather M; Savage, Jennifer S; Ong, Ken K; Salvy, Sarah-Jeanne; Messito, Mary Jo; Gross, Rachel S; Karssen, Levie T; Rasmussen, Finn E; Campbell, Karen; Linares, Ana Maria; Øverby, Nina Cecilie; Palacios, Cristina; Joshipura, Kaumudi J; Acero, Carolina González; Lakshman, Rajalakshmi; Thompson, Amanda L; Maffeis, Claudio; Oken, Emily; Ghaderi, Ata; Rivera, Maribel Campos; Pérez-Expósito, Ana B; Banna, Jinan C; de la Haye, Kayla; Goran, Michael; Røed, Margrethe; Anzman-Frasca, Stephanie; Taylor, Barry J; Seidler, Anna Lene (2022). Transforming Obesity Prevention for CHILDren (TOPCHILD) Collaboration: protocol for a systematic review with individual participant data meta-analysis of behavioural interventions for the prevention of early childhood obesity. BMJ Open. ISSN: 2044-6055. 12 (1). s 1 - 11. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-048166.
  • Øverby, Nina Cecilie; Hillesund, Elisabet Rudjord; Røed, Margrethe; Vik, Frøydis Nordgård (2020). Association between parental feeding practices and shared family meals. The Food4toddlers study. Food & Nutrition Research (FNR). ISSN: 1654-6628. 64doi:10.29219/fnr.v64.4456.
  • Røed, Margrethe; Vik, Frøydis Nordgård; Hillesund, Elisabet Rudjord; Van Lippevelde, Wendy; Øverby, Nina Cecilie (2020). Associations between parental food choice motives, health-promoting feeding practices, and infants’ fruit and vegetable intakes : the Food4toddlers study. Food & Nutrition Research (FNR). ISSN: 1654-6628. 64doi:10.29219/fnr.v64.3730.
  • Røed, Margrethe; Vik, Frøydis Nordgård; Hillesund, Elisabet Rudjord; Van Lippevelde, Wendy; Medin, Anine Christine; Øverby, Nina Cecilie (2020). Process Evaluation of an eHealth Intervention (Food4toddlers) to Improve Toddlers' Diet: Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Human Factors. ISSN: 2292-9495. 7 (3). doi:10.2196/18171.
  • Røed, Margrethe; Hillesund, Elisabet Rudjord; Vik, Frøydis Nordgård; Van Lippevelde, Wendy; Øverby, Nina Cecilie (2019). The Food4toddlers study-study protocol for a web-based intervention to promote healthy diets for toddlers: a randomized controlled trial. BMC Public Health. ISSN: 1471-2458. 19 (563). doi:10.1186/s12889-019-6915-x.
  • Ask, Anne Merete Selvik; Aarek, Ingebjørg; Røed, Margrethe (2018). Environmental influence on learning: Reflections on an experience from further education in pedagogic entrepreneurship. Journal of the International Society for Teacher Education. ISSN: 1029-5968. 22 (2). s 6 - 14.
  • Ask, Anne Merete Selvik; Aarek, Ingebjørg; Røed, Margrethe; Omholt, Mona Linge (2017). Blended education in Food and Health (Home Economics): Do we need campus?. Journal of the International Society for Teacher Education. ISSN: 1029-5968. 21 (1). s 24 - 33.
  • Ruge, Dorte; Vik, Frøydis Nordgård; Johannsen, Heather Dawn; Zdeněk, Janík; Kostanjevec, stojan; Reissmannova, Jitka; Graf, Stefan Ting; Røed, Margrethe; Gaarsmand, Solveig; Thedchanamoorthy, Thujetha; Lauridsen, Anja Rousing; Beinert, Cecilie (2024). Sustainable Competences in Higher Education -Design Based Research Development of New ESD Curriculum.
  • Vik, Frøydis Nordgård; Bjornes, Camilla; Røed, Margrethe (2024). Sustainable Diets.
  • Wehus, Walter Norman; Guttormsen, Vigdis; Røed, Margrethe (2024). Let lærarar ta mat og helse på deltid.
  • Røed, Margrethe (2024). Elevbedrift fikk oppdrag fra UiA.
  • Røed, Margrethe; Guttormsen, Vigdis; Omholt, Mona Linge (2023). Får du energi av å drikke vann?.
  • Guttormsen, Vigdis; Røed, Margrethe (2023). Får du energi av å drikke vann?.
  • Guttormsen, Vigdis; Røed, Margrethe (2023). "Er det energi i vann?".

Research portrait

In social media

Last changed: 4.03.2024 11:03